Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    I am 22 weeks along yesterday. We have been taking it easy. Although we are apparently buying a new to us minivan. I have finally gotten my care changed to a new provider! I meet them on Wednesday next week. I am hoping for a whole new experience. This place I have been at has been totally lacking.

  2. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    Hi belly buddies! Just dropping in to wish those in the states a very Happy Independence day, hope you get a long weekend of good food and relaxation!

  3. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @delight: DD is the exact same about the baby- she always wants to talk to her and kiss my belly. Apparently the baby already has a favorite color (pink like DD) and likes to read books (also like DD). She keeps telling me the baby is going to be born "next Thursday" lol. I tried to explain that her sister will come after her birthday in October and then she will start singing "Happy birthday to me".

  4. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    It's been an extremely busy past few weeks finishing up the school year. I am looking forward to catching up with how everyone is doing. Woohoo summer break at last!

    1. How many weeks? 19 weeks 2 days

    2. How are you feeling? I am feeling wonderful! Still waiting for the other shoe to drop and feel crummy (knock on wood!)

    3. Are you feeling movement yet? Yes, I started feeling movement at 16 weeks for certain even though everyone has told me that's too early. Since 18 weeks it's been more frequent and stronger. Feeling it under my belly button down low.

    4. Maternity clothes? I can still fit into my roomier jeans but it's much more comfortable to wear maternity pants/capris. I'll need to stock up on some maternity tanks that are long enough as I have trouble finding long enough ones when I'm not pregnant haha.

    5. How's your sleep life? Good, but still waking up every night to pee and have strange dreams.

    6. Food cravings? Fruit, fruit and more fruit! Plums in particular.

    7. Other fun updates? My anatomy scan is this Friday when i'll be 20 weeks. Hoping for a healthy baby and to find out the sex! I've been thinking boy this whole time, but we'll see!

  5. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @caterw: haha yeah our DDs sound similar. It's so cute! I can't wait to see her be a big sister.

    @teacherbee: happy summer break! I'm on break now too until early September. I'm hoping to get lots accomplished around the house. Best wishes at your AS this week. Can't wait to hear your gender news!

  6. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    hi everyone, i just had my anatomy scan today and they think they are seeing fluid in the chest and abdomen. The nurse practitioner said she called up another doctor and they both weren't sure what it meant, but they are referring me to the high risk/specialist testing center to do another ultrasound to confirm if there is fluid and that those doctors will know more... my dh has been googling like crazy and giving me info here and there. I'm not sure how I feel, worried, but not that worried? Does anyone have any history or knowledge in this?

  7. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    I did get to see the baby though and got a 3D pic! She looks so skinny!

  8. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @dragonsword: I don't have any experience with this but hope you get some answers soon. She looks wonderful in the photo!

  9. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @dragonsword: how very sweet you got to see baby!!! No experience with this either. I hope you get some answers soon and I hope hope hope that it's nothing to worry about. Maybe make a new post opening the question up to the entire HB community. Keep us posted and I'll be thinking of you and baby!

  10. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    I had my 19 week anatomy scan on Tuesday morning. This is when they first discovered a tiny cyst in DD2's kidney - they told us it was no big deal and they would monitor it every 4 weeks. Well 8 weeks later my whole world fell apart and as many of you know the worst case scenario happened - I had no fluid bc she had developed polycystic kidney disease which affected her lung development and when she was delivered at 37 weeks she only survived 13 hours. So I am very sensitive to when docs tell me "it's likely nothing to worry about and let's just monitor it."

    Well, for baby boy the kidneys look fine which was a relief. But the doc saw something with his heart - potentially a ventricular septal defect. Basically, the doc thinks there is a small gap between the left and right side of the heart. So I go back in 4 weeks for another follow up. I was hoping for an all clear that everything looked great. I'm trying my best to stay optimistic but it just doesn't mean much to me when the doc says "don't worry, it's likely nothing."

  11. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @sandy: Hi Sandy! First off, I am super excited for you and your family. Congratulations! I just wanted to chime in to ease your worries, DH's niece (just turned 3) has a VSD. She is very healthy (other than that issue), smart, and fun! The opening was small and was not detected during any sonograms for some odd reason. It was detected at her 1 month visit because the dr heard a heart murmur. There are varying levels of VSD but I read that it was a common heart defect??? She was monitored every 6 months and she will have surgery for it eventfully, I think at 10 or 12 years old. Thankfully, it has not interfered with her quality of life or caused any milestone setbacks.

    Keeping you in my prayers and sending positive thoughts your way!

  12. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @dragonsword: I hate that you have been given something to worry about. I have no experience but I pray that all is well with your little girl. She is such a little cutie already!

