Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: I am doing PT! I go for my tailbone pain and a bit of sciatica. I alternate weeks with PT and massage therapy. I do yoga once a week too. It's all helping to keep things in check.

  2. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: I'm doing PT, I actually went today. My back pain was so bad that I couldn't walk or stand up straight, and even after my first week of PT, I was significantly better.

  3. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: I don't see PT (yet). I am supposed to get adjusted every week at the chiro. I have missed about a month of adjustments because of traveling and I can barely walk or bend it's awful. My joints very fluid to start with, pregnancy makes it so much worse. DH teased me a little because I am already waddling. 😭

  4. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Met with my OB for the first time this pregnancy. I have appointments every two weeks from now on. Can't believe how fast time is flying! I finally got an EDD! Before this point I was told 3 different dates by my fertility specialist, genetic counsellor and family doctor but it is officially Oct 30.

  5. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: nice to have an official date! How funny that everyone said something different

  6. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: My parents are just one hour away so we will probably go there. Plus they are very helpful. The sickness does worry me but I worry about it more from our DD who is in daycare But it won't be many people there, just my parents and maybe my brothers. My ILs will probably be delayed until the end of January/beginning of Feb. I am going to have my mom come stay with us the first week probably but will limit other visitors. She is retired thankfully.

    @LAZB: I had read your story before, but thanks for sharing again. I'm so sorry, that is really awful. It makes me extra worried for having a baby in the winter My DD was an April baby so I never had to really think about it much. I'm really more worried about my DD being in daycare. She started last December (probably a mistake lol) and she was sick on and and I got sick even worse. UGH.

  7. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @kes18: Good point re daycare. DS just started this month and after three days there he's already had to stay home with a fever I plan on keeping him in daycare though once DS#2 comes, he's just there 2 days a week (at least until I go back to work). But not looking forward to him picking stuff up

  8. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @kes18: @NorCalWayfarer: I'm overly cautious (for obvious reasons), but I've already been getting very anxious about the whole bringing home daycare germs thing, so I think our plan is to keep her home the first couple of weeks. L will only be 20 months though, so it shouldn't throw her off too much. After that my parents will pick her up and bring her back to their house to play, have a snack, and a bath each day before coming home for at least a few weeks. We are lucky that my parents live so close and can help so much, I realize that's not an option for most people.

  9. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @LAZB: I am glad you found an arrangement that works for you! We have no family that lives near by so I will be moving back to my parents house for a little while after this baby comes. I will probably be back with my parents for about a month so we can get things adjusted. My husband works/ goes to school. His schedule is extremely demanding and my parents have a little more flexibility to help me.

  10. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @caterw: Which is precisely why I mentioned it to my doc early on that I was riding an 8 on the pain scale on a mostly daily basis. It was killing me. Now I'm hovering at a 3 or 4 on a daily basis. It truly has been monumentally helpful with the pain and I feel less like I'm waddling.

    @delight: My hip/pelvic is jacked up (as we say in the south). My muscles in the front are too loose, the muscles in the back are too tight, which is twisting my pelvic and causing pressure on my sciatic nerve. Plus making me feel unsteady/uneven. They gave me a support belt this past week because my pelvic is so unstable. I'm going back to the chiropractor for an adjustment next week to help further.

    @LAZB: I'm glad you're getting relief too! PT is truly a game changer in my pregnancies.

    @MrsRcCar: I waddle when I get up from a sitting position because of my fluidity in my hip joint too. Which is why I'm working so hard with PT. I know there's only so much I can do - this is my third, my hormones are working against me - but I'm like, no. Uh uh. We'll waddle at the end. It's too early for this

    Next week I get the anatomy ultrasound that I've put off twice already on Monday, PT Wednesday and Friday, and have to fit in a chiro appointment.

  11. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: this is my third as well! My Chiro put me back together the best she could and taped me. I think I am gonna start belly wrapping to help take the pressure off my hips. Apparently my right hip/side was all locked up which is why my left side hurt so bad.

  12. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Yeah, I've felt like I'm being ripped apart this go around. I described it to my PT as being like a Barbie doll. It's like someone's pulled my leg out of joint and has tried to shove it back in. And as for my stomach, I've been having these little electrical impulses almost? I thought at first it was just a harsh kick but it's been when I've tried to pick things up I shouldn't. Turns out that those muscles that make up your six pack? I have a finger length tear along and almost two finger length tear along another. Which is why I'm in pain. She gave me some exercises to strengthen the muscle as best I can at this point but warned me about putting external pressure by wrapping on my abdomen. In other words, talk to my doctor before I try that route.

