Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @rins72: @tororojo: @MrsScottish: We try to follow a mostly paleo diet at home, so we don't really keep carbs on hand. I've definitely been sneaking them back into the house recently, especially bagels and crackers. I haven't had waffles in forever, but we were out of town with friends this weekend and had a pancake breakfast... heaven!

    @MrsScottish: @katieleigh_82: I think Walmart carries that brand, at least in my area. Their granola is pretty tasty, too!

    @MrsScottish: That's not a bad price at all for an ultrasound. I have a $30 copay each time I go, and I definitely don't get to watch for 20 minutes or get a DVD. That sounds so fun! How far along will you be at that point?

    @katieleigh_82: This is a good, safe place to vent! Sorry you're feeling so frustrated!

  2. rins72

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    I had my first appointment today! We loved the doctor, which is always a relief! Even though I'm just shy of 7 weeks, we saw peanut and heard the heartbeat via abdominal ultrasound! Peanut is measuring at 6w4d right now and the heartbeat was 134. We were so, so relieved to see that everything is right on track!

  3. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @thisisme: I will be 10 weeks ! We will use them to help announce over Easter weekend.

  4. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @rins72: that great!

  5. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @thisisme: thanks I'll check Walmart tomorrow!

    @rins72: so happy you liked the Dr and that things are going so well. Yay for heartbeat!

  6. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Katieleigh_82 Ugh that is kind of like the big fight I had with my parents last weekend. They travel a lot and it's nearly impossible to see them and then my Dad acts like a jerk and I want to just let him find out on Facebook like everybody else. Also....I seem to have a total aversion to my parents, like seeing them makes me nauseated and when we skyped with them last weekend, I had to go throw up because I got so sick. I think maybe it's stress?

    Speaking of stress, I got rear ended today. I'm fine, and my OB said to come in if I wanted to but that I was probably okay, so I opted not to. I have a lot of soreness in my neck and shoulders but am generally okay, it was just scary and emotionally draining and then I worked really late because it's the end of the quarter and grant reports are due and then I watched the finale of How I Met Your Mother and that was also exhausting.

    For all I care, March can let the door hit it in the ass on the way out.

  7. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: omg!!!! That is so scary, glad you and baby are ok, hope the whiplash goes away quickly. I fell down the stairs the other day because the dog stepped on the back of my pajama pants. Luckily I was about halfway down the stairs when it happened and I landed on my butt and kind of slid down, I didn't tumble. It was still scary nonetheless. It sounds line your parents are definitely causing you a lot of stress if even seeing them is causing you to be physically ill. I'm sorry things are so rough between you guys it's not easy that's for sure. My dad is not on Facebook so once we made it "facebook official" works in the family would likey call to talk about the big news and he would be clueless. I'm going to call him tomorrow and give him one more chance to get together with us this week and if I get excuses or anything I'll just tell him on the phone and be done with it.

  8. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @MrsScottish: I'm $45 poorer thanks to your GAP promo. But I got 3 cute maternity tops and a romper for DD! I will need some summer items because most of my maternity stuff is fall, so totally justifiable!

  9. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @tororojo: he he!! Your welcome!!

  10. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @rins72: Glad the appointment went so well for you.
    @katieleigh_82: Sorry you're having a tough time with your dad, I hope you get to tell him in person and it works out how you want.
    @Ms.Mermaid Thats awful, poor you! Hope you are feeling better today.
    @THISISME totally feeling you on the carb thing! I usually eat pretty low carb but the nausea is killing me and all I can seem to get some relief from is carbs carbs carbs!!
    @MrsScottish Congrats on the new purchase, lots of lovely memories to come from it I'm sure!

    I have my first appointment tonight, I am VERY excited/scared/nervous. I have no idea what to expect. I am really hoping that I have a good experience at this hospital - there is a lot riding on it!

    Good luck to the others mamas with appointments today, keep us up to date with your news.

    L x

  11. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    Good luck to all the ladies with appointments today!!!

