Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    I know it has been a while since I've been on here. I find myself sometimes forgetting to check! We had our anatomy scan on Wednesday and we're having a BABY GIRL! For some reason I have known since the beginning...I just KNEW I was carrying a girl. I told DH that is the u/s tech told me boy - I would get another opinion (that is how sure I was!). We are thrilled beyond words. We did a gender reveal at my house that night. We used poppers and put pink confetti in them. I have a video of it, but I don't think I can post it here? Only photos...

    I also got the results for our sequential testing which is for spina bifida. It was all negative...1 in 4,300 chance. So thankful. I do have to go back to the specialist every 6 weeks to have my cervix measured. Anyone else have to do this? I had a LEEP procedure in 2008. So as a precaution, I'll be measured. I am quite happy about this though. My OBGYN told me they wouldn't be doing it because there is no evidence that having a LEEP causes incompetent cevix. But then the specialist said they would. So I don't mind a bit!

    I think I feel the baby move sometimes. It's hard to explain. But I told my Dr, if I wasn't pregnant, I'd be saying "what in the world is going on in my belly?!" It feels like fish swimming/moving around in water.

    I'm just about to be in maternity clothes. Currently I am using a rubber band to keep my jeans together. My belly isn't actually that big yet..but I've gained 7 lbs total so far.

    That's my update. How is everyone else doing?

  2. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    It's a boy!

  3. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @DeannaY1230: @Sophs Mama: Yay! Congrats to you both! How fun - I can't wait to find out what we're having!

    I am feeling pretty good - I just get tired out and winded so easily. I have definitely been taking it easier lately.

  4. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    Hey everyone! I've been MIA since dealing with all of the issues with my dad's health and his passing. I had to see a specialist today so he could determine if I needed to take progesterone shots since my water broke at 34weeks pregnant with dd#1. Lucky me! I'll be getting a weekly shot in my butt cheek until 37 weeks.
    We also found out today that we are having another girl! Yay! I would've been happy either way, but I can't wait to see how dd1 acts with a little sister!
    Congrats to everyone who has found out the gender and I hope your pregnancies are progressing well!

  5. rins72

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    I haven't been around in a while either! Our gender scan is scheduled for the 20th - I cannot wait! Congrats to those of you who found out already! So exciting!

    We painted the nursery last weekend. We went with a pale minty green. Fabrics and art and such will be decided after we find out the sex! I'm thinking pinks and gold for a girl and navy and gold for a boy. We'll see how it turns out.

    @DeannaY1230: Congrats on the little lady! I've convinced myself that I'm having a girl...hope I get the result you did!

  6. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @thisisme: Congrats on finishing! I was part-time in the classroom this year, and learned that there is no such thing as a "part-time" classroom teacher. It stunk. Next year I'll be working *very* part-time in our tutoring center at school, and also seeing my own tutoring clients. I'm hoping it's a great work-life balance while still being home with our baby!

  7. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @DeannaY1230: Wow, congrats! I felt like I was having a girl from the get-go, but I was wrong. That's so exciting!@Sophs Mama: One of each?! How amazing! Congratulations to you guys!!!@MarieJ: Sisters are such a special relationship...congratulations!! Still thinking of you as you navigated such a hard time with your dad during your pregnancy

  8. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    It's been a while since this thing was updated, so I thought I'd help out! If anyone has any doctors appointments, scans etc coming up, let me know and I will update this! Also, I tried my best, but if anyone else knows the gender and I missed it, let me know!

  9. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    November 2014 Mamas

    Oct.27 - Becksabee
    Oct.27 - Mrs.Panda
    Oct.31 - Ms.Mermaid
    Oct.31 - MrsScottish
    Nov. 1 - HardToConcentrate
    Nov. 3 - ToroRojo
    Nov. 7 - MarieJ
    Nov. 7 - PetuniasAndPearls
    Nov. 7 - DeannaY1230
    Nov. 9 - Rattles
    Nov.11 - Lolo
    Nov.11 - ChiCalGoBee
    Nov.13 - ThisIsMe
    Nov.16 - Shaynanigans
    Nov.16 - Mrs. BD
    Nov.17 - KatieLeigh_82
    Nov.18 - rins72
    Nov.21 - Sophs Mama
    Nov.26 - April_Showers
    Nov.27 - msmini
    Nov.30 - MTEX14
    Nov.30 - Freckles

    November 2014 Baby Appointments!