    Today I have my ultrasound! My mom's coming with me. This will be the first - and last time - she gets a chance to go to an ultrasound with me unless something's wrong with baby.

  13. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: my doctor recommended a pregnancy belt but I prefer to belly wrap. She said it was fine. Hope your ultrasound goes well today!

  14. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I got a support belt and wore it this weekend for the first extended time. I genuinely feel like it greatly helped stabilize my hip at least. Still had the little electrical buzzes if I tried picking something up but I didn't get the same seizing feeling my muscles normally give after walking too much. It was welcome relief! I'll ask my doc today and get her opinion on the wrapping. Glad yours okayed it!

  15. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @LAZB: Yes, that's nice your parents are so close! Mine are reasonably close (1 hr away) but that's not close enough to do daily things like that without staying with us. I'm going to have my mom stay with us at some point though. It might be possible to have her stay at my parents the first week and then have her and my mom home with us the second week before going back. Not sure what else to do. I would love to just send her to daycare the whole time!! I will be asking our ped in October at her next checkup to see what their recommendations are.

  16. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    Little bit is measuring right on schedule, a little early but that's been normal for my littles. Around 1lb 5 oz based on measurements and 23 weeks 3-5 days. Heartbeat is mid 150s and everything else looks great. Still a surprise - yay! And my mother was able to make it to the appointment.

  17. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: glad your mom was able to make your appointment!

    I passed my glucose test! This is first time I have ever passed the one hour glucose test. I celebrated with ice cream. 🙌🙌

  18. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Yay passing the glucose test! I'm off schedule by about a month - my glucose test will be three weeks from now at 26+ weeks. Fingers crossed they still have the fruit punch flavor when I go to take it!!

  19. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @MrsRcCar: congrats! I passed mine, too, a week ago today. I was really nervous because this is the first time I've taken one. I had the lemon lime drink and chugged it with no issues (i had skipped my coffee and needed the sugar rush, haha....but didn't realize I had to down it in five minutes or less until that day!)

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: fruit punch?! I only knew of the lemon lime I had, and an orange that is supposedly pretty gross.

  20. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @PinkElephant: I know! I'm pretty excited at the prospect. I'm hoping and crossing fingers it's still available in three weeks. Orange makes me want to throw up. Every. Time.

  21. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @PinkElephant: The orange is just as gross as the rumors suggest... it's the only flavor they had for both of my pregnancies Haven't heard my results yet because the online reporting thing is down but no phone calls so hopefully I passed it.

  22. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    I had an early GD test this pregnancy (passed thank God) and the lemon lime was pretty equally disgusting as the orange. Not looking forward to my 1 hour re-test in a few weeks. Blerg. I asked if I could just eat an ice cream sundae instead and the tech just laughed at me. I was 100% serious.

  23. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I had mi e last week and passed I drank the orange, I honestly don't mind it!

  24. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    I had my follow up scan today (23 weeks) bc of the ventricular septal defect they saw at the 19 weeks anatomy scan. It went so great. They could not see the hole/leak between the two sides of the heart today so either it has closed or is so small that it couldn't be seen which is a good sign. Baby boy was going crazy moving all around and kicking at the ultrasound tech - she said he's going to rock my DD1's world bc he's clearly a crazy active baby

    I go back in 6 weeks to just make sure everything is still looking good. Kidneys and flood looked great today too which was such a relief.

  25. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    I know this will seem random but I thought it was funny and wanted to share: I've been told to stop lifting things. I shouldn't be doing a lot of lifting at this stage anyways but I'm quick to remind everyone I'm fine, I'm healthy, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do x, y, or z. Except that it's been causing me pain which is from muscles tearing as they seperate. So I've really had to stop. Can't lift my backpack if it's full, can't pick up my kiddos, can't help my kiddos get down - it's been a real pain and leaves me feeling frustrated more often than not.

    But then I realized today it also gets me out of garbage duty. And I have to admit, that is one nice silver lining

  26. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @sandy: what a great pic! So glad to hear that everything is looking good.

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: Oh no! Sad to hear about the muscle tearing.. hope you get to heal fast. I still pick up my son sometimes, which i know i'm not suppose to, but i can't help it! He's so darn cute sometimes.

