Hellobee Boards


November 2016 POAS

  1. Spinny

    cherry / 125 posts

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  2. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    @peachykeen: Yeah most of the time the cramping is mild, just every now and then yesterday and this morning they were really strong. I was also feeling a little discomfort when walking today - kind of like when I had a cyst on my ovary.

    @mrsd2442: can't WAAAAIIIT for the blood results to come back - I will feel so much better once it's official. They said it could take a couple of days to get the results?! The nurse said I can call tomorrow to see if they came in early. Gah!

    Also - my wondfo line was slightly lighter this morning than yesterday. I know it's nothing to freak out about - but I'm FREAKING OUT! Can you tell....

  3. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    @spinny: I definitely see it!

  4. MrsD2442

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: I felt so much better once it was confirmed by blood test! So I've stopped peeing on things. For now. Haha! I've felt little twinges of discomfort when getting up from a sitting position too, for whatever that's worth. Similar to my endometriosis pains.


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