    I am 8 weeks today...seems surreal to be 2/3 of the way through Tri 1! 12 days until I can tell my entire immediate family all at once, and it CANNOT come soon enough! Hope you're in there growing like a champ, LO!

    Anyone else peeing all.the.time?!?! My bladder is apparently super tiny these days!

  12. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: me me!! It is a good night if I only get up 2 times, and that is between 10 and 6. The most I can make it during the day is 2 hours and that is if I cut back on fluids, as I almost always have a water bottle beside me! I have been up since 7 and have drank 2/3 of one already..... So thirsty!!

  13. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @MrsScottish sounds like you have a fun summer in front of you with your new purchase!

    @katieleigh_82: I'm sorry to hear your dad is being difficult to get in touch with. I hope you're able to tell him in person!

    @Ms.Mermaid Parents can be so stressful! But I'm sorry it is making you physically ill.

    @rins72: happy to hear your appointment went well!

    @THISISME mmm carbs! I've been doing low carb for years, but now just going with it, since it's all I feel like eating.

    @Lolo: fingers crossed your appointment goes well!

    @ChiCalGoBee: yay for telling in only 12 more days! Are you doing anything special to reveal your pregnancy?

  14. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    I'll have to catch up tonight. So much activity on the board-which is great!

    I had my appointment today. Baby was perfect with a heartrate of 175 bpm. Same as my first LO at her first appt- how ironic. They did find a SCH but I have not had any bleeding. She told me if I do have any bleeding not to freak out- easier said than done. I did have a SCH with my 1st LO that bled from 6w-12 weeks so it's nothing new. Just happy to have seen a perfect little bub!

  15. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @MARIEJ glad your appointment went well today- I'm sorry but I don't know what a SCH is? Hope you are ok?

    My appointment didn't start well (I waited well over 2 hours while holding in a wee!) but all that was forgotten when we got to see our perfect little jellybean on screen & hear the 'perfect' heartbeat (this is what the doctor said!). I liked the hospital & the doctor very much although the appointment system seems like chaos. By the time I finally seen the doctor the lab was closed & I couldn't get blood or urine tests, they have asked me to go back first thing tomorrow. Also, She is fully booked around the time we will get our 12week scan so I've to go & wait between 4-8pm not ideal! Overall though I'm just ecstatic that everything is well.

  16. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Lolo: Thanks! It's a sub chorionic hemorrhage. So I may have bleeding episodes until it dissolves, but thank goodness I haven't had any! Hopefully, I won't have any! Glad you saw the baby! I know you're happy! Sorry it didn't start well, but swing the baby made it perfect I'm sure!

  17. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Lolo: Doctors schedules are sooo frustrating! I hope the wait is always worth it though! Glad you've found a doctor/hospital that makes you comfortable so far away from home. Do most people speak English there? (Dubai? I can't remember...)

    @ChiCalGoBee: Oh, yes! I think I got up 4 times last night. It's a vicious cycle of waking up parched and dying of thirst, so I drink a ton of water to quench it, then I wake up an hour later to pee it out. Of course, I'm thirsty again at the same time...

    @Ms.Mermaid: What a day! I hope today was better for you!

  18. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    All went well at my appointment today! The babe is a shy one - it took us a while to find him/her and catch a photo! But there was a solid little heartbeat on the screen, and we're all set until my 12 week check up on ***April 28! My doc says the chance of miscarriage goes down to 5% after seeing the heartbeat, which is obviously comforting. I opted out of the NT screen last time, but we're going to go ahead this time at the next appointment.

    @Ms.Mermaid: How scary! I'm glad to hear you're alright!

    @rins72: @MarieJ: @Lolo: I'm so glad that your appointments went well! Keep growing, little ones!

  19. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @MARIEJ oh that’s rough! Glad you haven't had any so far and I guess it was detected in advance. Fingers crossed for no bleeding!
    @THISISME We are in Qatar and we are lucky that most people her speak good English. The Doctor and nurse last night both spoke perfect English and were very nurturing and supportive- which I didn’t expect. The Doctor was even supportive about my request for genetic testing (due to family history) which culturally is a bit taboo here.
    @ChiCalGoBee the tiny bladder syndrome was fun last night when I had to hold in my wee for almost 3 hours!! The ultrasound was so uncomfortable.
    @RATTLES so glad that your appointment went well. Isn’t it an amazing experience?

