Hellobee Boards


October 2012 babies chat

  1. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: ah I see. Yeah it would be a bit rough to go anywhere later than 6 pm. I don't like staying out too late anymore now that I have a LO.

  2. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @JessLC: We also transitioned to the crib around 4-5 weeks. We had a rough first 2 nights, but she's been fine every since.

  3. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hilsy85: We were supposed to have my inlaws watch C and go out on our first date night (to Craft no less!) last night. I was a little nervous leaving C but ready for a break after a tough week with her. DH goes and gets some awful stomach bug and was puking ALL day. Instead of my date night and awesome meal, I was taking care of 2 "babies" on my own!

    We started CDing today. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but she had 2 massive poops that easily would have been blowouts, and it was totally contained!

  4. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Tidybee: ack that stinks! :(I hope you don't catch the stomach bug as well.

    Yeah I've heard cloth is way better about containing poops...I really can't figure out why sometimes they sneak up his back. Yuck!

  5. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hilsy85: yeah C will have an empty diaper in the front, yet, poop up to her neck in the back! I'm convinced she has a 2nd poop hole at the top of her crack.

  6. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @JessLC: we also need to get LO into his crib. I keep delaying it, especially since he's sleeping so awesome now... He sleeps in the rock n play in our room still. Can't decide if I should start by putting him in his crib for naps during the day first? I'm still a little freaked out to have him in a different room from me honestly, even though we have the video monitor. I like having him right next to me.

    @hilsy85: we've done dinner out a few times, but that was before he was sleeping through the night, we usually do brunch or lunch out, and he just sleeps the whole time almost every time we're out... Our bed time for him isn't until 9ish though, so going out to dinner is easier. I should really try to get him going to bed earlier.

    I really want to get a routine established now that the holidays are over and the fact that I start work in a few weeks, it seems so daunting! I'd like to get bedtime set, then figure out naps from there. LO usually only does one good long nap a day, then mini naps.

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Tidybee: LOL! Seriously, how else does it get up there?!

  8. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @JessLC: C has been sleeping worse since going into the crib! Only now starting to stretch out better again....8 nights in!

  9. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: I cant wait to brave restaurant with C! Good for you for doing it!!!

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Tidybee: LOL about the poop, omg!!!

  11. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Today went SO well, C took two bottles from DH no problem, and she was great for him! The dog and I did well too, victories all around!

    I will probably be sore tomorrow......starting 30 day shred, and that fitness class.....and I said I wouldn't do too much too soon.....

    DH back to work tomorrow, that time went way too quickly. Look forward to March Break now, and a week off with him.

    I have a few January projects I would like to start on, DH and I re-arranged our great room today, it is very baby friendly now....oh how life is changing Christmas tree came down, boo. I really liked our tree this year!

  12. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beebug: yay! Glad everything worked out. My DH has been off for 2 weeks too. I'm sad he has to go back to work tomorrow. I'm going to miss the extra set of hands.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: I am just going miss the three of us hanging out! DH said if we won the lotto and he wasn't allowed to buy anything he would be ok with that, just to not have to work and buy time at home together....would be so awesome! Damn this thing called work!

    The extra set of hands was so nice, we have 6-8 weeks of insanity coming with him back to work, and the hockey he coaches on top of that having 2 games every weekend, I will have to stay sane as best I can!

  14. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beebug: my DH kept saying the same thing. He wished we could win the lotto so we don't have to work and can all hang out as a family all the time. So sweet.

  15. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Tidybee: oh no, i hope you don't get the bug either! hopefully you'll be able to reschedule your dinner at Craft soon.

    @hellobeeboston: using the video monitor was weirdly stressful for me. i could hear every noise and it made me nervous when i did! i think it was better when she was sleeping outside of our bedroom door and i could only hear some of her noises. our bedtime right now is around 9pm. we moved it up from 10-11pm the other night when she fell asleep at 8:45pm by herself. would love to get it up to 7/730ish though.

    @Beebug: this will be night #3 in the crib...let's hope she sleeps a little longer tonight. sounds like you had a really productive day!

