Hellobee Boards


October 2016 moms!

  1. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @whiskers: Gotcha. Ok, I'm assuming I'm ok then. I don't remember the number off the top of my head, but I think I was between 120 and 130.

  2. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    I told myself to not buy much for this new little one as I have an entire wardrobe in great condition from his older brother. But... I couldn't resist this adorable little dog outfit clearanced out to $3.28! And I know we lost most of the tiny baby socks. Overall, I only spent $7 on all this. Gosh I love when Target clearances whole departments.

  3. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @tfrances: Cute! Seeing your photo reminds me that maybe I should put some socks on the registry list. I know they don't stay on, but they sure are cute.

    @whiskers: My doc said their limit was 130. I'm (im)patiently waiting to hear my results as we speak...

    AFM, had a burst of energy this afternoon (maybe it was the sugary glucose drink? ) and went on a phone call spree:

    -ordered breast pump
    -submitted insurance claim for short-term disability
    -pre-registered at the hospital

    Whew! Really didn't need to do any of those things yet, but seized the rare moment of energy....ha! Now I need a nap

  4. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @TFrances: Cute! It's hard to resist sales. I caved a bought a bunch of socks back when I wasn't planning to have a shower. I know they don't stay on, but this coming winter is supposed to be bad, so he will need them.

    @TapDancer: It's always a good idea to get stuff done when you have the energy! Lord knows I never seem to have lately.

  5. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @TapDancer: Good job! We have to take advantage of energy bursts. I spent my morning shopping (Target, Sprouts, and Safeway). I'm toast now. Maybe tomorrow I can do something else...

  6. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @TapDancer: Nice!!!!

    @TFrances: So cute!

  7. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @TapDancer: Nice, take advantage of that energy!!!!

    @TFrances: So sweet!

  8. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    Just found out I passed the glucose test. Whew!

  9. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @TapDancer: Yay congratulations!!!

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Hello all! Not much happening over here. I'm feeling very sluggish and slow after my energy burst the last few days. My husband has been out of town for a week now and will likely be back around August 11, so I'm just trying to hang in there until he gets home. I'm so DONE at the end of the day.

  11. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @TapDancer: Yay! Great news!

    @avivoca: I hear ya, some nights I have no idea how I will do the next day! Ughhh Come on Oct!

    Well I got my wish on having another u/s
    Last OB apt I measured 34 weeks and I according to them am 29 so OB wanted an u/s just to make sure all was ok and well!

    I did the same with DD so he wasn't too concerned, she ended up being 8lbs 7 oz so not too big!
    Guess it is just the way my uterus grows!
    Little man is measuring a good 8 days ahead which confirms to me my original date of 10/10
    He is 3lbs 6oz roughly!
    So cute and has the biggest cheeks!!!!!!!!!

  12. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @TapDancer: Yay!

    @avivoca: I've been super sluggish too. Getting up and ready for work is getting harder every day. I've got a countdown to maternity leave on my phone. Lol

    @FaithFertility: Aww! Babies with big cheeks are the cutest, I love to pinch them! Lol

  13. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @TapDancer: nice!

    @avivoca: no idea how you are holding up. I can't even last a work day it feels like.

    @FaithFertility: awesome!

  14. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: I sit on the couch a lot. And my house is dirty right now (not filthy, just not picked up).

  15. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @FaithFertility: aww, cutest cheeks! Glad you got an extra peek

  16. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @FaithFertility: oh what a cutie!!!!!!

  17. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: lol, well I mean I also don't do much housework - it's kind of pathetic over here.

  18. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: The name of the game is survival. I'm also lucky in that I have a desk job and my daughter goes to daycare full-time. If I was a SAHM with T's schedule, I would probably flip my lid. Either that or I would insist that we move to where my parents live (about 45 minutes south of here) so that I would have some more support, plus my church family is there.

  19. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @whiskers: @avivoca: Don't even ask me when I last cleaned anything in the house... SAHM life with a toddler and a not-so-great pregnancy is really beating me down. Doesn't help that DH works insane hours so I'm basically a single parent 6 out of 7 days a week. Oh yeah, and we're down to one car that DH takes most days and we're not within walking distance of anything. Pity party for 1 please!

  20. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @TFrances: Can he not take public transit? That's ridic. When I'm on leave (we are also a one-car family), I get the car 1-2 days a week so I can do things and not go crazy. I go to Mom's group or someplace where I can walk that is not my neighborhood.

  21. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @TFrances: DH has a crazy schedule! I can't imagine not having a car! Surely there is something you guys could work out. When I became a SAHM I stressed to DH that a car was non-negotiable for me. I need to be able to do doctor appointments/therapy appointments/play dates/grocery shop etc.

  22. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @avivoca: No public transit. We live at the tippy top of a huge hill outside of town (neighborhood, but not major streets).