    *** JUNE ***
    12th – Ms. Mermaid
    17th - Chicalgobee (Anatomy Scan)
    20th - Rins22 - (Anatomy Scan)
    25th - Rattles (Anatomy Scan)
    25th - Sophs Mama (20 Week Check)
    27th - Sophs Mama (Ultrasound)

    *** JULY ***
    TDB - Shaynanigans (Anatomy Scan)
    2nd - Sophs Mama (Anatomy Scan)

  10. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    Also if anyone else is team green lemme know!

  11. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Hi Everyone. It seems like today is update day so I thought that I would chime in! Congrats for all the gender updates, how exciting. Also, count me in for round ligament pain- ouch!
    So I have not yet bought any maternity clothes, mainly because the stuff here is HORRIBLE but I will defo need to suck it up and go this weekend, I am living in leggings and dresses as all of my trousers and jeans are now just not an option. Not great for work! Loving the bump pics by the way, super cute and you both look fab.
    I have started feeling some movement in the past week which is really strange but lovely. I can only describe it as the feeling you get when your heart skips a beat, but in your lower tummy (obviously). Things are beginning to feel a lot more real now. I am a tad jealous of everyone already planning a nursery, we are still unsure of what our living arrangements will be come November so that is a long way off for me.
    So, we had a scan at 16 weeks and the doctor made it clear that it was a little too early to tell but she thinks we are having a girl as no boy parts were visible. I am changing doctor and hospital for my 20 week scan for a number of reasons; it will be interesting to see if her prediction is correct. Our scan is on the 25th of June.
    @MARIEJ I am sorry to hear about your dads passing. It is such a hard time and I can only imagine what you are going through while pregnant. Lots of love to you.

  12. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: @Lolo: thanks you two

  13. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Figured I would update with the new info, including my own

    November 2014 Mamas
    Oct.27 - Becksabee
    Oct.27 - Mrs.Panda
    Oct.31 - Ms.Mermaid
    Oct.31 - MrsScottish
    Nov. 1 - HardToConcentrate
    Nov. 3 - ToroRojo
    Nov. 7 - MarieJ
    Nov. 7 - PetuniasAndPearls
    Nov. 7 - DeannaY1230
    Nov. 9 - Rattles
    Nov.11 - Lolo
    Nov.11 - ChiCalGoBee
    Nov.13 - ThisIsMe
    Nov.16 - Shaynanigans
    Nov.16 - Mrs. BD
    Nov.17 - KatieLeigh_82
    Nov.18 - rins72
    Nov.21 - Sophs Mama
    Nov.26 - April_Showers
    Nov.27 - msmini
    Nov.30 - MTEX14
    Nov.30 - Freckles

    November 2014 Baby Appointments!

    *** JUNE ***
    12th – Ms. Mermaid
    17th - Chicalgobee (Anatomy Scan)
    19th - Mrs.Panda (Anatomy scan follow up)
    20th - Rins22 - (Anatomy Scan)
    25th - Rattles (Anatomy Scan)
    25th - Sophs Mama (20 Week Check)
    25th - Lolo (New OB appt)
    27th - Sophs Mama (Ultrasound)

    *** JULY ***
    TDB - Shaynanigans (Anatomy Scan)
    2nd - Sophs Mama (Anatomy Scan)
    7th - Mrs.Panda (New OB appt)

  14. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    Hi, there! Is it ok to take my name off the appt chart? Thank you!

    We had a little scare Tuesday night. I was nauseous, cramping and bleeding. My doctor sent me to triage - turned out that I had a subchorionic bleed, so no biggie at all. Everything was ok, but it was definitely nerve-wracking! On the upside, we got to see the babies on ultrasound - they are totally starting to get crowded in there!!! And they look like babies, with toes and fingers and everything. So crazy!

    We just started working on our baby registry - totally overwhelming! This baby gear thing is no joke. Choosing a stroller is basically impossible. We don't want to overload our house with gear - it's hard to figure out what we really need vs. the not-necessary stuff.