    DH goes back to work tomorrow too - he is working from home, but then he will be away for 2 nights. he travels for work every week and i'm not really used to being with the baby by myself 24 hours a day. my mom has come to help before when he is traveling, but she isn't coming this week

  16. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @JessLC: DH is traveling for work this week as well and it's my first time on my own! We'll get through it together!
    @Beebug: I started CDing today, and I loved it! When I went to get DD ready for bath and bed, she had a glowing pink bum -- her first diaper rash! Any suggestions?? I washed the diapers 3 times with bumgenius detergent before she used them. Now I'm feeling a little disheartened

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Tidybee: ohhhhh Sorry about DDs bum Poor thing! We have never had any diaper rash in cloth, just a yeast infection coincidently the week we switched from sposies to cloth, and I was so disheartened, so I know how you feel! I would wait it out, do you have cloth friendly rash cream? Don't wait it out painfully long, but next 24 hours or so to see if she de-sensitizes to new fabric/detergent on her butt? I know this sounds silly, but do you do an extra wash/rinse cycle without detergent? My poor water and hydro bill, but I try to make sure they are rinsed beyond thoroughly.......I use a powder detergent made by a SAHD sold locally, so can't recco our detergent!

  18. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Running Elley: & @Beebug: Question for you ladies. I know both of you have a BOB stroller. I'm thinking about getting one, but don't want to get the infant seat adapter thingy. When can you put LO in it forward facing, not in their car seat? My baby really doesn't like his car seat and the only stroller I have is the caddy that the car seat snaps into. I think he would like facing out.

  19. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: I don't know when she can officially go in the front facing/regular seat. I have heard/am going with when she can sit up on her own, solid back/neck control. Even though part of me is a tiny bit tempted to try soon, I know I would worry more, so sticking with that. I hate how bumpy the transitions are in my neighbourhood from sidewalks to road surface.....kills any thoughts about changing her now, especially when she is sleeping in there. Snow is bumpy now too we've learned, I'm getting a great arm workout lifting and walking the back wheels on some unshoveled sidewalk and areas!

    I am seriously the only person in my neighbourhood still stroller walking, I see the odd person out, and I know she's warm, so glad to get out, hope the -10 and colder temps stay away.......lol.

  20. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beebug: Ok Thanks! I guess I would probably have to wait a few months to use it then. Maybe I'll look into another stroller option. Wow, go you for still walking in such cold weather! I probably wouldn't want to leave the house.

  21. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @hilsy85: LOVE the newborn photos:)

    Real quick, I have something to share/admit. It isn't the best news but I will feel better sharing with you ladies:
    My supply has been dipping drastically and quickly over the last 6 weeks or so.
    I have tried it all...and 4 days ago my family doctor decided it was time to start me on Domperidone.
    She said she doubted it would work...and she's right. It did pretty much nothing, even though it is supposed to work almost immediately.
    Anyways--I have been feeling such guilt and honestly I have experienced a tiny bit of depression over the fact that I don't have milk. I mean....I can.not.believe.this.
    Basically, LO has 6 feedings a day (4-5oz each). I am only able to feed him 3 of those 6 feedings. The rest is formula.
    My doctor says my problem is replenishment. It takes my body nearly 6 hours to replenish. So, every other feeding is breast milk, the ones in between are formula.
    I haven't told anyone (but DH & my mom) yet. I just feel...ashamed? I don't know why; I know it not my fault but...I just am sad. So sad..I am even getting really jelous of you all who are able to breastfeed exclusively. I am sorry, but I am:(
    Furthermore, I am worried about the future because I don't know what i'll do when he needs like 8oz at a time!
    Anyway- Just wanted to get that off my chest.

    I do have a little good news though! After I bottle feed him, I latch him on my breast even though it's empty, and he pretty much uses me as a pacifier in order to relax/bond. He LOVES it and I love it. It's like our way of staying together and bonding, even though I don't have any milk to offer him at that time:) So, we still have that going for us:)
    Ah..thanks for listening/reading!

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @TurtleDoves: Ah hun I'm sorry you're dealing with low supply. *HUGS* I think what you're feeling is totally normal. I know I would be feeling down if I started having issues with my supply. At least your are still able to breastfeed some and get that bonding time with him after you give him a bottle. I don't know if this will make you feel better but from what I read in my breastfeeding book, babies total milk intake doesn't change from when they are 1 month old. So the total amount of ounces they take in at 1 month is the same as what they take in at 6 months. Not sure if that's different if they're on formula tho. I think when they get older, they're just able to fit more ounces in their belly. Anyways, so sorry you're dealing with this.