    @sandy: I really was hoping that baby boy would get a clean bill of healthy at your AS. You don't deserve any of this worry. Why do you have to wait another 4 weeks? Can't you have a fetal echo done? My fingers are crossed that Everything is ok, but I know how you must be feeling. I am thinking of you and that sweet little boy.

  13. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @sandy: Hi Sandy! I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I'll be praying for your sweet boy and for you as you wait. H had several follow-up ultrasounds when they found two cysts on her brain and an echogenic foci on her heart. The cysts resolved but the foci did not. She has no problems from it now and has a healthy heart.

  14. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @sandy: Hi Sandy, so sad to hear that they may have found something. My OB said the same thing to me after my scan, "just something we want to monitor, make your appt within a next couple of weeks" I was like what?? We have our appointment for tomorrow morning and hope to get more information. I hope you can find out something sooner as well, the wait and not knowing is totally agonizing for us. If you do have to wait 4 weeks, I hope it goes by quickly for you and you get nothing but good news on your next appointment. xoxo.

  15. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @delight: Thank you for your kind words. I'm trying to not google as I don't want to fall down the rabbit hole of people's experiences since they vary so wildly. My husband is very worried but I'm trying to take it one day at a time. We got the Antenatal Testing center to get us in early tomorrow so hopefully I get more concrete answers/information then!

  16. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @dragonsword: I'm so glad you get to go in tomorrow for more answers. I am the queen of googling and it has been very bad for me in the past. I hope you can stay away from it for now! I'm sorry your DH is worried. I'll just keep praying and hoping that everything turns out well for you and @sandy:. The ladies on this board have already been through enough in the past.

  17. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @dragonsword: Beautiful picture! I don't have any experience, but I hope you get answers and the appointment goes well!

    @sandy: so sorry that you have to deal with this and have to wait another 4 weeks. I hope everything turns out okay

    I had my anatomy scan- everything looked good "unofficially" but my appointment with my OB is not for 2 weeks so I will find out then. They couldn't see one side of the heart due to his position so guessing they will take a quick peak at my appointment in 2 weeks. And he is still a boy! Weight was ~12oz so about 55%

  18. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    Thanks everyone, our follow up appointment went very well. Both sonographer and Doctor didn't see anything and assumed the last sonographer saw maybe a shadow or something. It was such a relief especially since we saw a tech who didn't mind talking to us about what she was seeing instead of just waiting for a doctor. Thanks again for everyone's good thoughts and prayers. Xoxo

  19. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @kes18: congrats on having a good scan!

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @dragonsword: oh my goodness what a relief. So happy for you!

    @kes18: great news on a good scan. Look at that little guy yawning! So adorable!

  21. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @dragonsword: yay!! great news!

  22. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @dragonsword: great news!!!

  23. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @dragonsword: Great news! You must be so relieved!

  24. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    I had my anatomy scan yesterday and we found out that it's a boy!

    We won't get the results until I get see see my doctor as the u/s tech isn't allowed to tell us anything. She did say that he was measuring ahead in most areas but especially the femur length. The u/s pic isn't the clearest but it was great to get to see him. The scan went long because he was curled up most of the time and the tech couldn't get the right views of certain parts but she thinks she was able to by the end.

  25. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @teacherbee: congratulations on a great scan and on. A baby boy!!

  26. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    CaterW - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
    MrsRcCar - 11/2 {#3}
    theknest- 11/2 {#3}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
    PinkElephant - 11/5 {#3}
    Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
    Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
    LAZB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    CedarMagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
    Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
    Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
    Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
    Littlebear16 - 11/27
    Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
    Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
    M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
    milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
    Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}

    - 6
    - 8
    - 5

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @milag64: @littlebear16: @cedarmagnolia: @M4mi: @deserttransplant: how are you ladies doing? Any gender updates for us?

  28. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: My anatomy scan is Tuesday! I'm kind of sad because I found out that kids aren't allowed in the room during the scan, so DH will be sitting with DD in the lobby during it. We had the tech tell us the sex during the scan last time, so I'm not sure what to do this time.

  29. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @littlebear16: Hope your scan goes great! I would just brig a piece of paper and envelope and have the tech write it down and seal it up. Then open it up at dinner or lunch with DH and DD so you all find out together. It's too bad she is not allowed in the room at the end. Hope you're feeling well!

  30. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @teacherbee: what a cute pic! Congrats on the baby boy!
    @littlebear16: Hope you have a great scan tomorrow, that's too bad they won't let your DD in! I wonder why?