  15. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    We had our anatomy scan and everything looks good! We did not find out the gender, and I wasn't even particularly tempted.

    We did some MAJOR nesting this weekend - our biggest thing to clear out of the baby's room has been the bookshelves (there is a bed in there, but we're just getting rid of that - the bookshelves we had to find room for in the rest of our 12 foot wide house), and we managed to rearrange our living room and got a couple new (to us) tall bookshelves, so now all of the books are out of the baby's room! We're putting the books up on the upper shelves and will save the bottom shelves for baskets of baby toys so we can create a proper play space. We also moved the dresser that was mine growing up (and my mom's before me) to our house. I realized that it really could use a fresh coat of paint, so now we're trying to decide whether to just repaint it brown and white, or go with another color that would work with the yellow walls. The obvious choice is gray, but I'm so sick of yellow and gray nurseries. The nursery is tiny though, so I want to pick a color that makes the room look bigger, but white seems like it would get dirty so fast.

    Is anyone else getting a changing table? The dresser we brought back is too small to put a changer on top of, but I don't like any of the options that have a ton of open space under them since once baby is crawling he/she will probably destroy whatever is not nailed down.

  16. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Been MIa for. While. Teacher, and end of year craziness! Reports are done, 8 more days of school!!

    Anatomy scan tomorrow morning. Wahoo! So excited to see the monkey. Hopefully find out gender!! Next appointment is next is the 24 th.

  17. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    AS went well. Took a good 40 minutes, and then she went and got DH from the waiting room. She gave us a quick 3 min look at the baby, arms, legs, head, face etc, which was amazing to see it moving and how big baby is! DH got all teary! It was interesting to see the position of the baby compared to the movement I had been feeling yesterday. DH asked about gender and she said she does not make that prediciton, that is up to the radiologist, and if he can positively confirm one way he will write it in report to the doctor..... and that takes 4-5 business days...... bah. I expected that, so was sad but ok, then she said ok, thank you and told us to leave. It had said in the letter from the hospital that pictures would be provided by the tech, I got nothing. I was so preoccupied with having to go to the bathroom I couldnt stop and ask, and by the time I got out she had another patient in there. So I left disappointed- no gender and no pics. DH was sad and told me to phone the elective place and hopefully we could get in to find out gender and get some pics. You only have some many opportunities to get these types of pics! So I did, sadly nothing yesterday (if only I had luck!) but they had an appointment today at 4:30! So I am rushing out of work today and meeting Dh on the other side of the city to see our baby again! So excited, it helped to get over yesterday. Yes, I am so excited that baby is happy and healthy and growing, to see baby was amazing, but for some reason I want those pictures.... its a keepsake, to show people, to connect.
    On the bright side, baby has been moving up a storm and DH felt baby for the first time last night! He was so excited!

  18. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MrsScottish: wow...I had my AS today too, and it sounds like our techs were totally different! We knew the sex of the baby already, but she pointed it out again anyway! We also got pics in hand. I'm SO sorry your tech sucked!

    To be honest, I've now looked at a number of diff boy/girl "potty shots" online, and sometimes they look a bit similar to me! Again, we know it's a boy, but I swear his arm looked more like his "thing" than what I saw between the legs! Glad to hear your baby is as healthy as ours, and I hope you find out the sex of the baby ASAP!

  19. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @MrsScottish Our pics really sucked from our anatomy scan - they are so out of focus and they gave us one regular one and one 3D one which is super creepy (although my family thought it was cute) and one of the heartbeat and I was really sad. I know that a client of mine goes through the same department and she gets like, 5-10 pictures from every visit (she's high risk so going every two weeks or so). I'm going back in four weeks for a fetal echo and I'm going to try to ask for a couple of good pictures when I sit down, just so we have them. My cousin had a whole CD of like, 20-30 pictures from all different angles and everything - I wasn't expecting that, but I expected more than two pictures of the baby! So I'm glad you're going to the elective place to get some done. I don't think we have a place like that near us.

    Does anyone else's baby not move much? Both U/S I've had, it's not like the baby is bouncing around - it's just hanging out, chilling, not really being active. It wouldn't even roll enough for the tech to check the arm length for awhile!

  20. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

  21. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Our baby girl!!!

  22. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    @mrsscottish: CONGRATS!!!!!