  27. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    I've been MIA for awhile and thought I'd provide a little update too

    I'm 27 weeks, and feeling fairly good overall. I've had a few scares in the 2nd trimester, that I *know* everything is fine, but enough to just have a stressful few days. Most days I feel great, a little uncomfortable and SO over the hot hot hot hot summer we've been having.

    I've had to get Rhogam twice already, the second time almost two weeks ago. I'm a bit of a unicorn (or narwhal haha) to my midwife, as it's pretty rare to have any sort of bleeding in the second trimester. They're currently researching when I'll need to get my next shot, since I got it before the 28 week mark. We were pretty certain the bleeding was from *me*, but didn't want to take any risks of developing antibodies, so I had the shot...again. I'm just thankful for having such amazing midwives that are doing their research and have consulted with doctors that specialize in this kind of thing.

    The babe is kicking up a storm, and I'm so in love. Something about those kicks just make this pregnancy feel so much more real, and that connect to this growing baby so special. My husband finally felt a kick a couple weeks ago, but hasn't been able to catch one since.

    I cannot believe I'm hitting the third trimester next week!!

  28. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @dragonsword: Yeah it's been hard but I try telling mine that they're getting big. I remind them I know they can do it without my help and then they get a kick out of showing me how big they are. When my two want up I get to their level and offer them a hug instead.

  29. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @sandy: That is such great news! The wait for this scan must have been hard, glad to know this one went so much better.

    Thank you everyone for the replies about travelling with a newborn, I am still digesting it all but I *really* appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences and advice.

    It has been interesting reading about people's experiences with back pain, physio, belts etc. My wife has had worsening back pain (she had some before pregnancy but now she can hardly walk and cries with the pain). She is getting signed off work, so we are filling in lots of paperwork. Money is a worry, but anything that will help decrease her pain is worth it. Her doctor mentioned a belt - where can you get those? Sounds like it's worth a try! She has been doing physio for a while but it hasn't made any difference.

    @narwhal: It's nice to hear from you! The kicks are so special Glad your husband got to feel one!

  30. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: My belt is one of the wider belts that should be worn only during a lot of activity (according to my PT) and is sized to the person. My PT usually buys the belts off of Amazon but my size (a medium) wasn't available so she had to go a different route at the time. The brand name is Gabrialla. Here's a link. Hope it helps!


  31. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: But actually why can't we just eat ice cream... or even a big handful of jelly beans or something? I would even be willing to pay $400 for them or whatever the glucose drink costs- I'm pretty sure it's just expensive soda syrup anyway.

  32. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @delight: I have been having tailbone pain as well. Mostly if I've been standing for too long and then it hurts so bad like it's breaking and takes a few days to feel better. Is that similar to yours? I thought it was just me since I don't know anyone in real life that has had this. I go for regular massages and see the chiropractor but it hasn't seemed to help. Maybe I should look into PT. What sort of things do they get you to do?

  33. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @teacherbee: I suffer from tailbone pain too, in addition to my hip pain. My PT does physical therapy and massage therapy at the same time. Usually we start with massaging the muscles and getting them to loosen up so that we can readjust the tailbone/pelvic bone. Mine is twisted. Then we go over strengthening exercises and she tests my range of motion. At the end of the appointment - usually 45m - she goes over what I can do at home to help keep my range of motion. I've been going for a month and a half and the pain has gotten soooooo much better. My range of motion and overall alignment is 10% better since we started and instead of my usual 8 of pain on a daily basis, we're pretty static at a 3 or 4. And my pain is more localized versus it being my entire hip and having those muscles seize up.

  34. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @caterw: I think I have the orange! eeek. I'm going to have to drink it at work too

    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: great picture!

    @sandy: glad everything looked good! What a relief!

  35. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @kes18: Thanks! It cracks me up that all three kids have had that same nose in ultrasounds. The genes are strong in our family

