Hellobee Boards


October 2012 babies chat

  1. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Hey gals...I hope you don't mind me crashing your thread. I had LO in late September, but I see all the names from our Fall Babies thread on WB and thought you all might not mind if I crash to compare notes!

    LO's name: Sam
    Gender: boy
    Age: 15 weeks
    Weight: 12.5 lbs give or take. He goes back for his 4 month checkup on Feb 1st.
    Key milestones: A ton of smiles and giggles now. I love when he laughs out loud. Makes me laugh and he laughs more! He can keep his head level with his body when you pick him up by his arms, and he's starting to really love tummy time!
    How's feeding going: Good now. I gave up nursing around 3 weeks. He would take too long to fee off of me, so I started pumping and bottle feeding him exclusively. It made my life so much easier. Now that I'm back to work, I'm diving into my freezer supply. I think it will last another week or two, then off to formula.
    WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM and sad about it...

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I hope your LO feels better soon!

    @2PeasinaPod: hi there! I remember you from WB fall babies thread. I think a lot of pp have migrated over to here. I was taders on WB. Hope you stick around! It will be nice to kind of know what to expect since your LO is a few weeks ahead of us.

  3. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: welcome!! i remember u from WB, i cant even remember my wb screename!

    cant wait to get good laughs from my little man!!

    @mrskc: thx! i hope so too!!

  4. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: welcome! I remember you from WB It'll be nice to have a bit of an older baby on here, you can let us know what to look forward to (or what to prepare ourselves for, lol).

  5. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @mrskc: & @hellobeeboston: Thanks! I have one other friend who had a baby close to me, but just looking to see where others are with their babies too! Plus, I missed you gals while I was on maternity leave :o)

  6. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: ahh I have missed you (Lotam240). So glad to see you here and to hear little Sam is doing well!

  7. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hilsy85: an innocent murmur?! C has the exact same thing! We have an appt with a cardiologist next week but the pedi thinks it's totally fine. I'm just amazed at how similar the two of them are!

  8. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Tidybee: oh my gosh this is too funny! They must meet!!!

  9. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: Hi! I just came on here today after not being on HelloBee (nor WeddingBee) for a long time now.

    Hope if you guys don't mind if I join this thread as well since Jay was born late Sept and was supposed to be an Oct. baby.

    Name: Jay
    Gender: boy
    Age: 14 1/2 weeks
    Weight: 13+ lbs
    Feeding: Breastfed for 6 weeks, then had to stop due to medicine I had to take, so had to switch to formula.
    Key Milestones: Starting to get better with the whole tummytime thing and seems like he will roll over very soon! Sleeps 8-9 hours through the night which is awesome. Love his loud coos and laughs and lots of smiles!
    SAHM after next week.

    So good to see so many familiar names! Congrats on all of your cute babies!!

  10. JoeysMama

    cherry / 117 posts

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! Joey has been sleeping six hour stretches the last few nights and I finally feel like I got some sleep! He must have seen that I was reading Dr. Ferber's book and got his act together, lol. I really agree with most of it in theory but know I will have trouble hearing him cry. I love the analogies that Ferber makes. I think it is hilarious to think of falling asleep and being locked out of your room. It really makes a strong point for putting your baby in the crib awake! I think we will start to officially sleep train next week though. I am loving all the posts on HB about it!

    @hellobeeboston: Going back to work is definitely looming! The fact that your LO is sick now doesn't help get him on any schedule, except one to feel better. I hope he feels better soon. If it makes you feel any better, my LO is pretty much over his cold. His nose is still a little raw but he sounds so much better! It took about a week.

    @tidybee - I am still cracking up at idea of a second poop hole! It is amazing how far it can travel. Thank goodness we grow out of that!!!

    @hilsy85 - I really enjoyed the great pics of your LO and nursery! So glad your appt went well. That must be so stressful, even if it is routine. Have fun house hunting. I live in Long Island but my mom likes in the Catskills. Woodstock is such a beautiful town! A great place to raise a baby!!!

