Last try for 2016!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity?
Last try for 2016!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity?
nectarine / 2317 posts
Cycle Day: 11
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: Nov 19/20
POAS Date: Dec 1
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Just met with an RE. Going to do acupuncture, starting CoQ10 and cutting back on alcohol. The rest will stay the same, vitex, vitaminD, b12, iron and BD EOD during fertile time.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? I love snowboarding but haven't been in years due to little baby and being pregnant. Maybe in 2018!
pear / 1788 posts
Here we go!
Cycle day: 1
TTC cycle: 1
Ovulation date: around December 1
POAS date: December 13
Baby #: 2!
What's up: first cycle for number 2! We are hopefully breaking ground on our dream home, and it would be done sometime next winter, but we can manage in our condo with a toddler and newborn/ little baby for up to 4 months.
Favorite winter activity: snowboarding! I got to go twice last year. I also enjoy reading by the fire.
pea / 7 posts
Cycle Day: 9
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date:Nov 29th (give or take a few days)
POAS Date:Dec 13th (I have a long cycle; 40 days)
Baby# 2
Whats up this month: This is my first month after MC of TTC again. I miscarried back in Sept and never received a period in Oct. This month I decided to not use my ovulation kits and predictors and just have fun, do the deed every other day and go with the flow and see what happens!! I am feeling really good this month.
For Fun: My favorite winter activity is probably going out and cutting down our Christmas tree. Its been a family tradition since I was born and I now do it with my family. I live in NE and winter is horrible here so the only joyful times for me during these rough winter months are the holidays.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle: Loosley NTNP for a few cycles, so I don't know how exactly to count it. 6?
Ovulation Date: Around Thanksgiving! With in-laws. Yay.
POAS Date: 12/8
Baby #: 2!
What's up this month: I am finally ready. DD is 18 months, and baby fever has hit. I'm comfortable with whatever gap we get from here on out. I'm switching from my beloved BCBS federal to a more fertility and maternity friendly plan. So, I've been trying to research Infertility costs and options should we get to that point.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity?
Just spending time with family, and the anticipation of the holiday season!
nectarine / 2180 posts
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle: um 4ish, long unpredictable cycles
Ovulation Date: no idea
POAS Date: 12 days after I O
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: saw a RE for the first time yesterday. Had 12 vials of blood taken for tests and now I am trying to schedule an HSG and a SA for my husband. Doctor decided to up my metformin, and maybe my synthroid and recommended adding vitamin D and CoQ10. If my cycle cooperates I will also be doing a clomid challenge test.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? drinking hot chocolate and reading a good book curled up under blankets with fuzzy socks
cherry / 125 posts
Cycle Day:10
TTC Cycle:1
Ovulation Date: About 11/20
POAS Date: 12/4
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: This is our first try for baby #2. It took 10 months and an early m/c before getting my ds, now 15 months. Also, I'm turning 35 next month. So, no idea what to expect, how long it might take. Slightly scared to go through the newborn thing again too, but I know we definitely want one more. Jumping in!
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? Staying warm....lived my whole life in the NE, I hate the winter
nectarine / 2521 posts
Cycle Day: 9
TTC Cycle: 2 (this time around)
Ovulation Date: Over Thanksgiving. At my in-laws, so that's fun.
POAS Date: Dec 8th - my birthday!
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Trying to stay positive. 2 long ,drawn out miscarriages the past year and feeling like this is never going to happen.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity?
I love getting coffee and walking around our cute downtown area and enjoying the lights.
pear / 1852 posts
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle: Dunno, over a year.
Ovulation Date: Nov 20th?
POAS Date: Dec 3rd
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Hubby is back from his summer away for work, AND this month's weekends home line up with when I'm fertile! Going at it like rabbits this weekend.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? Baking Christmas cookies with my 4yo daughter.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I'm glad you liked the RE. I got pregnant with -#1 72 hours after the HSG. My RE said sometimes it acts as a fertility boost for up to 3 cycles. Obviously, it's not guaranteed, but I hope it is helpful for you too.
kiwi / 680 posts
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle: 8 ( Totally feel like crying)
Ovulation Date: 11/21
POAS Date: 12/4
Baby #:1
What's up this month: Thanksgiving is this month, so that should be exciting, I can't wait to eat some turkey! Also looking forward to the time off. DH and I are going to BD every other exceptions.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? I really like snowboarding, but I also like just getting warm and cozy and watching movies in bed with hot chocolate! I wish we got snow where we live but we don't =[
pear / 1788 posts
@Spinny: DD is 15 months, and it took us 3 cycles to conceive her. I am also turning 35 next summer, so having kids 24 months apart minimum is fine. We shall see how it goes this time around!
nectarine / 2317 posts
Lots of POAS twins this month! Ladies!
Dec 1 - Banana330
Dec 3 - MRS. D
nectarine / 2180 posts
@dc yoga bee: wow that is great. I'll keep my fingers crossed, thanksgiving travel might interfere with O, but I really have no idea. It's been a different day each cycle.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Cycle Day: 4
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: Nov 25
POAS Date: Dec. 7
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: I made an appt to ask to have my vit D levels checked, in case that could be playing a role. I ordered some CoQ10.
