Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: yeah, I definitely had to bite my tongue! I wanted to rant about how babies aren't always conceived when we want and how enduring the summer is a small price to pay. Preaching to the choir here, though!

  2. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @hilsy85: FX she flips!! Did they say what week they would do the ECV ?

    @rainbowsprinkles: the twin comment annoys me SO MUCH. "I bet you'll be surprised and find a second in there with that belly of yours!"... Uh ya, because this day and age they would have missed a twin on all 4 ultrasound that I've had

    @Mrs. Pickle: I've found this past week I've really decided that I'm over it. I'm trying to savour every last minute of being pregnant since its most likely our last, but my body is exhausted and I don't feel like myself anymore. It's 5am right now and I can't sleep...the getting up 1048492920x a night to pee is driving me insane.

    I really want to make it to my BFFs wedding at 38 weeks though so hopefully I still have a bit more time ahead of me, as much as I cringe saying that!!

  3. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I thought the people saying stupid stuff like that were only here in Texas ("oh I would have never planned to be pregnant during a Texas summer" well maybe I like being hot and sweaty and huge buddy! Haha)

    @Charm54: I'm up too! I don't think I've slept past 5 for around a week. I am so caught up on news

    Anyone have any natural and pregnancy friendly cold remedies? I am so miserable and so limited on mess but would love to hear any suggestions!

  4. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    I think lots of people just don't know what to say to a pregnant person. They feel awkward and like they have to comment on something pregnancy-related and then they say something kind of dumb!

  5. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @Charm54: good luck with the wedding! I did my bridesmaid stint at 35 weeks and it was alright. I had some significant feet swelling and lots of breaks from dancing because there is only so much grooving you can do with a belly, and knocking back water like it was going out of style. It was still fun though. I would not be a bridesmaid again this far along though, but it won't happen anyway because all my besties are married now.

    I am looking forward to the baby being out so that I can be closer than arms length front hugs from my husband. Slow dancing with a baby between you doesn't work! Haha

  6. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @babycanuck: I keep getting more and more uncomfortable at night and joke I'm like a turtle flipped on its back trying to get up to pee.

    @hilsy85: hopefully the little one flips!

    @Mrs. Pickle: It makes me crazy when some people make comments. Its like yes I'm pregnant and very hot. Now please just leave me alone. Thankfully no strangers have wanted to touch the belly yet.

    This morning I'm dealing with my lovely insurance co who is saying they aren't paying for routine bloodwork from the beginning of my pregnancy. SO MUCH FUN! Lol. They make me nuts. I don't get how they can be so unable to get things done. I just want to yell I'm not paying $988 for bloodwork that everyone gets done.

    Had a really nice weekend tho! We went on maybe our last tiny vacay before the baby. Went to the Dodgers vs Padres game in SD and then went to the zoo the next day which I survived really well surprisingly. We got to see a bunch of animals up and moving around.
    Now just crossing everything that baby doesn't come a couple weeks early and land on our first wedding anniversary.

    Hope its cooling off some for everyone!!!

  7. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @mrsjenbug: I'm in Texas too. I don't have any clue about colds. I'm really stuffy and it's making my throat a little sore. I should probably try to figure something out!

  8. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I feel bad complaining too, but man, I am SO OVER being pregnant! I'm averaging like 3-4 hours of sleep per night, just so uncomfortable....I can't wait to have him on the outside!

    @hilsy85: I hope she flips on her own soon and you don't have to worry about any of that other stuff!

    @Mrs. Goose: I never did the massages the first time around, probably wont this time either! I'm sure they help somewhat, but I am just too lazy

    @Charm54: what name and spelling are you thinking of again? maybe we can help you!

    @MamaBear87: ugh, hope you figure the insurance situation out! insurance billing stresses me out....at least you had a nice weekend!

    Not much going on here. Had my 36 week appointment and just to satisfy my curiosity my OB checked me- cervix completely closed and high up, booo! I also had the GBS test done and should find out in a few days the results. My OB did mention that IF I was favorable, she would induce me at 39 weeks just bc I am so completely miserable and not sleeping. I guess we will see when we get to that point, where I am, etc, and if I want to do it....