  31. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: Thanks! That's a good idea. Not sure why I didn't think of that.
    @dragonsword: Thank you! I'm guessing it's because some kids might not sit still that long. Or maybe incase you get bad news about baby? DD is pretty content to sit in her stroller and she's too young to understand what's going on, so I'm wondering if they'll be fine with it.

  32. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @teacherbee: great baby pic!!!

    @littlebear16: hope your scan goes perfectly!

    Both maternal fetal medicine offices I went to for my scans did not allow kids. And they limit how many people can be in the room. I think rather than making a decision case by case it's just easiest to say no kids under X age across the board. I think it's a way to limit distractions in the room for the tech during the scan bc unfortunately not all scans go smoothly or proceed easily...it can be stressful for these techs to see or not see something that is problematic and get all the measurements and images they need for the doc. And someone might have a really well behaved child and another might not and no one wants to make that call and say your LO is too much of a distraction to be allowed in the room and that LO is so well behaved so we'll let them in. So unfortunate but I think it's just easier in these situations to have a general rule for everyone

  33. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @dragonsword so glad it turned out okay! I'm sorry you had to worry for those days! Love the 3D pic!

    @kes18 awesome yawn! So cool they caught that!

    @teacherbee yay a boy! Me too!

    @sandy yeah that "monitor" statement is not too reassuring. Hoping the follow up shows a good difference.

    We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. It went well, the baby is measuring ahead in all areas, but a full week on his abdomen! I feed him a lot, so I'm not surprised. The one issue is that I have a low-lying placenta, about 1.8 cm from my cervix. I've heard that these most often move up when the uterus gets bigger. They're going to monitor it and ultrasound in 3rd tri to see where it's at. I'm going to ignore it until then and just hope it's like 90% of these low placentas that move up. The baby was crazy active the whole time. The tech kept remarking on how active he was! She'd get a steady shot and he'd jerk away just then. It was pretty funny. We confirmed what we already knew, boy parts! We already love him soooo much! It makes me grin.

  34. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @Plainpistachio: how cute! congrats on the active baby boy!!!

  35. milag64

    pea / 16 posts

    @Plainpistachio: Pretty much exactly the same experience at my 20 week! And another BOY to fit the end of November trend we apparently have going on here!

    Did your doctor say anything to you about avoiding sex to help with the placenta situation? Apparently another friends doctor told her that....

  36. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @milag64 in the note from my midwife w the results the only thing she said was that they'll monitor it with a 3rd tri ultrasound. No other advice or direction was given. I have an appointment Monday and I'll ask because that's not something I've refrained from. The tech asked me if I've had spotting which surprised me because I've had none whatsoever. Now I'm on the lookout though!

  37. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    Hello ladies, back from a long time away. It's great to read everyone's exciting updates, and I'm thinking of those who are still waiting for news or monitoring results.
    @delight: we're having a girl

  38. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Plainpistachio: What a cutie! Glad the scan went well besides that little news about your placenta. I'm glad you're just not worrying about it. That's the best thing for you to do!! @CedarMagnolia: so good to hear from you! I was getting worried. Congrats on a baby girl!!
    @milag64: Great to hear from you too and congrats on a boy!

    Nothing too new here! Made a couple baby purchases today. I scored a good deal on a carrier today (Lillebaby). I also bought a snap and go stroller for my Chicco car seat. I didn't have one last time and just used the bassinet with my Quinny stroller. It was a pain to keep taking my sleeping daughter out of the carseat when we went anywhere so I wanted something that worked with a car seat this time.

    Hope everyone is feeling great!

  39. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    CaterW - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
    MrsRcCar - 11/2 {#3}
    theknest- 11/2 {#3}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
    PinkElephant - 11/5 {#3}
    Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
    Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
    LAZB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    CedarMagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
    Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
    Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
    Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
    Littlebear16 - 11/27
    Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
    Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
    M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
    milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
    Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}

    - 7
    - 9
    - 5

  40. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @Plainpistachio: @milag64: my scan showed my placenta being "first" too, which meant resulting in a c-section if it didn't move. The tech had me use the restroom and it moved up! I guess a full bladder made less room for it? Hope all of our placentas move up and out of the way! (Now there's something I thought I'd never say)

    @milag64: Congrats on the boy!
    @CedarMagnolia: Congrats on the girl!!
    @delight: I bought girl boots from a yard sale the other week! That's the only thing I've purchased so far... they're not for babies either, so I think i have to wait another 2-3 years for her to fit them... I don't know what i was thinking lol.
    I got dizzy suddenly just sitting, I'm working from home and I just looked from one pc screen to another and the whole room was spinning. Its very strange since I had a good lunch and had just finished eating ice cream, I'm not sure what caused it!

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