Hellobee Boards


October 2016 moms!

  1. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @stiletto_mom: I'm so so sorry!

  2. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @jaguar: hoping for the best for you.

  3. Boston terrier mom

    coffee bean / 40 posts

    @stiletto_mom: oh no I am sorry for you.

  4. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @stiletto_mom: So sorry for your loss.

    @whiskers: Hoping everything works out.

    I had a long day today. Started it off having a breakdown because I wanted a bagel from Tim Hortons. After hubby got me my bagel, we fooled around and it ended with me having horrible cramps and almost passing out. Hubby wanted to take me to the hospital, but I held him off till I called the doctor. They told me to rest and stay hydrated. I was exhausted the rest of the day and had some brown spotting later that had me freaking out again.

    Morning sickness reared its ugly head for the first time today, as did pregnancy hormones. Beside the bagel incident, I also threw a literal temper tantrum because my husband wanted to play video games. I was quite ashamed of that one.

    I'm done with today. Lol. Ready for tomorrow and our ultrasound.

  5. Boston terrier mom

    coffee bean / 40 posts

    @Amorini: we were team green last time but near the end baby was breeched and tech said at last ultrasound oh it's a boy. This time we are team green until delivery.

  6. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    OB going to get me in on Friday for early scan, I'll be 5w6d, so not expecting to see anything.. but a blob on a screen would at least reassure me there's something there.

  7. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @KrzyRiver: awww hahah sorry but this made me laugh! Excpet for the cramps and such I'm sorry!
    I had a temper tantrum with DH with DD about under cooked chicken, he kept asking if it looked pink, I flipped and tossed it all in the sink! Not my proudest moment

  8. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @jaguar: Good! Try to relax until then, easier said than done I know!

  9. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    This insomnia 😒 more time for me to just lie around being anxious.

  10. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @FaithFertility: Lol! I kicked an ottoman over. The look on my husband's face was pretty funny.

    @whiskers: I hear ya. I'm not sleeping well at all. Can't fall asleep and when I finally do, I wake up not long after to pee. But I could probably nap all day if I had the time. Lol

    First ultrasound is in about an hour and a half and I'm a nervous wreck.

  11. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @whiskers: Normally I suffer from insomnia during the tww so I feel your pain. I usually take a warm water bottle to snuggle with. It eventually puts me into a deep sleep. Nowadays I can mostly get back to sleep except now and again.

    @KrzyRiver: Good luck with your scan! I think you're entitled to kick an ottoman over at least once a pregnancy. I'm saving mine up for a little later...

    I think I have a UTI ladies. Classic, right? I can't get an appointment until at least tomorrow so today might be a little uncomfortable. It's not the worst right now and I think I can just pound water, grin and bear it until then.

  12. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: Can you go to Urgent Care? You should get seen ASAP. Nobody deserves to be in pain, especially when pregnant.

  13. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @jaguar: Good. Has the spotting stopped?

    @KrzyRiver: Ugh sorry for the rough day. I've had good days and bad days too. I hope your ultrasound goes well!!!!

    @Amorini: Oh yuck. Like early pregnancy isn't bad enough without a UTI! I hope you get it solved soon

  14. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Just making sure today. Lol

    I'm officially 4 weeks today! For me it doesn't feel like my pregnancy has started until I get to 4 weeks. Period is officially missed but I'm still nervous it could be over any day.

  15. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @Amorini: Oh man, that sucks. Like we don't have enough to deal with when pregnant, right?

    @artsyfartsy: Try not to stress and just try to enjoy every day that you're pregnant. A lady on The Bump told me she repeats this mantra to herself every day. "Today I am pregnant and I LOVE this baby." It has really helped me get through these early weeks.

    Ultrasound went great! She said the heartbeat right away and she says baby is measuring right on track with my LMP! The doctor will call me later today with my instructions. After multiple losses, I was terrified, so I started crying when she immediately saw a heartbeat.

  16. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @Amorini: Thanks for the migraine well-wishes. I'm hoping it's an early symptom only and they'll level out at some point. And ugh, so sorry about the UTI. Not fun at all. Hope you can get some relief sooner than later!

    @KrzyRiver: Love that mantra. Saying it right now.

    Today I am 4w3d. Period would normally arrive on this day, so I'm hoping to sail right past...

  17. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @KrzyRiver: Thank you!

  18. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @artsyfartsy: nice! I've been testing every other day and my lines are progressing so I am a little less nervous, but nothing is going to make it seem real until I get an ultrasound.

    @KrzyRiver: Awesome!!!

  19. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @whiskers: I took a test two days after my first and after analyzing it to death I decided it was a little darker. After that I decided to quit. I wanted to do a digital to have that pretty PREGNANT right in my face and now I'm done. Haha

  20. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    October 2016 Babies!

