pomelo / 5084 posts
@FannyMae: Yay for rolling! But I am sorry about the sleep.
Things are good at our house! DS (15 weeks) is HUGE - I have no idea how much he weighs but we go in two weeks. Ha! He can roll both ways and @Miss Sarah: I think he is teething, too. Hands in mouth, drooling, and crying randomly which he never does. We think we feel a bump on his gums but its in the back so IDK?? Otherwise a happy little guy!
Hope everyone else is doing well! I cannot believe there is an active November 2016 mama thread already!!
persimmon / 1461 posts
@wrkbrk: DD is a big one as well - at 13 weeks she was weighing exactly 7kg (about 15 lb), she is a rolly thighed little boob monster. I think she will be teething pretty soon too, with DD1 she started around 4 months old with both little bottom teeth.
Yep, 1 year has already passed since these babes were all made!
persimmon / 1259 posts
One year ago today was when I got my first BFP! I just can't believe how quickly this year has gone. The two years of infertility felt like the longest two years of my life and I was miserable. Now the time is flying by and I just want it to slow down!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@FannyMae: @wrkbrk: We took Claire in for her illness last Monday and she was 14.5 pounds at 15 weeks. Her 4 month appt. is in a week, can't wait to get the update on height and weight with percentiles.
persimmon / 1259 posts
Oh yes, the newest developmental updates: Claire easily rolls front to back and has gone back to front once and keeps trying to do it again. Alsp, she laughed (like giggled and over and over) for the first time last night! It was amazing! She is sleeping OK once she is finally down, but she has been fighting it so hard lately. She's still been swaddled at night, but once she consistently rolls back to front, we'll have to stop and I'm dreading sleep then! I might just start no swaddle tomorrow night since it marks the beginning of spring break for me, so I would have 10 nights to allow her to adjust before I head back to work. I wonder if that's long enough... It's scary!
persimmon / 1436 posts
We are going to our 4-month visit today! She hasn't quite successfully rolled but she gets up on her sides and she just needs to get that last bit of motion to get all the way over. Any day now!
I'm so curious to see her growth stats! She's a chunk.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Finfan: So what were the stats? We go Thursday and I'm thinking Claire is up there, too! She's a big girl!
We successfully (knock on wood) made it through swaddle transition... Mostly. She's been sleeping both arms out for two nights in a row. We also moved her to her nursery on Sunday night and it's gone surprisingly well! I feel more rested, so I think we're all sleeping better in our own space.
What's the current sleep situation with everyone?
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Miss Sarah: 16 pounds, 1 oz and 26 inches long. She's up about 6.5 pounds and 4.5 inches since birth.
apricot / 448 posts
@wrkbrk: Ours is doing the exact same thing re: teething. TONS of drool, chewing on EVERYTHING, and much more fussy. We are also having trouble sleeping so I think he's pretty exhausted which may be why he's extra fussy.
@miss sarah: Sleep is lackluster. On one hand, it seems like LO is sleeping what is expected for his age... but then I know other babies sleep 8,10,12 hours straight so I wonder if he's not sleeping well? Mostly its just hard cus he sleeps his long stretch earlier than I am able to go to bed so I never get more than 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep....
Sleep details: If I start feeding by 6:35 p.m. (after bath, lotion, jammies, woombie), little man will generally feed on both sides and get sleepy. Then, I'll lay him down and he'll fall asleep in his crib. (If I'm too late at night, he has a rough time and often feeds to sleep and wakes up 45 minutes after to be calmed back to sleep). He typically wakes 5 hours after falling asleep for the night (less on bad nights; more on good nights) and then 3-4 hours after that. So, generally he wakes up at 12:30, 3:30 and 6:30 (for the day). P.S. he is in the woombie (hasn't tried rolling from back to front at all) in his crib.
nectarine / 2047 posts
We have drool city at our house too. And he keeps darting his tongue in and out of his mouth, which is funny and also a little creepy sometimes haha. I see little white nubs so teething has begun!
No rolling for us but I'm pretty sure it's because he's been so sick and I really haven't had him laying down flat because it's been so hard for him to breathe. Hopefully he will catch up soon.
We had our 4 month appt today and he weighs 16 lb 10 oz and is 27 1/4"! He's a monster!
@Miss Sarah: @AggieDaze: sleep has returned to mostly normal for us since he's been feeling better after rsv. He goes to bed at 7:30, wakes for a quick snack sometime between 3 and 4 and then up for the day at 6:30.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: Hank is still sick??
@Finfan: @Miss Sarah: According to my scale at home, Cooper is over 16 pounds, too! BIG BABIES! He goes next week for his 4 month. If he is 17 pounds by then he will have doubled his birth weight in 4 months!
ETA: Sleep is good for us. We are still putting him down in his bassinet in our room between 9:30 and 10:00 pm and he sleeps until 6:30 am or so. He has one two hour and two one hour naps during the day - DW has been writing it down since I have gone back to work to find the pattern!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@wrkbrk: @peaches1038: Holy wow! Some good sleepers there. Claire used to sleep longer stretches, but I think the swaddle and crib transition is causing more wake ups. My schedule is similar to @AggieDaze:, but it's hit or miss if she skips a 9:30 feeding or not.