    I *think* we may have found a name we both really like! Christian.....what do you ladies think? Trying to think of a middle to go with it.....maybe Christian James..?

  9. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @NovBaby1112: I love the name Christian. Christian James sounds very nice.

    I've been hoarding a Massage Emvy gift card for two years so I could use it for a prenatal massage (I was stubborn about not using it when going through IF treatments). I went and had my massage today and it was glorious. I'm in a better place today. I might book one for 38 and then 40 weeks if I'm still pregnant.

  10. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I had my 37+2 week appt today. Last ultrasound too--baby is measuring pretty big still! I am almost 4 cm dilated and 60% effaced. She swept my membranes since I already have made so much progress. We will see when this baby shows up!!!

  11. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: that's exciting! I bet you'll have her within the next two weeks!

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: that is so exciting!!! She will definitely be here soon I bet!

    @NovBaby1112: good to know at least you have an end date if you want it! We know a little boy named Christian, he's very cute. I think Christian James sounds really nice.

  13. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: so true, and a lot of pregnant people get offended by seemingly every question... I don't know why that comment irks me more than all the rest.

    @NovBaby1112: I like Christian James! That's cool that your dr would induce at 39w. Will you do it? I am so nervous about c sections so I would be REALLY tempted but probably chicken out!

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: wow! I didn't know they did that at 37w! Good to know! I think I have a cervical check at my next appointment (almost 37w) so now I'm really praying for *some* progress!! Can't wait to "meet" our next October baby!'

  14. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @MamaBear87: that is such a bummer about insurance. It's all foreign to me being in Canada, but it sounds like a pain and I hope you are able to get your $ back!

    @NovBaby1112: I really like Christian James!! It flows super nice together. I'm trying to decide whether to spell our boy's name Lachlan or Laughlin. I much prefer the first way, but the second way would be a direct tribute to my maiden name. I feel like both ways will be butchered and the poor kid will have to spell/pronounce his name his entire life for people, but we love the name and it's meaning, as well as the NN Lock

    @Mrs. Pickle: I have a gift certificate for a massage and I can't wait to use it! That reminds me I should book an apt for the next couple of weeks

    @Mrs. Goose: Glad you made it through the wedding!! My goal is to leave first thing the next morning after the wedding and get home. It's a 3hr drive and there is no hospital between here and there so the drive is what is making me the most nervous. I feel bad that I am missing the rehearsal dinner and manicures the day before, but I don't want to drive up alone that late in the pregnancy and Dh can only leave after work so we will only get in late the night before the wedding

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: !!!! I bet you will have a baby sooner rather than later! So exciting!!!'

    My B Hicks are getting more frequent and slightly painful (feels like a period cramp not like a real contraction though). I had my 37w apt today but I didn't want her to do a cervical check since she said it can sometimes induce labour and I REALLY want to make it to 38+5 so I can get to my BFFs wedding. My Dr said it might be wishful thinking though since I am so low, haha

  15. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: I don't think she would normally so early but since I'm so far dilated and baby is measuring so far ahead, she said it might just help a bit with effacement. But if baby isn't ready, it won't do anything! I'm guessing she will come 9/17 or 9/18.

  16. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: ahh a massage sounds SO amazing right now!! My back is killing me

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: whoa! Sounds like you might go very soon, I'm super jealous!! I can't believe you are already 4cm!

    @2littlepumpkins: I don't know yet, I guess we will see where I am at dialation and effacement wise at 39 weeks....I am also nervous about a hard labor and c section so we'll see, I may just suck it up the last week! But my mom is flying out Oct 6 so I def want him here right around then!

    @Charm54: I agree, I like the Lachlan spelling best and I think that is the traditional spelling?

  17. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I had a massage last week and then went home and booked 2 more before my due date! Last time I was pregnant I had one in the lying face down position (went to a prenatal place that has appropriate tables/padding) and it just didn't feel good or comfortable to me. But I gave it another shot and she had me sitting up on a balance ball... it felt amazing! I can't wait to go back next week! So worth the splurge.

