Hellobee Boards


November 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @Finfan: yes, we had to sleep train my first after 3 months of awful sleep so I guess I keep trying to do things now with the hope of avoiding that in the future but I really need to just do what works and figure it out as I go.

    When did you sleep train your first? Ours was 7 months.

  2. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @AggieDaze: Around 4 months with our first. This one is a much better sleeper so far.

  3. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    1) How does your baby fall asleep for naps during the day?
    He falls asleep nursing, in his swing, in the ergo or if we are in the car

    2) Where does LO sleep for naps?
    swing, carseat (only if in the car), ergo, on me or in the crib

    3) Is there an average expected nap length? Expected amount of naps per day?
    His longest nap is in the morning around 10 and he will sleep for an hour. All other naps are 20-40 minutes. he usually takes 4-5 naps per day, but they usually pretty short

    4) What tiredness signs have you noticed in LO?
    I am in the same situation as you. He is happy as can be and literally, one second later, a screaming, crying mess. I'm not sure what I'm missing.

  4. clover

    kiwi / 557 posts


    1) How does your baby fall asleep for naps during the day?
    Usually while nursing, but she will sleep if we're in the car or occasionally when she's in her swing.

    2) Where does LO sleep for naps?
    On me, in her crib, in her swing, or in the car seat on the go.

    3) Is there an average expected nap length? Expected amount of naps per day?
    No expectations. Her first one is usually the only good one (around an hour or so) then she has about 3 cat naps (around 20-30 minutes).

    4) What tiredness signs have you noticed in LO?
    She doesn't give off the typical tiredness cues they tell you to watch for, just becomes cranky for the most part. She will act hungry so I'll latch her and she can comfort nurse to sleep.

  5. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    I will reply to the sleep questions later, but I had to share that I survived my first day back at work. I totally cried when I dropped Claire off. But once I got to work, it was much better. I missed being in the classroom and it was great to see my coworkers again! It was still hard though and I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!

  6. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Miss Sarah: that's great! I go back Monday. My boss texted me to say that they can't wait to have me back.

  7. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @Miss Sarah: that's awesome!! I got back feb 1st and I've been getting teary all week. I'm so glad to hear to went well for you! How was Claire when you picked her up? I'm worried about how he will do at daycare

    @Finfan: good luck Monday!

  8. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @Miss Sarah: good for you!!! How was Claire at daycare? Did she have a good day too?

    @finfan: Will be thinking of you Monday. Good luck!!

  9. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @peaches1038: @AggieDaze: Thanks, ladies. Those 12 weeks flew by! DH is a SAHD so we won't be doing daycare runs and he has his parents down the road for backup. Which he will need because DD1 is a handful!

  10. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Miss Sarah: @Finfan: @peaches1038: good luck to you guys with your return to work. hope your babes do well at daycare and work feels refreshing. I went back to work at 10 wks with DD1, but I'm staying home with this LO. We run a family business, so I will pretty much just be on call when needed for emergencies.

  11. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @FannyMae: is DD1 going to be staying home full time with you as well?

    @finfan: wishing your DH luck too! I stay home with both boys solo every Monday and Friday and it is fun but tough while we used to not allow screentime for LO1, that rule has definitely bent.

    I'm scheduled to go back to work part time in mid February. My DH actually gets parental leave that he hasn't taken so I'm hoping he'll take a little time and keep LO2 home awhile longer on my work days but we'll see!

  12. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AggieDaze: she is starting kindergarten in a few weeks, in australia we have optional 3 year old kinder which is twice a week for 2.5hrs each session. the cut off is child must turn 3 by april in the year they start, so she will be one of the oldest as she turns 4 in may. I'm a little worried about being home with both kids the other 3 days of the week though, I have no idea how to manage keeping DD1 enterntained when DD2 needs booby or a bum change haha

  13. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @FannyMae: I hear you! DS1 received lots of quiet independent play toys for Christmas (playdoh, puzzles, magnatiles) and those things seem to keep him pretty busy for now while I breastfeed (and I can talk him through what he's doing at the same time). For diaper changes, I've found that DS1 loves to help by bringing me the diapers or wipes etc.