    Oh and my next appointment is on April 29th****

  20. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    I think I'm maybe hitting the inhumanly tired part of the first trimester? I keep reminding myself that it's only three more weeks and then I'll be 12 weeks.

    So I went to see my regular doc after the car accident, and she was so excited for me, which was actually really nice. I'm like, such a lawyer though, so whenever I've talked to the insurance companies I'm like, "as far as I am aware I am okay but I have not had any x-rays or scans because I'm pregnant, NOT BECAUSE I MIGHT NOT BE HURT." I'm feeling pretty okay, physically, today, and tomorrow I'm allowed to go back to the gym (I assumed that by "take 3 days off exercise" the doctor meant "it's totally fine to walk the two miles to work instead of riding your bicycle" because I have such limited tolerance for the bus these days.)

    How does everyone else feel about flying during pregnancy? I've already been on one trip to CO and one to CA, and we booked another trip to CA at the end of August (which is cutting it a bit close but we had free vouchers we had to use and those were the only dates available.) I was already starting to feel like that was a bit much and then my sister asked me if I had any interest in joining her on a trip to the Middle East. Which I want to do, but I'm not sure if it's totally insane to do that when I'm 13-14 weeks? It's not like it has ever been on my bucket list, but it would be so much fun to go with my sister and her kid and get to really do one last big international adventure trip...I dunno.

    Has anyone else noticed that their morning sickness is worse when they are stressed out? I was feeling fine on Monday before the car accident, and then suddenly I was trying not to throw up on the side of the road, and today I had a particularly stressful hearing and I was so sick this morning that the zofran didn't even help for awhile.

  21. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I'm so happy all went well for you at your appointment! (Sorry I know I'm a little late) It's so hard to keep up with all this action on the board!

    @rattles: I contemplated the NT scan too.. I know a few people who have, and a few people who haven't. My mom is trying to persuade me to do it, saying I would want to be most prepared for any situation. I think I may do it. It's already scheduled for 04/25. I can always cancel if I want to though.

    @MarieJ: Yay for a strong heartbeat! The tech who did my ultrasound was telling me the wives tells of a fast heartbeat means a girl. Who knows!

    Question... Anyone know what a normal progesterone level is? I've mentioned before I have a sneaking suspicion mine may be low? I requested to get tested when I had my blood work done on Monday. My Dr said that they don't typically do it unless you're on IVF - but that if it would ease my mind, she would have me tested. I just called the Dr and they told me mine is 24.8. Is that avg?

  22. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @DeannaY1230: I've heard that a fast heartrate means girl too! It proved true with DD#1. It was always high! I've heard anything over 20 is a good progesterone level so your number is great!

  23. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: With my first pregnancy, I flew 5 roundtrips without a problem. Earlier on in the pregnancy, I didn't feel any different than usual. In the second half, I found my back would hurt, and I made a concerted effort to get up and walk around regularly (pregnant women are more prone to blood clots). I tried to get a bulkhead seat so that I could stretch out more, and I brought a travel pillow to shove behind my back. Southwest lets pregnant women pre board, which is helpful if you're flying them domestically. I want to take the Middle East trip for you, so I vote yes You know best how you've been feeling though!

  24. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: my DH and I are big football fans. We have season tickets to our alumni and we go to every home game and most away games if possible. We play in Dallas this year (I'll be 30 weeks at the time) and I asked my Dr about it - she said I could because you can fly until you're 34 weeks pregnant, but she said if it isn't absolutely necessary - not to risk it. She said it's a short trip, but make sure to walk a lot to prevent blood clots. We've decided not to go just because it isn't completely necessary.

    As for you - being that you said you would be 13-14 weeks I think you would be fine. Just walk up and down the aisles, A LOT and like you said, it would be a very nice last international trip! I'm jealous!