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I'm had my 36 week appointment today and it was pretty uneventful. My OB gave me a flu shot prescription. Is anyone else getting it while pregnant or are you waiting? She said she'll start doing checks at 38 or 39 weeks. I hope I've made some progress by my first check!

    My mom lives out of state and has been planning on coming for the baby's birth and a couple weeks after. She just got jury summons for 9/28! I really hope they dismiss her.

  19. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I will prob get a shot from my OB as soon as they are available, I think not til beginning of October here though. That stinks about your mom's jury summons!

    @Charm54: I really like the Lachlan spelling! I think it will be easier to pronounce/read than the other way. Did you have a super fast birth with your first LO? If not then even if you did go into labor on the drive, you'd have plenty of time to get to the hospital! That's what I'm telling myself anyway, since we're going 2,5 hours away at 37 weeks

  20. jodyblair

    kiwi / 611 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: so exciting! She'll be here soon!

    @Mrs. Pickle: I went ahead and got the flu shot at my 32 week appointment. They had them in stock, I was already there, so I figured why not.

    Has anyone started drinking raspberry leaf tea yet? Are you planning to? I can't remember when I started drinking it with DS1!

  21. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @jodyblair: I'm drinking it already. I started with 1 cup a day at 33 weeks and am drinking 2 cups a day now at 36. I ice it and add a little sugar. I read a lot of old threads about it before starting.

    I'm not really sure about evening primrose oil though. Is anyone planning on taking that?

  22. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @Charm54: I wouldn't want to do that drive and be alone either. My husband is going to be out of town for the next two weeks and it is weighing on my mind. Lachlan is a good spelling. I have a friend with a son named that and spelled that way.

    @shellio: @Mrs. Pickle: I have had two massages now where the lady just lay me on my side and did each side of my back and then propped me up on pillows and did my feet. It was a full body massage. It was great. I feel like the tables with holes in them would be uncomfortable.

    @jodyblair: @Mrs. Pickle: I have started the raspberry leaf tea now. I bought a bunch when it was on sale and made it into iced tea mixed with ginger tea, lemon, and berries and I will drink it hot too. I like the taste actually. Just have to find time to slot it into my daily drinks. I should bring it to work for my lunch breaks. I think at 38 weeks you can bump it up to three. And then at 40 weeks do 4 if you are still pregnant at at point.

  23. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: that's so soon too though! Are you nervous at all? I think if the dr said I was 4cm with no contractions I'd be expecting to deliver on the side of the street because my mom had about a one hour labor with her second!

    @NovBaby1112: well hopefully things are moving along by then! My parents are coming out about a week and a half after my due date... When we are supposedly going baby free to a family thing for a few hours. If lo is a week early that'd be nice, a week late and I'll be freaking out!

    @Mrs. Pickle: I usually get the flu shot in September because that's when dd gets hers. Do we need a Rx because we're pregnant? I've always just gone to CVS or something like that. I'll have to ask my OB.

    @jodyblair: probably not because my stomach sucks.. If I were gonna do any of the labor inducing foods it'd be 37+ weeks though. So not yet for me.

    We installed the car seat today but it moves more than an inch no matter how tight the base is.. Ugh.

  24. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Charm54: I vote Lachlan too, just easier. Nice choice! Our group has some great name choices I think.

  25. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: no I'm not nervous at all! Just excited. We've read up on what to do if I need to deliver in the car. We live like 5 minutes from the hospital. DD2 was born about 2 hours after we got to the hospital (I started pushing about 90 minutes after we showed up in ER) so I wonder if DD3 will be quicker?!?

  26. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: 5 mins definitely sounds helpful! was your dd2 a med free birth? I had a really long labor with dd, 2+ days. I think I'm more scared of doing that again than a super quick labor but still, because I don't know any different, it blows my mind to think that people are just going about their day and then a few hours later have their baby in their arms! I hope that happens this time! Were you always dilated a bit early? Or is this totally new?

  27. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: yes, med free for dd2! I went into labor at 3 am and labored at home as long as I could, and got to the hospital at about 715 in the morning. She was in my arms at 915 am. I was in the tub the whole time I was at the hospital. When I checked in I was at 6, almost 7 cm. I have no idea if I was dilated beforehand because my doctor never checked me at any of my appts.