  36. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @kes18: @NorCalWayfarer: @LAZB: I didn't even think about the daycare germs until it was brought up here! DD will be staying in 3 days a week when I go on mat leave. I guess we will have to be very diligent about her washing her hands and maybe changing clothes as soon as she gets home!
    @Mrs. Grizzly Bear: so glad your scan went great and your mom was able to join in!!
    @MrsRcCar: wahoo for passing the glucose test! I did mine yesterday morning. With DD, I was extremely ill after drinking the drink and had to sleep the rest of the day. I felt fine yesterday though. Every pregnancy is different! Hoping I pass too!
    @sandy: that is such wonderful news that baby boy looked fabulous at the follow up scan. What s huge relief!
    @narwhal: hey friend! I was wondering where you've been. Sorry the second trimester has not been a walk in the park. I hope the third is way better for you!
    @teacherbee: my tailbone pain has been around since I was 6 months PP with my daughter. I don't know what causes it. It only hurts when I sit but I just can't get comfortable anymore. It's hard to even watch tv or enjoy s good book because I'm in pain. I see a pelvic health PT who does a lot of muscle working and massaging on the inside. It's a pretty new field where I live and hard to find a good one. It's also very invasive and she is up inside my body IYKWIM. However, I have noticed it helping quite a lot. I also do yoga and see a massage therapist each week which is helping with my back and sciatica pain. This has been an expensive pregnancy!

    We are headed to our cottage tomorrow for our week. It's our favourite part of summer. It's very rustic, and quiet and I love just relaxing by the water. Hope everyone has a good weekend, and I'll check in when I can.

  37. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @delight: Hope you passed!

    Let's do a check in!

    How many weeks along now?
    Have you done you glucose test? Results?
    Favorite treat or crazing?
    Having a baby shower?
    Maternity shoot? Newborn shoot? Or both?
    Next milestone your looking forward to?
    Next big purchase needed?
    Any plans for the weekend?

  38. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    How many weeks along now? 27 weeks 2 days

    Have you done you glucose test? Results? Done my glucose test and passed with flying colors for the first time ever!

    Favorite treat or crazing? All things dairy which is terrible because dairy and I aren't friends. 😭

    Having a baby shower? No baby shower here. This is our third boy.

    Maternity shoot? Newborn shoot? Or both? We plan to do both. We shall see if O decides to be good.

    Next milestone your looking forward to? Getting to 36 weeks with no other issues.

    Next big purchase needed? I think we have all our big purchases done.

    Anything fun planned for the weekend? We are hitting the big latch on event locally, then Babywearing meeting, perhaps some Pokemon hunting after that. More Pokemon hunting on Sunday is likely.

  39. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    How many weeks along now? 23w5d
    Have you done you glucose test? Results? Did one early (like maybe 16w) and passed, but will have to re-test on the normal schedule, fingers crossed I pass!
    Favorite treat or crazing? Milkshakes! Mmmm.
    Having a baby shower? Not that I know of -- second boy, 2 1/2 years apart.
    Maternity shoot? Newborn shoot? Or both? Maternity shoot/family shoot with our wedding photographer who does fall mini sessions -- always love doing that. Will do a newborn shoot but need to find a photog and schedule it (the photog from our first son is too far away now that we've moved).
    Next milestone your looking forward to? passing glucose test, then having that baby! He is already kicking the crap out of me constantly and getting a lot of braxton hicks so hoping I actually go into labor with this guy (never had contractions with DS1)
    Next big purchase needed? Thinking about getting a Halo bassinet, especially if I need another c-section. Don't really need anything big otherwise.
    Any plans for the weekend? DH is golfing so DS and I are doing breakfast with my parents. Looking forward to watching the Olympic games too!

  40. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    I'll play!

    How many weeks along now? 24 weeks tomorrow according to my app - I honestly have to keep checking it to see where I am because I cannot remember to save my life.

    Have you done you glucose test? Results? Noooo. I have two more weeks before that happens and I am desperately crossing my fingers, toes, and other appendages that they have fruit punch available.

    Favorite treat or crazing? Blackberry cobbler. Handsdown. Cooked in a cast iron skillet, recipe from Pioneer Woman, add a little vanilla ice cream and I could cry it's so good. It's amazing.

    Having a baby shower? I think I actually will this time. I had one for DS, didn't for DD since she was born so closely after. While I have everything for the most part - i.e. crib, changing table, toys, clothes, etc. - there are a few items that we would really appreciate. Especially diapers So I'm thinking a sprinkle?

    Maternity shoot? Newborn shoot? Or both? Newborn. I don't like pictures of myself while pregnant. Now, if it's a family shoot and they just happen to get a bump shot, stellar. But I wish I had newborn pictures of DS to match the ones I have of DD so definitely newborn pictures.

    Next milestone your looking forward to? Ummm... I guess the proposed sprinkle/shower?

    Next big purchase needed? Nothing at the moment. Considering a ring sling, or any woven type of wrap. But I did just plop down money on more maternity clothes last week.

    Any plans for the weekend? Play date, cleaning, relaxing, possibly going to a fair? Not sure. As always everything's kinda up in the air.

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