While we are sleeping sounder between feedings in separate rooms, I long for the extended periods of sleep again!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@wrkbrk: still getting over it. Of course he sounded terrible at the ped yesterday and she wanted to send him to a pediatric pulmonologist but he seems so much better to me. We have to go back for more shots in 2 weeks so she will see then what she recommends. We will see. And what big guys we have! I can't believe how big they're getting. Hanks head grew an INCH! since his last appt. crazy. I'm glad sleep is going well for you too!!
@Miss Sarah: we were really struggling when he was sick and it's so hard. I think we all feel like we are doing something wrong no matter what we do. I see all these articles on fb about how babies "aren't designed" to sleep through the night and then I worry that I'm somehow damaging him and wonder if I should wake him up. We haven't sleep trained but wouldn't be against it if needed. Damned if you do, damned if you don't when it comes to parenting.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@peaches1038: Right?! I agree, we always feel that we're doing something wrong. Did I wait too long to move her? Am I supposed to co-sleep? Should I feed her or let her CIO in the middle of the night? We're kind of letting Claire take the lead on most transitions, within reason. I feel like as long as we are loving on our babies and caring for them the best that we can, then we are all freaking rock stars!
@wrkbrk: I think I was more emotional than Claire. She fell right asleep when we put her in there Sunday! It was weird for me to not have her by the bed, but once I fell asleep, I slept well!
apricot / 448 posts
@peaches1038: @miss Sarah: @wrkbrk: I still constantly wonder if I'm doing something wrong and this is my second!! Haha! I would say I'm a lot more chill about some things (like milestones, within reason, and breastfeeding) but sleep still pushes my magic buttons.
Is everyone planning to wait until 6 months for food? I have a feeling my old school doctor will say 4 months is fine but I'm not in any rush.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@AggieDaze: I think we will probably wait until 6 months or more for food. We did with our first and I'm not feeling any rush this time again. We plan to do baby led weaning this time again too.
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah: little man decided to throw a 9:30 wake up in to keep things interesting tonight, ha! I fed him since I was still awake and HOPE it means he'll sleep a longer chunk now. We shall see!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@AggieDaze: Ha, currently feeding DD... Goodness I wish it meant she'd sleep a good chunk, but I have a feeling we'll be back at it in 3-4 hours.
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah: ha! We were. Little man woke 30 minutes ago and is still up with tons of gas. I'm expecting his almost weekly mid-night poop will make an occurrence.
persimmon / 1461 posts
soooo soooo tired. It was stinking hot here yesterday, even though we are in autumn now.... babe only slept 45 mins x 2 during the day and was so overtired. The rolling over business gets her super cranky and tires her out quicker, but she is having trouble doing more than 45 mins to 1 hour naps. It was my birthday yesterday so I had a small family bbq dinner, by the time everyone left and clean up, bathe kids and bed time it was 10pm. LO slept right until 630 am, so of course I sprung a leak and soaked my clothes and the bed. We all woke up after 930 today, and its thunderstorming and raining all day long... can't wait for hubby to get home from work, its Friday night! Hope you've all got great weekends ahead of you!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: we are going to wait until 6 months as well. Giving BLW a shot.
@FannyMae: happy bday! Hope today is better for you!
apricot / 448 posts
Little man starts daycare this week - Wednesday. I know in my head he'll be fine (after all LO1 has been in daycare since he was 13 weeks), but it makes me sick just thinking about it. I've been back at work for about a month so mostly it's the idea of leaving him with people that aren't family I guess.
Any one have happy stories or positive thoughts to get me through this transition?! Thanks in advance!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@AggieDaze: Sorry I just saw your post! How did day care go the first two days???
pomelo / 5084 posts
We had our 4 month appointment this week! The little chunker is 16 and a half pounds and 25 inches long! That is the 75th percentile for both. The ped said there is no science behind the 4-6 v. 6 month debate for solids. I dont know if that's totally true or not, but we will still wait a little longer in any event! I would guess we will give solids a shot around 5 months!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: man! I'm sorry I just saw this as well!!
@wrkbrk: what a big guy! How's he been since the shots?
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: Pretty good! He did get a slight fever for a few hours but didnt act upset or in pain so we didnt give Tylenol.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@wrkbrk: handled it like a champ!! DS tolerated them much better as well
persimmon / 1436 posts
How are all the 6-month babies doing? We are really hitting our stride as parents of two kids. I hope I'm not jinxing anything by saying that.
kiwi / 557 posts
My little lady is doing well, such a happy baby. Parenting two is definitely getting more comfortable but my 3 year old loves to throw curve balls so it keeps me on my toes.
pomelo / 5084 posts
Yay updates! I started a six month update thread for pictures, too. Let me find the link!
pomelo / 5084 posts
In case anyone hasn't seen it!
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