    Dd1 was in induction that lasted almost 16 hours at 40 weeks. When I showed up to be hooked up to the pitocin I was 4 cm, but it still took that long for her to get here.

    I hope this birth is much faster for you!

  28. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    I am 35 weeks today, woo hood! Also feeling very crampy this morning on one side by my hip--anyone else having crampy feelings? I don't REALLY think that this means anything/that they are contractions, but the reality is that at some point in the next 5 weeks (most likely) they WILL be real, and that is kind of freaking me out!!! I think I will complete my amazon registry today and wash some baby clothes just to be on the safe side @Charm54: sorry missed this, I think they don't do the ECV til 38 weeks or so? Since it can induce labor. I just scheduled LO's birthday party for Oct. 4th and sent out invitations, so she can show up any time after that!

  29. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @hilsy85: I've been super crampy for a couple of weeks. I asked the OB yesterday and he said it's just "tightening".

    Tonight we have a tour of the hospital and I've been procrastinating writing thank you cards from our shower on the 30th, so hoping to get those done in the next two days. I feel horrible.

  30. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @hilsy85: They usually like to do an ECV at 37 weeks, since it can induce labor or lead to other issues that can require delivery. It is more likely to be successful if the baby is smaller so 37 weeks is the balance between preterm complications (if baby is delivered) and working with the smallest baby possible.

  31. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @shellio: ah ok good to know! Yikes that would be soon! And an epidural is usually administered prior, is that right? or are things just set up for an epidural?

  32. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @hilsy85: It depends on your OB and their usual practice. They can be done without any anesthesia, some people find them painful. They are somewhat more effective with an epidural or spinal, probably because it allows the OBs to be a little more aggressive.

  33. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @shellio: gotcha! that makes sense. I guess we'll see what position she's in tomorrow at my OB appt, and go from there...

  34. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: my doctor wrote me a prescription for the flu shot. I'm not sure if they would deny me if I walked in a clinic without one though. I wish my OB's office administered shots. It would be easier!

  35. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @NovBaby1112: @hilsy85: @2littlepumpkins: @Mrs. Goose: Thanks for the spelling help ladies...that makes me feel better about our choice to spell it that way! People (mostly my sisters) have been giving me 100 different ways to spell it to make it easier on the kid but they all look made up so I think we will stick to our guns and go with the traditional spelling.

    @hilsy85: I hope baby has flipped for you! Kudos to you for planning a party with invitations and everything ! DD's birthday is this weekend but I am keeping it super small with just family and doing a very light "frozen" theme since she is obsessed. She's in daycare today so it's my day to get everything ready and a few minor DIYs!

  36. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I'm drinking red raspberry leaf tea and just started a week ago....also need to get flu shot too, should do that ASAP

    @2littlepumpkins: we also need to install our car seat!

    @hilsy85: I've been pretty crampy lately- like minor period cramps. I think it's normal though! I hope you don't even have to worry about the ECV and baby girl turns on her own soon

  37. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @hilsy85: @NovBaby1112: I've been getting cramps low in my uterus too. I'll get one or two per day. Last night I had one while having a BH contraction. Is that what real contractions are like? Or does your stomach not get tight with real contractions?

  38. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: really! I know mine offers the dtap but I don't think they do flu shots.

    @hilsy85: yup more cramps over the last week! And more tightening. Not necessarily together though. But I've had a crampy week followed by a cervical check around 28? weeks and nothing was happening (thankfully) so I doubt much is going on now even though I'm still hoping!

    @babycanuck: hope your tour goes well!

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: hopefully it's faster with the second! Your labor with your second sounds sort of ideal as far as length although I'm hoping for an epidural!

  39. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    So for the past 2 hours ive been having pretty regular contractions (every 3-4 mins). They aren't overly painful, but definitely starting to make me think this might possibly potentially maybe be very early labour??!! I don't know. I really am hoping to make it another 10 days .... If it wasn't for the wedding this would be a perfect weekend to have a baby bc all my and DHs family is here for DDs birthday and my favourite doctor is on call!

  40. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Charm54: hopefully it's a false alarm so you can make the wedding! Are you going to get checked if they continue?

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