    @turtledoves - I could go on and on about breastfeeding and guilt. I, like most people, wanted to breastfeed but hit many roadblocks along the way. In the end , I am finally ok that LO is on formula but it took eleven weeks to get here! And I still have my days. My best advice is to surround yourself with supportive people who understand your supply issues and not those who may judge you for supplementing with formula. I know that is what helped me. I was already beating myself up enough, I didn't need to hear it from other people!

    @runningelley: I love that you go out to eat once a week! Unfortunately LO had so much trouble with gas, I couldn't imagine going out at dinner time and by the time he was done fussing most nights, I was exhausted! We started with tiny steps. We now go to the coffee shop with him and he is always fine. Up next is the restaurant where we know the owner, lol.

    @beebug: LO eats all the time change! The thing is he doesn't eat enough so it only lasts about two hours! I don't mind so much. The doctor wanted me to get him to 3-4 hour increments so that I don't lose my mind and it makes feeding him more convenient. He is finally getting close to that but is still often hungry at the 2 1/2 hour mark. I am thinking about changing his bottle nipple from a 0-3 month to a 3-6 month one because I think he is just getting tired from sucking on the slow nipple and stops eating when he is tired and not full.

    @2peasinapod @Jenn23: Hello!

    If there are any exclusive formula feeders out there...when did you switch your baby to the next nipple size?

  11. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Jenn23: eeeeee! Good to "see" you again! I bailed on wb and am just here now......! Glad you're back, and I was so excited to see your name!

  12. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @JoeysMama: ooh. i can't wait to hear about your sleep training adventures. i've been wanting to try it, but LO is still too young i think. She is only 10 weeks, but I have back problems and I don't think I can rock her to sleep every night without having back pain. anyone else tried/will be trying sleep training? i have the baby wise book, but am thinking of buying another so maybe if one doesn't work, i can do another. how long do you guys let your LO fuss at bedtime before going in to get them? mine doesn't really CRY, but just makes these "heeh...heeehhhhh" whining noises.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    PS with some new mama's here, I will remind about private facebook group if you want to join! It's totally closed/secret to anyone except for our group, we post a little more for pictures in there and sometimes post a little more?

    We couldn't figure any other way to do it then to add me as a friend to fb (look me up via email themacisaacs at hotmail dot com) and then I will add you into group! You can delete me as a friend after if you want, whatever you prefer

    I did 2nd day of 30 d s today, and then a step class at a gym tonight, goodness gracious, tomorrow will be a rest day, already sore!

    C had a rough day today, didn't get the am nap in this am for long enough and it made everything else awful after that, so here's hoping for a good night's sleep for her tonight!

    Got diapers out on the line today, hovered around freezing, but was sunny, and dipes were in need of some sun bleaching!

  14. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Beebug: ooh thanks for the reminder! Just friended you!

  15. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Hope LO is feeling better, did you get into see doc? If not, hope humidifier, saline, steamy bathroom helped!!!

  16. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: Ohh, have fun with the house hunt, I could house hunt every day of my life, and love it, I love looking at houses, it's almost a problem, lol. Poor DH when I see something and get hooked on it, we've almost been moving so many times, I'm bad!!!

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: Yay crashing! Welcome!!!! I also remember you from WB fall thread, glad you've joined in here

    @JoeysMama: I will have to read this Ferber's book, sounds interesting!!

    @JessLC: I "accepted" and added you to group!!!

    For those who formula feed, either exclusively, or in combo with bf, I have questions, lol.

    How did you choose whatever formula you did?

    For those who start bf'ing, how did you know you needed to swtich, or as it on doctor's recco?

    How did you start? Just bam over to formula, or as you could with bf'ing, and eventually all the way over?

    I am already feeling like my supply is down, never feeling engorged and end of day I don't feel like she is getting enough (thrashing around on me more.....) and not sure I should book doc appt or just start supplementing, or wait it out to be sure!