  23. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @mrskc: We love our BOB but we're still using the infant carseat adapter and I think that you're supposed to for quite awhile....8 months is the number in my mind for some reason? I think once they're sitting up well, have really good neck control, etc. I'd be nervous to use it too much before then =/ It's been worth every penny though! Both of us have been very very pleased with it.
    @TurtleDoves: Awwww I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way and I completely understand! My supply has dropped too and E is eating pumped breastmilk only about half the time now. I get the guilt but I'm SO glad that he will at least latch on for you! That is HUGE and such a blessing Hugs! We are good mamas and goodness knows we've tried our hardest girl!

  24. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @Tidybee: You are going to LOVE CD'ing! It does feel like extra work sometimes but we've been CD'ing since Elliot 4 weeks old and I like it a lot. Folding them is kind of therapeutic

    Regarding going out to eat with baby- we go out to eat with him at least once a week (with FIL on the weekends). Lately E has been awake almost the whole time we've been out and he's been doing great! I think that a big part of it is that he's used to being on a 3-4 hour Eat-Activity-Sleep schedule so we know what to expect.

    Elliot has still been really gassy and it seems to be getting worse It really wears me down to see him hurting all the time. By the end of the day I'm mentally/emotionally exhausted. He has a ped appt tomorrow so hopefully she'll have some good suggestions/input. I really hope so.

  25. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @TurtleDoves: Hugs!! Wish we could trade, I am happy to bf, but would be ok bottle/formula feeding too. So sorry you are going through this. No matter what, you're doing the best you can, and no one can fault you for that.

  26. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I officially hate that DH is back to work, so boring here this am!

    I just did workout one of 30 day shred, dog jumped on me while I did jumping jacks, lol. Felt good, I didn't use weights, and won't for the first week or so just to get familiar with the movements. I'm tired now! C fell asleep just as I finished, she sat in her swing chirping away most of the time, which was nice.

    Will go for a walk with dog and baby around 11:30, then zumba/baby class at 1.

    How many feedings per day does everyone do? Now that we're into a routine a bit more, we pretty much stick to feeding her 5x a day (8, 11, 2, 5 and 8) and then one 4am ish feed. She isn't STTN like she did over the holidays, but knowing she can, is it ever appropriate to just paci if she woke at 4am, feed her just one side (less?) or do I just deal (I honestly don't mind....) with the middle of the night feed until she skips it naturally? I realize google and books could probably answer this stuff, but I like posting here, lol. Also, again a not in a rush question, but when do meal times either stretch out or get less frequent? Like, 6 mos or so when we starting introducing solids?

    Also decided today I am going to tackle one room a day for cleaning, rather than cramming whole house cleaning in one day/half day, break it up, and then DH is off the hook, lol.

  27. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @mrskc: thank you so much for the support:) I have heard that BF just changes in density so I won't have to produce more than I am. I hoping that's the case:( but as far as formula goes I will have to increase that but, oh well. It will still be 50/50 of his daily caloric intake. In hoping by the time he increases calories, we can start solids so that I can lessen the amount of formula he takes. I just don't trust formula:/
    @Running Elley: @Beebug: thank you sooo much:) I feel better that I've told someone! I feel like I was keeping some sort of shameful secret! I don't know why...feelings of failure I guess because I can't produce:/ but I feel tons better now:)

    @Running Elley: regarding E's gasiness, which bottle are you using when you give him pumped milk? Could it be the bottle?
    @Beebug: I started 30ds two days ago! I'm excited that you are doin it too:)

  28. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @TurtleDoves: sorry mama! i'm a little late to the game here, but i will echo what other ladies have already said. you are doing a great job, and you shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed about it at all. i feel like with all this "breast is best" stuff, women feel so much pressure to BF and blame themselves when it doesn't work out. sometimes it just doesn't work, and that's ok! there are millions of people that were formula fed as an infant and they turned out just fine, myself included.