  23. April_Showers

    cherry / 245 posts

    Just popping in to give our update!

    We just had our 16 wk appointment and got our Panorama results back and we are having a healthy BOY! HB was strong at 160 bpm.

    Our AS is scheduled for July 10 and we can not wait!

  24. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @MrsScottish: Congratulations!!

  25. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MrsScottish: congrats!@April_Showers: congrats!!

  26. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    @april_showers: yay! Congrats on the boy!!

  27. April_Showers

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Sophs Mama: @ChiCalGoBee: Thanks! We are excited.

    I just had a chance to play catch up with everything and a BIG congrats to everyone who recently found out the gender and got great updates!

  28. purplelilac

    grape / 89 posts

    I've been reading this board on and off for the last few months so I figured its finally time for me to post. I am 19 weeks today (due Nov 13th) with my second GIRL! We have a daughter who will be 2 in couple of weeks.
    I was surprised to find out (this morning) that we are having another girl. In my head I thought it was a boy, but I guess I only had a 50% chance of being correct.
    Overall I'm feeling great and I'm constantly having to remind myself that I'm pregnant since it is a lot harder to focus on it this time around. That said, I cannot wait to meet our second little lady in a few months.

  29. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @purplelilac: Hi! We're due date twins! Even almost halfway through this pregnancy, there are lots of times that it still doesn't feel real! We're hoping to find out the gender next week! Welcome!

  30. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    So I have been MIA for quite awhile. Life just got the best of me for awhike there and no matter what I just couldn't seem to keep up with my to do list, which meant little time for playing on the, computer or tablet!

    I see I have A LOT to catch up on, if I'm even able to catch up at this point. Congrats to everyone for making it to or almost to the halfway point how exciting! It's so fun to get on here after all this time and see what everyone is having. I will be 19 weeks on Monday, and we have our anatomy scan on Tuesday. The day we found out we were pregnant DH said "I just have a feeling it's a girl", he has stuck by his feelihg this whole time, but the last few weeks I can't seem to shake this feeling that it's a boy....hurry up Tuesday!!!

    **upcoming appointments 6/24 AS, 7/10 21 Week check up (I'll be a week off schedule because of the holiday).

  31. rins72

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    We had our anatomy scan this morning. I'm super excited to say that everything looked perfect and we are TEAM PINK!!

  32. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @rins72: congratulations how exciting!!!!

  33. petuniasandpearls

    cherry / 220 posts

    It's been awhile since I've been on here too....I have read the thread off and on but haven't posted (usually mobile so it's kind of a PITA). Just found out a few days ago that we are joining Team PINK! So excited! I have 1 DD already and am thrilled to add another little miss to our family. YAY!

    Also found out I have an anterior placenta this time, which explains why I've been feeling a lot of movement but only at the bottom and on the sides. Been feeling it since 14-15 weeks but never in the center! Only now am I starting to feel flutters in the center, but get a lot of whacks on the sides and lower uterus area.

  34. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @petuniasandpearls: wow congrats, there are lots of girls so far, makes me even more excited for tomorrow morning!!!! I am 19 weeks today and so far haven't felt any movement at least that I know of, but this is our first so I don't really know what those first flutters actually feel like.

  35. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Had our anatomy scan today, everything looked perfect and I'm happy to announce we are having a BOY!!!!!

  36. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    @katieleigh_82: Congrats girl!!! That's so exciting, and he looks adorable! Look at those little lips!

  37. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @Sophs Mama: thank you, congrats to you on your little boy as well!

  38. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    Got to hear our little man's heartbeat today - it was nice and strong! It took my doctor a minute to find him. He was very active! Super excited for my ultrasound on Friday.

  39. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @katieleigh_82: congrats! I was feeling a little lonely in boy-land with my first as a boy-I'm also insanely happy for (and a little jealous of!) @Sophs Mama: who will have one of each! My dream!

    FYI: my Anatomy Scan was at 19 weeks, and I hadn't felt any movement either. However, on the night before I turned 20 weeks I felt some movement! I bet it's coming soon for you, @katieleigh_82: !

  40. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: thank you, as much as I originally said I wanted a girl, I am now thrilled at the thought of a boy/big brother. Ahhh I can't wait to feel him move!

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