    C ended up perpendicular to where she started in her crib last night, between 4am and 8am moved herself 90 degrees! Scary!

  18. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Taking today off working out, last night's fitness class was a lot, so two hard days, will just walk the dog today, and stretch!

    Going up the street to visit a neighbour after lunch who had baby end of November, we really clicked when we've chatted pre-baby, so it will be great to have LOs (both girls!) so close in age and be on mat leave together.

  19. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Hey Gals!!!
    I've been MIA, but I've been reading and catching up with everyone.

    I'm officially back to work and Delaney is in daycare. We are both adjusting great!!! To be honest, I thought I was going to hate going back to work, but I'm enjoying it. I miss D, but it does make the time I do get with her seem more special since there's not as much now.

    A few of my tricks/recommendations for those that are transitioning back to work -
    - I did 3 days of 1/2 days. Day 1, DH stayed with LO; Day 2&3 LO went to daycare for 1/2 days.
    -During my 1/2 days at work, I pumped once
    - This has been my first week back (today is day 3) and it's been a really easy transition. I think easing back into it was the best thing I could have done.
    - I pumped 3 times on Monday and that seemed like too much and like I wasn't getting anything done. So yesterday I pumped 2 times and got the same amount as Monday... so 2 x will be my pump schedule.

    So far, I've got 130 oz saved up. I had thought about trying to make to 1 year, but I may be re-evaluating it and looking to do 6 months. We'll see.

    I've missed ya'll!!! I will be checking in and chiming in more frequently now that I'm back at work :o)

  20. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @Beebug: We started supplementing his bedtime bottle with formula around 10 weeks. We started that b/c I knew I was going back to work at 12 weeks and wanted to start switching him to formula one bottle at a time as I wouldn't be pumping anymore. I had a good stash in the freezer as well. He's now 15 weeks, and we're up to 2 formula bottles per day out of 5.

    My SIL used Enfamil and it worked for her colicky baby, so we started with that. I was told that you might have to try different kinds to see what your baby does well with, but he's been doing great with the Enfamil from the start. Also, when he was in the NICU for the first 2 days, they fed him Enfamil before they knew that I wanted to breast feed. So I think he was already used to the taste.

    As for the doctor, I asked which brand they preferred, and they said any of the big names were fine with them. They also told me that I could just switch completely unless he was having an issue. They then said that I could mix half breast milk and half formula to get him used to it if he didn't like it at first. I'm doing the 2 out of 5 bottles on my own. Once my freezer supply runs out, I'm switching the other 3 bottles to formula all at once.

    And I so know what you mean about the crib movement! S has been "scootching" in his crib for about 3 weeks now. He starts at one end and ends up at the bottom in a corner! He'll also scootch perpendicular to the crib from time to time as well. They're on the move!

  21. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: In regards to low milk supply, this is the best article I've found: http://theleakyboob.com/2011/10/help-my-milk-supply-is-low-or-is-it/

    I had a concern about low supply as well, and this is basically what my LC told me: Your boobs not feeling engorged is totally normal, as your supply regulates. As for thrashing around on you, C might be gassy, or she might be trying to tell your body to make more milk, and your body just needs a few days to adjust. And she also said that if I DO have low supply, supplementing with formula will only cause my supply to go down, since baby won't be nursing as much and won't be signaling my body to make as much milk (I guess unless you pump while she gets formula). So anyway, for sure give her formula if you want to, but don't feel like you have to because you have low supply, because you probably don't! as long as she's pooping/peeing, and gaining weight, then your supply is good (so says the article/my LC). So many things to stress about, I know!

  22. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Is LO feeling any better?? Elliot has gotten stuffy before and as long as we immediately start using the humidifier it usually clears up pretty fast.

    @hilsy85: I'm glad that the appointment went well!