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? Snowshoeing, because Iām too uncoordinated to ski!
nectarine / 2180 posts
Probably not the entirely right place to post this but I'm not sure where else, my sister is having her baby at 36+2 and I am having emotions about, aside from the fact that she is slightly preterm its a baby and I'm not pregnant. We started trying at roughly the same time. As she is in labor I'm scheduling testing with my RE. Its hard and I can't really show those emotions to my family, however I am hoping his new baby awesomeness gives me good baby juju.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Oh that's tough. It's hard watching other people go through milestones you thought you'd be hitting at the same time.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: @Banana330: Thanks guys, I knew I would get people who understood my emotions on hear. I'm glad I posted
kiwi / 680 posts
@snarkybiochemist: My SIL gave birth to her baby literally the day I got my period after we had been trying for a couple of months. We had originally wanted to start trying before / around when they got pregnant (they weren't even trying it was an accident) but my DH chickened out. I definitely had emotions, and I cried at the Bris and it was super embarrassing. I couldn't talk to anybody about it, and it really sucked. I'm still dealing with those emotions. It was so hard / still is hard sometimes. It is also hard to hear my in laws talk non stop about my nephew, and ignore us when we all have dinner together. It is even harder because we are struggling to get pregnant, and it always seems like no one really gives a shit. The compromise to deal with it, was that my DH and I take family dinners off every other week so we can just have time to ourselves. It has been working so far, but it is still hard. I definitely know how you feel.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Tionn3: Thankfully I don't get together with my whole family quite that often, but with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming I will be seeing them several times. As long as I can get through everything without crying in front of family I will be fine. I can have my emotions at home with my husband. I am loving the irony of calling for testing with the RE on the day my sister had her baby. It will happen we will build our families and the next baby in the family will be mine.
kiwi / 680 posts
I think I'm going to ovulate early again this month. I'm having crazy EWCM just like the last 2 months. I didn't even go to acupuncture this cycle, so maybe it is just the way things are now? I'm a little worried about ovulating so early.
pear / 1788 posts
@snarkybiochemist: hugs.
@Tionn3: I ovulated early last month (CD 12) and had an 11 day LP. That never happens to me, so fingers crossed for a good cycle this month! For both of us!
kiwi / 680 posts
@Banana330: like CD 12 / CD 13. All of my previous cycles were like CD 14 - CD16. Maybe it is the Omega 3 supplement I've been taking? I've heard that fish oil is supposed to promote ovulation. It would certainly explain the extra fertile CM I've been having.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Tionn3: I'm worried I might have O'd early now too!
My temps went up this morning (but we both woke up warm so maybe that's why) and it freaked me out a little because I had acupuncture last night and wondered if it could have made me O early. I haven't had a positive OPK yet so I'll keep testing those today and maybe it's just a weird temp but since our BD got interrupted yesterday I was a bit disappointed that we hadn't had very good timing if I did O yesterday. We managed to sneak one in this morning and hopefully i'm going to O tomorrow or sunday like I thought... ARGH TTC can be sooo frustrating!
nectarine / 2180 posts
so scheduling a SA is really fun around thanksgiving when you have to have had sex no less then 2 days before and no more then 4 days before
nectarine / 2317 posts
Lots of POAS twins this month! Ladies!
Dec 3 - MRS. D
Dec 7 - periwinklebee
Dec 10 - jhd
Dec 13 - LEM93, MRS. MICROSCOPE, DaniNae
coffee bean / 30 posts
Cycle Day: 13
TTC Cycle: well none really... we aren't trying
Ovulation Date: 11/13
POAS Date: possibly as early as 11/27, but who knows!
Baby #: 4
What's up this month: It's a mess. I'm like 95% sure I ovulated suuuuuper early (like CD8/9) based on my usual symptoms I get with ovulation, complete with cramping and spotting. DH and I weren't being careful bc we are usually in the clear at that time, and also because we were going to NTNP, and then DH chickened out. So if I did in fact O when I think we did, there's a good chance we caught the egg. If not, we should be in the clear. I would be excited to be pregnant though! I'm so ready for another babe in the house!
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? All the standard cheesy Christmas stuff, like wearing leggings and sweaters and reading a book by the fire and enjoying a glass of wine with a fluffy blanket!
coconut / 8079 posts
Cycle Day: 5
TTC Cycle: 4th cycle post-Mirena
Ovulation Date: 11/25 (?)
POAS Date: 12/10
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Just hoping we can catch O with holiday travel!
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? I'm looking forward to taking LO to see Christmas lights and baking Christmas cookies.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
What's everyone's game plan this month? it'll be the first month we are really trying, and I want to give us the best hot knowing I have pcos and all!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@dc yoga bee: Just saw a RE so its a bit in flux but my metformin has been upped to 1500mg, adding extra vitamin D on top of my prenatal, and CoQ10. Depending on scheduling I might have an HSG and a possible Clomid Challenge Test.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@snarkybiochemist: man i'm supposed to be on 1500mg metformin, but have been on 500mg for 3 weeks. When I upped it to 1000, I got SO sick.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@dc yoga bee: I have been on 1000mg since July per my ob/gyn and haven't had too many symptoms. The RE prescribed extended release for the 1500mg dose and told me to wait until after Thanksgiving to up the dose. She said the extended release form should help with symptoms if I were to get them on the higher dose.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I'm going to a new midwife group at the end of the year, and will ask her to change the prescription to extended release. I also will ask her about clomid for weak ovulation.
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