    The biggest problem for us so far is DS1 will use these times (feeding and changing) as an opportunity to do something he knows he shouldn't and then it's so much harder for me to stop it.

  14. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AggieDaze: Any time I ask DD1 to fetch something for me, she is all of a sudden highly inconvenienced and unable to help me hahah sorry mamma but I CAN'T! and yes, feeding/changing time is perfect opportunity to sneak of somewhere quietly and make some mischief!

  15. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    I am SO TIRED. Anyone else?

    I feel awful even complaining about being tired as the baby sleeps pretty good - 5 hours first stretch, 3 hours second.... but jeez my brain feels like it is in a fog.

  16. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @AggieDaze: Same stretches of sleep for my DD, however, I think the feeding itself is what drains me. Feed her on one side, burp her (which CAN take forever), change her, feed her on other side, burp her, potentially deal with hiccups for half an hour, get her to fall back asleep, and THEN maybe catch a wink before waking up and getting ready for work. I've been exceptionally tired since returning to work.

    So I took Claire to the doc this morning. We were worried about an ear infection, but turns out that it is just a cold. She is quite bothered by the drainage and we can give her tylenol, but outside of that, we just get to wait it out. This time of year pretty much sucks! So many of my coworkers are sick, I'm terrified of bringing something home to her.

  17. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I bet you are exhausted. Going back to work makes me nervous with how tired I am already! This time of year does SUCK. I've decided if we go for baby 3, I am shooting for March or later. I hate all the colds and everything. I'm assuming the doctors gave you the typical suggestions: humidifier, saline drops, bulb or nosefrieda, hang out in steamy bathrooms?

  18. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @AggieDaze: Yup, exactly the same suggestions!

  19. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AggieDaze: I'm feeling as fresh as a daisy, thats been run over by a truck hahaha babe hasn 't been sleeping well in the afternoons, and just drains my boobs until I can't take it anymore and we give her a small bottle of EBM to try get her to sleep. Last two nights bedtime has been at about 11pm. Then up at around 4 for a feed, she only does one side so I pump the other, and by the time i'm back in bed its 5am. Hubby got up for work at 6am today and did a poopy nappy change thankfully. My eyeballs feel like they're going to fall out.

  20. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    I'm definitely feeling drained as well. I also feel like I shouldn't bc he sleeps from 8-5:30 with no wake ups (usually...he does sometimes wake up for a quick snack at 4). Buuut, still awful with the napping so I hardly get any down time during the day. I start work Monday and I know I'm going to be so tired. How has the transition for everyone who's going back to work been going?

  21. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    I have been dead tired as well! Just one more day and I will have survived my first week back. My co-workers have been awesome but it's a little overwhelming getting all my projects handed back off to me.

    Baby has been sleeping about 9 pm to 5:30, drinking a bottle, and then sleeping until 8:30-9 this week. I wish I could her big sis on that schedule too as her sleep has gone completely to hell.

  22. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    Man, we don't even have a semblance of a schedule! I have no idea how long he naps ... sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes 2.5 hours? Always in his swing during the day. Even if he falls asleep on one of us we transfer him to his swing. And we don't go upstairs during the day so no crib/bassinet ... I haven't paid all that much attention to his cues because if he's awake he's usually just looking around and if he falls asleep he falls asleep ... I hope we are not horrible parents setting ourselves up for something awful! Haha! He does sleep 7.5 hours or so consistently overnight now!

  23. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Aw I missed this until today! I hope work is ok ... I am going back in 3 weeks and am already dreading it. I definitely didnt think I would feel this way, but I do.

  24. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Finfan: Thinking of you back at work!!! Hope it's going ok. Ugh.

  25. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    Hi! It sounds like everyone is doing pretty much as well as can be expected with a wee baby at home. I keep meaning to post an update, but then I get distracted by DS1. I have to say, compared to my 3-year-old, my newborn feels easy!