    @2PeasinaPod: @Jenn23: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh welcome girls I've missed you both!!! So glad to hear that your little guys are doing well. It feels like it's been so long

    @JoeysMama: 6 hour stretches sound awesome! E went 5 hours the night before last and it was lovely. I'm curious about changing nipple size too...

    @Beebug: I"ve been trying to get DH to put a line up for me to put my diapers on. I'm glad to hear that it worked well for you. What kind of CDs are you using? Regarding switching to formula... I'm pretty sure that's the direction that we'll be going since the sensitive tummy formula seems to be helping Elliot's gassiness. We switched over to all formula the day before yesterday (just to try it at first) and I continued pumping. The pediatrician said to just cut out a pumping session every 1 or 2 days as I feel less full until I'm weaned off of it.

    @CarrieLouWho: I'm glad that the transition back to work is going smoothly for you!

  23. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @JoeysMama: We just tried the medium nipples, but the flow seemed a bit too fast for Jay. So we're waiting another week or two to try again. He's 3 1/2 months now and the nipples are for 4+ months so I guess we tried a tad early. You can try and see what happens!

    @Beebug: @Running Elley: Good to see you ladies, too!

    Here's some pics of Jay.

  24. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @Jenn23: He is absolutely precious! Happy baby

  25. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Running Elley: he's been sleeping really well, which is good - and I think he's learning how to cough better... He didn't have any stuffiness before it was all of a sudden this cough & then we heard the stuffiness! We should just keep taht humidifier going all the time.... I wonder if he had a weakened immune system from his shots & maybe that's why?

    I woke up this morning sick too waaahhh.... i hope we kick this fast!

    @Jenn23: adorable!!

    @CarrieLouWho: so glad to hear going back to work is going well! I'm so nervous for it, and it's just a few weeks away!

    @Beebug: we won't go to the doc unless he's got a fever or if he still has the cough tomorrow.... so we'll see! we're supposed to go away to NYC this weekend because we've got a baptism & I'm the godmother, so i hope it resolves!

    @JoeysMama: yeah, definitely not working on a schedule with the sickness! glad to hear your LO is better!

  26. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @Running Elley: Thanks! 'Lil Elliot is such a cutie, too! He has your eyes!!

  27. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: glad the transition back to work is going well! Good for you for having that much BM saved--that's a LOT of hard work right there

  28. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Jenn23: welcome! he is adorable!!

  29. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Thanks! Sorry your little one has been sick and now you are, too. Feel better!
    @hilsy85: Thanks!!

  30. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Jenn23: Jenn! That picture of you & LO is sooooooo incredibly precious:) you two look so in love and happy! Aw:)

  31. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @TurtleDoves: Thanks! I love that photo. I think he was 4 weeks old or so. He slept during the entire time we took photos at the park.

  32. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Boo! I wrote a whole post out and thanked everyone for the welcomes and it never posted! Thank you everyone :o)

    And everyone's LOs are ridiculously adorable. Here's one of our guy from a few weeks ago.

    Grr...I had a whole thing written out about switching to a faster flow nipple too! We have Dr. Brown's bottles and switched our formula bottles (he gets 2/day) to #2 flow. My breast milk is a little too thin yet and #2s are too fast for him and he ends up choking and spitting up everywhere. He can handle it pretty well with the formula though. He's 15 weeks and we just started to switch his formula bottles over to #2s this week.

  33. Mrs.B

    clementine / 961 posts

    Ah I've missed so much again.

    Welcome to all the new bees. I remember many of you from weddingbee.

    @Jenn23: @2PeasinaPod: Adorable little men

    A has her 3 month pictures on Saturday. I am beyond excited about them. I'm hoping we get some really good pictures.