    @Beebug: haha, i feel so lazy when i read what you did today! i fed myself and LO...vacuumed my tiny apartment, did 20 minutes of pilates and that's all i managed to do ALL DAY. gah. re: feedings per day, i have been feeding on demand but i'm trying to get it more scheduled. i feel like when i go back to work, it'll make it easier for my mom who will be looking after LO. i'm trying to do every 3 hours, but sometimes LO refuses to eat from the second side and then she's hungry in 1.5 hours. it is such a battle to get her on the second boob, but once she gets on, she's fine. anyway, re: late night feedings, i know the sleep training methods just tell you to cry it out if they wake up at night crying because at a certain age, babies can sleep 12 hours at night. so i would assume its ok to paci or feed less? i'm no expert though!

    i've been trying to be more diligent about getting her to nap, but i feel like she'll only nap when she wants to. i spent 45 mins rocking and singing to her this morning so i could put her down in the crib and gave up. then i sat her in her bouncer and she was asleep in 5 minutes. argh.

  29. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @TurtleDoves: Aw hun! So sorry to hear that you're struggling with this, but you have nothing to feel guilty about! You are giving LO as much BM as you can, and giving him all those important antibodies and nutrients, PLUS getting that awesome bonding. I would also feel really sad if I were in your position but the reality is you're a great mom, and doing the best that you can for LO.

    @Running Elley: AMEN--you are definitely a great mama as well! Poor E--have you tried probiotics with him? I've heard that can help little tummies. I hope the doc has some good advice for you guys!

    @Beebug: We are usually doing 6=7 feedings in a 24 hour period. I think a lot of babies stay at 4=5 for a pretty long time, if not even more often. As for when to help them get through the night waking w/o eating, I'm probably going to ask my pedi about it at our 4 month appt...I feel like by 4/5 months, they don't NEED to eat at night, so maybe that's a good time to start sleep training? I don't know when to push that, esp since L is pretty good at night and usually goes right back to sleep after nursing.

    We have our cardiologist appt tomorrow for L's heart murmur. I'm not concerned, as I know murmurs are super common among babies. I just hope the tests they do aren't too stressful for him!

  30. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Running Elley: Ok. I'm glad you love it. Do you just use it for walks or do you also take it with you when you go shopping? Sorry Elliott's tummy is bothering him. I hope you can get it figured out.

    @Beebug: My LO eats 7-8 times a day. It's about every 2 hours during the day. Sometimes when my LO wakes up in the night, my DH will just adjust him some and he'll fall back asleep for another few hours. I figure if he's really hungry, he wouldn't go back to sleep so easily.

    @hilsy85: Hope everything goes ok at the appointment tomorrow!

    I just went out for an hour walk with DS. Amazingly he was content in his car seat and eventually fell asleep. yay!

  31. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @TurtleDoves: I don't think it's the bottle The ped gave us some suggestions that we're going to try! Maybe it wouldn't hurt to change his bottle up too though....hmmmm.

    @hilsy85: Let us know how Leo's appt goes! I hope it's not too uncomfortable for the little guy!

    @mrskc: We definitely use it when we go shopping...even to like Target. It's super handy and even though it seems big and cumbersome it's really not bad. I use it by myself all the time.I'm glad that AJ fell asleep on the walk- Elliot usually looks around and then eventually gets bored and sleeps too

    @Beebug: Elliot usually eats 6-7 times a day. He's on an every 3 hour feeding schedule during his awake time and has 2 wake ups per night.

    Soooo at Elliot's ped appt today it went pretty well! He's in the 75th percentile for height at weight weighing in at 15lb 1oz and measuring 24.5 inches. The NP said that he's the picture of health so that's positive. Regarding his gassiness, she said that usually by the 3rd month it's at least getting better. Since he seems to be getting worse she gave us some steps to try to see if they help. We're supposed to try special formula for fussy and gassy babies for 3 days to see if that helps. If not we're going to try adding a little rice cereal to his bottles to slow down his feedings (he gulps his food down REALLY fast all the time- probably because he was dealing with my fast letdown for so long and that's what he's used to). If that doesn't work we'll try acid reflux medication. Gah. She commended me after she heard all that we've done to try to make EBF work. It made me feel a little better but I'm still pretty disappointed. Oh well. Hopefully this will help!