    DS2 now weighs about 13 lbs and sleeps for about 4 hour stretches overnight. He has no nap schedule, but he does seem to need a nap about an hour after waking up every day. Otherwise, it really varies. I remember it taking a long time for DS1 to fall into a routine, so it's easier to relax about it this time. DS1 napped in a swing for about 7 months, but DS2 prefers to nap in his bouncy chair or in the car seat/stroller if we're out and about. He sleeps in a bassinet near our bed, but rarely naps there.

    Nursing is going well, but I'm fretting about a business trip I'll be taking (4-5 nights) when DS2 is about 7.5 months old. I didn't spend the night away from DS1 until he was almost 3! And that's a lot of milk to pump in advance! I'm feeling okay about going back to work in 5 weeks, though. My 3-year-old is more challenging than my career! Also, my husband is a SAHD, so I'm really lucky to have regular lunch/nursing dates with the boys.

    Do your babes have any new tricks? Mine is working hard on controlling his arms (he loves his baby gym and punching at board books), finding his fist to suck, and holding himself upright. He's so happy about these things for about 10-15 minutes, then he's DONE and grumpy. Haha

  26. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @sometimesshesings: My DH is a SAHD too. We are constantly remarking how much easier the baby is than our 3 year old. Her needs are so simple and it is easy to give her exactly what she wants. Big sister is much more complex.

  27. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    @Finfan: hooray for SAHDs! How did he do with your first week back? My husband is dreading my return much more than I am!

  28. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @sometimesshesings: he said it was easier without me HAHA. Apparently DD1 is better behaved when I am not around, which I have always suspected!

  29. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @sometimesshesings: PS I am also a librarian!

  30. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    @Finfan: No way! What a small world! What type of library? I work in a large urban public library. I've found it to be a great career for a working parent.

  31. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @sometimesshesings: Public library as well--youth services. I agree it is a good career for working parents. That's why we decided to have DH stay home instead of me. I have good inurance, wonderful amount of paid time off (and I can flex my hours a bit as well), and I love that he can bring the kids for lunch dates.

    I always see people say that school libraries are better for working parents but I think public libraries are underrated if you can make child care work, which is a big advantage of having DH be a SAHD.

  32. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    Ok I'm going to sound like a complete moron but just in case other people also didn't realize .... They make overnight diapers. Pampers Baby Dry. So much better for containing leaks for 8 hours!!! I just discovered this!

  33. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @wrkbrk: it's amazing the variety of diapers they make! We are still in pampers swaddlers for the baby that's what people gifted us, but LO1 has been wearing pampers baby dry full time since he was about 6 months old. In the last 6 months to 1 year, he's been wearing pampers extra protection at night to help with leaks.

    Another trick I learned late... If you are having a decent amount of poop explosions or overnight pee leaks, try going up a size in diapers. That's how I realized baby should be wearing size 2 not size 1

  34. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @wrkbrk: It took us forever to learn that too!

  35. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    So I found out yesterday I have to have surgery to remove a Mirena that perforated my uterus. Really upset about it as I just went back to work and I'll have to ask for more time off work. It might mean no vacation for us this summer and I was really looking forward to it since our vacation last summer was a disaster. First world problems, I know.

    I have a pre op appointment with my OB Monday morning and then hopefully they will be able to do the procedure soon because I want this thing out of my body!

  36. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @Finfan: Eek, I'm sorry! Fingers crossed it's all over with soon!

  37. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @Finfan: So scary and upsetting! I hope the surgery is quick and smooth. Did you do the Mirena post LO1 as well?

    I couldn't decide which contraception I wanted to do so my DH has been forced into condoms. Once we are sure we are done (I think I still want 3), I'm hoping he'll get a vasectomy.

  38. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @AggieDaze: Yes, I had a Mirena after LO1 and loved it. That one was placed at 8 weeks postpartum and the one that I have now was 11 weeks.

  39. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @AggieDaze: I have no idea what BC to go with now. They offered to put a new Mirena in during my surgery

  40. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Finfan: oh my gosh good luck with the surgery hope recovery is quick. I don't do hormonal contraception at all because I end up with nasty migraines

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