    A had her first "I only want Mommy moment" today. I went to lunch with my Grandma and Step Mom. My Step Mom wanted to hold A so I let her and within a minute A started bawling. I took her back and she snuggled into me and ok again. A few minutes later my Grandmother tried to hold A with the same result. It was sad to see her cry but at least I know she loves her Mommy

    I'm really struggling with my own seperation issues with A. I still have not left her. Not once! She also still sleeps in bed with me. I can't even stomach the thought of putting her in her nursery or leaving her with someone. I'm secretly happy with her bottle rejection because it's the perfect excuse not to leave her.

  34. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beebug: it's perfectly normal for your breasts to not feel engorged anymore. Mine ever hardly do anymore. It doesn't mean your supply is low. It's ok if you want to supplement but doing so will cause your supply to go down. A d that's ok if that's what you want!

    @CarrieLouWho: I'm glad going back to work has been going good for you. I'm going to be starting with half days too.

    @Jenn23: what a cutie!

    @2PeasinaPod: he's adorable!

    @Mrs.B: I've noticed my LO doesn't let anyone hold him but me or DH lately. It's ok you don't want to leave your daughter. Enjoy this time with her. They won't be this little forever!

    My little man has been drooling like crazy the last few weeks. I wonder if this means teething may start soon?

  35. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: Gah!!! Too much cute!!!
    @mrskc: We've been experiencing the constant drool too! I keep checking for teeth ready to pop yhrough but I haven't seen any yet.

  36. BlessedMama

    cherry / 125 posts

    Hi ladies. I've been following here for a while, I was over on WB before and finally had time to join, if thats ok

    LO's name: Addison
    Gender: girl
    Age: almost 12 weeks
    Weight: 12 lbs 11 oz
    Key milestones: holding up head all the time, smiling, coo-ing, starting to try to roll over

    How's feeding going: good, I went back to work last week so now she gets bottles during the day and nurses in the morning and night

    How's sleep going: really good once she gets to sleep. She seems to be a night owl and doesnt like to go to bed until 10-10:30, but then sleeps 8-9 hours typically

    WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM, just started back last week and its tougher than I thought. My mom is watching her so I do try to see her at lunch time

  37. BlessedMama

    cherry / 125 posts

  38. BlessedMama

    cherry / 125 posts


    picture - 2

  39. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @BlessedMama: welcome! She is so adorable! Love her name.

  40. JoeysMama

    cherry / 117 posts

    The babies on this thread are all so cute! What a great age this is! So many smiles! We are all so lucky!

    LO slept nine and 1/2 hours last night. I have been on cloud nine all day! It is amazing what eight hours of sleep can do!!!

    @jesslc: I wish I could talk about how sleep training worked but we did nothing outside of our normal routine. I really hope he is just naturally falling into a better sleeping pattern! My LO will be 12 weeks on Monday and from what I gather, that is a good time to start. I still don't know if I will do full sleep training but I do want to make an effort to put him in his bed when drowsy but awake. The problem is that he always falls asleep on his last bottle! Mine doesn't really cry either, until he's is fully awake and upset. I decided that if he wakes up during the night, before the five hour mark, I will give him ten minutes to go back to sleep. That seems to be a pretty common amount of time and I think he usually is asleep by five min. Let us know what you decide to do.

    @beebug: Thanks for letting us newbies know about the facebook group! The Ferber book totally is interesting! That is so cool that you have someone to chat with who is going through all this! Hope you had a great time!

    @jenn23: Thanks for sharing your experience! I use the playtex bottles and it says that the medium flow starts at 3 months. LO will be 12 weeks on Monday so I think we will give it a try. I get so worried that he will be choking on formula or spitting up constantly. Completely neurotic, I know, but this is the joy of being a first time mom! Jay is absolutely adorable and I love his name! My nephew is named Jay, so I may be biased.

    @hellobeeboston: Hope you feel better quickly! There is nothing worse than being sick and taking care of a sick baby!

    @2peasinapod: So cute!!! His face just lights up! Glad to hear the #2 nipple works with the formula. Sorry they aren't so compatible with the breast milk. How frustrating!

    @blessedmama: She is so sweet. Love the dress!

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