    Sept 30 or Oct 1 - Avivoca (#2)
    Oct 1 - Amorini (#1)
    Oct 5 - Goosey (#2)
    Oct 7 - Miss Ariel (#2)
    Oct 10 - ThePickleMonster (#1)
    Oct 11 - KrzyRiver (#1)
    Oct 11 - BunBun (#1)
    Oct 11- TeamJH (#1)
    Oct 12- KitKat (#1)
    Oct 12 - FaithFertility (#2)
    Oct 12 - Takethelongway (#1)
    Oct 15 - Jaguar (#2)
    Oct 19 - Boston Terrier Mom (#2)
    Oct 21 - Whiskers (#3)
    Oct 23 - Tapdancer (#1)
    Oct 26 - ArtsyFartsy (#2)

  21. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @artsyfartsy: Lol. My cheapies expire this month anyways, so I figure it is not wasteful to use them. I did have a scare the other morning when I didn't wait long enough. Today's was the same as the control line so I think I'm just going to save my other ones if I have a scare or something.

  22. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @KrzyRiver: Congratulations on such a great milestone. I can't even imagine getting to a heartbeat at this stage, so I know I'll be on eggshells until we get there.

    @artsyfartsy: I love a good digital.

    @Amorini: You poor thing! I hope you're feeling ok. x

    Spotting eased off but I'm cramping... but honestly?? I feel better knowing I am seeing the doctor tomorrow.

  23. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @jaguar: I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope everything goes well at the doctor tomorrow!!

  24. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @jaguar: That's great that it didn't turn into a full bleed! I still have a lot of hope for you.

  25. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @jaguar: Happy to hear the spotting eased off. I had a lot of cramping with some light spotting over the last few days. Not sure how bad your cramping is... mine was pretty bad. But it's normal, try not to worry unless your doctor says you should.

  26. Boston terrier mom

    coffee bean / 40 posts

    @TapDancer: don't worry migraines are an early sign. Mine are bad but they went away by 2nd trimester last time

  27. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @jaguar: Happy to hear spotting has stopped! Many prayers for tomorrow!

  28. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jaguar: I'm glad you are feeling better! I had some cramping early on with both pregnancies, they attributed it to my uterus stretching.

  29. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    Thanks for the concern about the uti, ladies. I haven't had one in a zillion years but I had a stretch of time back then when I had one every few months. So anyway, I got to know my body and when a uti is creeping up (yesterday) and when it's time to drop everything and get the prescription (today). Actually more than once, I saw a doctor on the "creeping in" days and tested negative. Strange. Anyway, I'm very nervous about taking an antibiotic in the first tri. Better than not taking it and no other option, but I still don't like it.

    @artsyfartsy: Hooray for 4 weeks! Thanks for keeping up the list. I love looking at it!!!!

    @KrzyRiver: Yay for seeing the heartbeat!! I hear you on the anxiety front and I love that mantra. One day at a time. How have things worked out with your job?

    @jaguar: Thinking of you and hoping the best for today!

    Anymore scans coming up?

  30. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: I had to take antibiotics for a UTI twice last pregnancy, once in the first trimestr. I don't even feel my UTIs, but test positive for them and knew the complications of it spreading are worse, so despite not wanting to, I took the meds.

  31. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @whiskers: Ah, thanks for the commiseration! Do you remember which antibiotic you were prescribed? Earlier today I thought I would do urgent care, but I took one step in the place and turned around....too full and they didn't take any insurance. $150 to see a doc to get a $6 prescription. Fortunately there was a cancellation at my regular doc so I'm there now!

  32. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: I am taking Macrobid right now for my UTI. I would suggest getting some diclegis as well because it is exasperating my already fierce morning sickness. I stayed home on Tuesday because I was so sick to my stomach, but I took the nausea meds last night and feel much better today.

  33. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @Amorini: I go on March 1st but I'm not sure if I'll get an ultrasound or not. I'll be a day shy of 6 weeks, so I wouldn't think so. But why else would they want me to come in at 6 weeks instead of 8? We'll see

  34. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    We go next Friday for viability US

  35. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @Amorini: Waiting to hear back from my boss now, but my team leader didn't give me a lot of options yesterday. Her suggestion was for me to put in a 2 weeks so I can reapply when my restrictions are lifted and/or after I give birth.

    I've got another scan next Wednesday and I'm nervous again. I got the full report from my US in my email this morning and there's some things in there the nurse didn't mention. Like my dermoid cyst has grown and they saw a peri gestation hemorrhage. I made the mistake of googling that and freaked myself out.

    I'm assuming they didn't say anything cause their not worried, but of course all I found are the doom and gloom stories so my anxiety is back.

  36. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: no clue, I just know they were giant pills.

    My doctors office hasn't called me back yet, so I have no idea when I'm being seen or when they do dating ultrasounds.

  37. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @KrzyRiver: do you have short term disability? If so, and if your not able to do your current job you should qualify for a benefit.

  38. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @Miss Ariel: I might have a leave of absence saved up, but I'm not eligible for disability or a FMLA because I'm contingent and don't work enough hours. Hopefully my boss has an idea.... if she ever calls me! Lol

  39. sdmomma

    apple seed / 3 posts

    I'm very late to the party, but here's my intro!

    Location: San Diego, CA

    EDD: October 14th

    How far along: 5 w 6 d

    First child? 2nd

    First doctor appointment: 3/7/16

    Any symptoms so far? Acne, ugh. Heightened sense of smell, food aversions, boob pain

    Who have you told? Three of my closest friends. Waiting to tell family until after we see the h/b.

  40. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @sdmomma: Welcome!

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