  25. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @MarieJ: hooray for a great heartbeat at your first appointment! Sorry to hear you might have bleeding episodes, but thankfully you at least know to expect them so it won't be a surprise.

    @Lolo: that sucks you had to wait so long to get seen, but so happy to hear that you liked the doctor and the hospital!

    @rattles: so happy you had a great appointment too!

    @Ms.Mermaid: I am jealous if you get to take that trip! I totally would if my husband would let me! But he's all paranoid about hospitals in foreign countries and even nixed my plans for a Caribbean babymoon, so I have to settle on Florida. I think it would be so fun to take a last great trip like that though!

    @DeannaY1230: same as what @MarieJ: said, over 20 is good, although I think it does vary with how far along you are.

  26. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @DeannaY1230: You should be ok! (caveat - Not a doctor!) My RE has always told me that anything over 10 is good.

    @Ms.Mermaid: Oooooo a trip to the Middle East would be so cool. I vote go!!!

    RE: discussion of heart rates... Does anyone have a feeling yet of whether you are carrying a boy or girl? I read today that of fraternal twins (which is what I have) 50% are boy/girl, 25% are boy/boy, and 25% are girl/girl. At the last heart rate check, one rate was at 117, the other was at 140. I've had a feeling that maybe there is a boy and a girl in there. My husband had a dream about it, too! Of course.... watch me be totally wrong about my gender radar. Do you guys have any feelings about whether you are carrying a boy or a girl?

  27. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    Hey ladies, i finally decided to join the November board!

    EDD: November 28
    WHen did you find out? 10DPO
    Child Number: 2
    Where do you live? Canada
    What kind of provider will you see? OB
    When is your first appointment? May 7, but i have an early ultrasound booked for April 7
    What kind of birth do you want? hospital birth. if i have to go through back labour again, then i want meds.
    What are you most excited for? nothing...i just want to skip the pregnancy part!
    What are you most scared for? miscarrying/stillbirth
    Symptoms so far: tender boobs, on/off

    Approaching this pregnancy with caution. I had a miscarriage before #1 and a chemical before this pregnancy. I'm really hoping that the ultrasound on Monday will give me some reassurance. My HCG levels look okay, at least when i took the test twice last week.

  28. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @MarieJ: @Sprite: thank you for the feedback! I was tested Monday (8w3d). I did some research and it seems to be normal. But I did read it's suppose to increase the farther along you are like you mentioned.

  29. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @ShayNanigans: thank you I didn't see you post before. We could have been responding at the same time.

    I get mixed feelings. At first I thought maybe boy. Then based on the heartbeat (silly I know) I was convinced a girl and now I'm just torn! I'm so excited to finally find out though. DH thinks boy for some reason. He has said that since the day we found out I was pg.

  30. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Freckles: Welcome! I know you're being cautious, but I wanted to let you know I'm crossing my fingers and toes that this is a healthy baby for you.
    @DeannaY1230: Thank you! I am, too.
    @Sprite: Are you still spotting/bleeding, or has it subsided?
    @Ms.Mermaid: I will be flying in a week and a half, flying again in June, July, and August. August will be my last trip (I assume) at 28.5 weeks. Maybe I can squeeze out one more trip, but I am not planning on going much beyond 31 weeks or so.

    My first appointment didn't require any sort of physical exam. I'm beginning to wonder if that's weird.....I had a pap smear with the same OB in October, so they said they didn't need to do any of that. I'm also seeing a geneticist in a few weeks, but I assume there isn't a physical exam at that time? I haven't had any blood drawn, either, although the OB said it's because the geneticist gets all kinds of blood so this way I won't have to pay for it twice. Seems odd, though....

  31. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: Thanks, friend! Were you expecting a physical exam? If your last pap was normal there really is no reason to do it again, and my OB prefers to avoid it if possible. Also, i'm so glad to hear that you heard such a strong heartbeat...possibly a girl?