  32. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Running Elley: yay for being so healthy! And E uses both Enfamil gentleease & Similac for fussiness. E never has gas issues or bloat anymore:) & our ped suggested rice cereal awhile ago for E's reflux so we do that for his last bottle too. Both work!

    @Beebug: sooooo, I checked the mail just now and GUESS WHAT?!?! guess...guess!

    @hilsy85: @JessLC: thank you ladies for the kind words:) & I was formula fed too,Jess. My moms supply ended at 3m with me!

  33. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: I also take the bob everywhere, I think that's what you asked @Running Elley: about as secondary question! I timed it, and I'm like 20 seconds to get it out of my hatch, C in (in carseat) and away we go. Grocery shop with it, mall, whereever, love swirling it around, haha.

    @TurtleDoves: YAY YAY YAY!!!

    A lady in Zumba w/ baby had them on her LO today and everyone loved them, I got so excited!

    I'm tired, just hit the hay, three dog walks, 30 d s, and zumba w/ baby, bah!

    Zumba with baby was hilarious. I didn't know what zumba was, just had friends that talked about out, one that teaches it and just went in pretty ignorant. I run....I never do anything else, I've never danced in my life and am so not co-ordinated. I think I spent most of the time staring at the instructor who was thankfully amazing. I didn't break a sweat, my mind sure did though! That being said, it was super fun, C faced out in the carrier and was talking away thru parts and loving it I think, which was probably what I enjoyed the most! There were 9 Mom's and 9 babies, it was fun, look forward to it next time!

    DH and I watched the bachelor tonight, too fun, anyone else watch it? So entertaining.

  34. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @TurtleDoves: So glad to hear that it's worked for you guys! He's on the similac brand right now. Fingers crossed that it works Is sleep training going well still? We're thinking about giving it a shot. Eek!
    @Beebug: I'm watching it online later today with my sister! Can't wait! Bachelor is one of my guilty pleasures

  35. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: hope the appt goes well today!

    @JessLC: my LO only naps when he wants to also - i'm trying to keep track & see if there is any kind of pattern.

    @mrskc: yay for no crying in the carseat!

    LO is SICK waaahhh.
    he woke up last night coughing, DH and I both got out of bed & grabbed him because his coughing was so scary - mucusy - sounded like he was choking. he just can't cough it out. YUCK. Called the Ped, nothing we can do - he doesn't have a fever, he's eating, it's just uncomfortable to him. it's so sad. I hope it goes away QUICK. we've got the humidifier going, trying to clear his nose as often as I can, and we'll do the saline drops tonight - i think i'll bring him into a steamy bathroom a few times too.

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: @Running Elley: @hellobeeboston: Thanks ladies! Everything went great at our appt--he has what's called an "innocent murmur" and it won't affect his health at all, and may go away as he gets older. The appt was super quick too, which was great
    @Beebug: good for you for doing zumba! I am no where near coordinated enough.
    @hellobeeboston: oh no! Poor J I hope he feels better soon!

    We are going on our first weekend trip this weekend! We're taking LO up to Woodstock NY for two nights--we're looking to buy a house up there and have a few appointments scheduled to see some places. I'm excited but nervous about how his sleep will be in a new environment. It's kind of funny that my life now basically revolves around his sleep schedule, lol.

  37. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Running Elley: wow big boy! Go E! I hope the new formula works!

  38. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @Running Elley: We use Colic Calm once every night (only gripe water FDA approved) for Jay and it helps his gas issues. He only is fussy at night, so once (sometimes) twice we give him that each day and it really helps!

  39. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @hilsy85: so glad the murmur is not an issue!!
    @Jenn23: colic calm has worked wonders for us too!
    @hellobeeboston: hope James feels better soon:) E had a cough around that time too and it just got a little better and better each day. Surprisingly it didn't ruin his sleep. I did have him sleep in our room that week though because I wanted to make sure his breathing was Ok

  40. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @TurtleDoves: what did u do to help with the cough & mucus in chest? His nose isn't that stuffed and I feel like there is nothing I can do when he is coughing. He just threw up from coughing so hard

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