  32. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid I am flying to the UK (10 hour flight) for 3 days in 4 weeks and then again at the beginning of June, both trips are for weddings. I don;t see any problem with flying unless your Dr does.
    @ShayNanigans My DH and I have a strong feeling that I'm carrying a girl. I had a very vivid dream (which actually promoted me to take a test) before BFP which was about the most beautiful baby boy but I just have a feeling that it isn't a boy. I am tempted to find out. I was shocked when I asked my husband and he felt the same - he has always spoken about wanting a boy in the past but he also has a strong feeling that our jellybean is a girl.
    @Freckles welcome! I'm sorry you've had a tough time and that you are not looking forward to the pregnanacy part. Fingers crossed for a smooth sailing time for you. Good luck at your ultrasound on Monday.

  33. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Freckles my first appointment is Monday as well! Fingers crossed that it goes well for us. Welcome! I hear you on the not being excited part...pretty much the only thing I'm excited for is for my nausea to end and to tell our families and friends so that I can stop lying to everyone. How old is your older child? Have you told them yet?

  34. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I actually do think that's pretty normal. My SIL had a pap about 4 months before she got pregnant, so they didn't do a physical exam on her at all. My last pap was in April of last year. So I'm due for one, and go April 11th. Being that you had one in Oct. everything must be normal

  35. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I think normal. Actually, having a baby can change pap results. Before I had DD (pap in May, got preg in June) my last pap was irregular, but after I gave birth the next one was normal...something about sloughing off cells can happen? Pregnancy is such a freak show.

    @DeannaY1230: My doc makes you take progesterone supplements if you're under 20, it sounds like your levels are fine!

    @ShayNanigans: I would LOVE boy and girl twins! I hope you have one of each.

    DH thinks we're having a girl and I don't have a feeling either way. But I would love for it to be a girl! Has anyone consulted the chinese gender thing? http://www.babycenter.com/chinese-gender-predictor It says boy for me!

  36. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Freckles: gah....I would be so so so excited if it was a girl.....!!! Who knows though. Our entire next generation is 6 boys so far, so the odds of a girl seem to be slim. However, I DO feel like it's time to mix it up with a little lady!

    @DeannaY1230: believe me...I am thrilled any time I can avoid a pelvic exam , but wondered if it was normal? Good to hear from you and @Freckles that it probably means all is well. I know that area is due to see plenty of exams in the next 7 months, so I may as well enjoy the break while I can:-).

  37. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @tororojo: I love this.... "Pregnancy is such a freak show!" So true so far. Hubby always asks what I want for dinner and I'm like "nothing sounds good ever, so you may as well pick something and we'll hope that I eat it:-).

  38. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @Lolo: Thanks! Pregnancy actually wasn't so bad for me, but the last couple months were the pits!

    @Ms.Mermaid: Ooh, i hope yours goes well too! LO will be 2 years old next week. With her, we told some people right away. This time i only told two of my closest friends (and HB - haha) and we're not planning on telling family/friends until we get to 13-14 weeks. I totally get the impatience...i think time went by soooo slowly. I just wanted to tell the whole world!

  39. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: We do that with dinner- I'll let DH pick, but I have veto power. It will be nice to be further along and not so queasy all the time! I think a transvaginal ultrasound is worse than a pelvic exam, btw. Maybe just because it's in a different room and feels more exposed?

  40. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Freckles I just wish I could tell my clients why I keep running out of the courtroom to get water and look so green all the time! I feel really bad that we are waiting so long to tell my parents and my in-laws, because I've wound up having to tell a bunch of people in the meantime, like my coworkers and well, everyone involved in the accident, so now like, three insurance companies know I'm pregnant but my parents still don't. I know it's silly but I'm worried that my in-laws will be upset that we waited to tell them in person. I also couldn't bear to put my in-laws through a miscarriage, because when somebody close to me has gone through that, I feel so useless and anxious and nervous; and my parents proved with my sister's pregnancy that they are far too self-absorbed to be helpful when something goes wrong, so I don't want to tell them until everything looks okay. Plus, if something is wrong, we'll probably hold off for a couple of months for a number of reasons before trying again, but I know everyone else will be anxious for us to try again right away.

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