    @MrsRCCar: DH is supposed to work from home 2-3 days a week so I can have the car. This week (our first week with only one car), he's worked from home one day and changed the day the night before. Not exactly helping me out with the planning playdates, etc. Arthur and I did manage to get to the grocery store and the library on that day so I feel like I accomplished something at least. I need to be more forceful about DH planning out his week ahead of time. Currently the only absolute-must-need-the-car day is the 18th when I have my doctor's appointment. Otherwise, I haven't really made set plans with people because everything's up in the air.

    DH is leaving on August 28th for a three week work trip so I'm planning on shoving as many activities as I can manage then. Hopefully I still have some energy that close to my due date...

  23. Alexandra603

    cherry / 160 posts

    I love following along with you ladies! What's on your to do list before baby arrives? I've got some stuff done (potty training my first, moving, transitioning toddler to a bed), am currently sorting through the tons of hand me down boy clothes we received but I still have tons to do! I have nothing set up in the baby's room - we need to paint and take out a built in desk - so that's priority. I would also like to make some freezer meals in September and generally get the house more organized. So much to do in 9 weeks! eek! Would love to hear what is on your ladies' lists....

  24. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Oh man... my house back home must be a total mess. Hubby is on duty there while I'm here feeling a bit slack and lazy.

  25. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Alexandra603: sanitize bottles and pump parts, wash all clothes, make freezer meals, decide on a name so I can finish some personalized projects, and finish all my work (sept is going to be my busiest month of the year).

  26. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @jaguar: so close to the first goal of 30 weeks! Hope things aren't quite as miserable as I imagine being stuck in there.

  27. cnidaria

    cherry / 128 posts

    @TFrances: You are definitely entitled to a pity party for that one! That sounds awful I feel you on the single car issue, my DH needs the car to get to work (he can't take transit there either) and I use the train... but once I'm on leave next year, I'll only be able to have the car whenever he works from home which is usually just once a week.

    @Alexandra603: My todo list is basically... everything. We finally bought a crib (yay!) but that's really the only thing we've done. I think we're good with a girl name, but we still have to pick out a boy name and we've been having a lot of trouble with that! Freezer meals sound like an excellent idea, I'll probably try to do that later in September as well. We also need to pick up a dresser somewhere along the way and figure what to register for ASAP for the baby shower.

  28. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @TFrances: Ugh, I'm so sorry. I really feel for you. Technically, my husband could ride his bike to work (he's a biker), but there's only bike lanes for part of the way and the safest route is cut off by a private residence (that I actually work with, but they won't open the gate for him because he's not affiliated). Transit to his office is not worth it because it would take an hour and we live about 4 miles from there.

    @jaguar: You are not slack and lazy. You are doing what you need to do to make sure baby girl stays baking as long as she can, and that's important work!

    @Alexandra603: I need to strip my diapers, wash my newborn clothes, finish painting my cabinet doors, hang them, spray the hardware, etc., I also want to do some touch-up painting around the house. I nest by taking on tons of projects.

  29. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @Alexandra603: Ah, the never-ending to-do list! My main things are: find a pediatrician, freezer meals (hadn't thought of that, but great idea), finish up nursery, tour hospital, wash all baby items and organize/put away, pack hospital bag, buy postpartum items (using all of the helpful lists on Hellobee). We also have a bunch of house and yard items (organizing, cleaning, car maintenance!) that aren't baby related, but I'd really love to get done before the end of September....

    Our baby shower in early September will be in our own backyard (tbd on whether that was a great or terrible idea!) so a lot of my most urgent to-dos are getting ready for that. My friends are doing most of the work, but since it's at my house, you know how that goes

  30. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @jaguar: Hang in there! Hope you are doing okay these last few days.

  31. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Alexandra603: The to-do list! Decide on a name (narrowed it down to three so far), book my MIL's plane tickets, make some freezer meals, finish out any obligations for my parent groups/non-profit, wash the baby clothes (sorted, but they need a wash from being stuck in bins for almost three years), plan and execute the toddler's 3rd birthday party (his bday is Oct. 15th, but I'm throwing the party in mid-Sept.), and officially decide who's getting snipped (100% done with kids over here).

  32. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Alexandra603: I still need to wash and prep cloth diapers, clothes and carriers. Finish out our crazy summer schedule. Host my nearly 4 year olds birthday on October 1st. His birthday is October 5th and I get my last shot on October 8th. The baby will likely be here by October 15th or so. I would also like to have my oldest potty trained but we shall see. We also have Maternity pictures scheduled for the end of September. I am hoping to get them this time. We are a busy bunch so we will see.

    @jaguar: Do you guys have some family nearby to help your DH with household things? I hope you littlest miss is behaving.

    How many of use plan on more children after this one? DH and I are open to one more after this but we will see how it goes.

  33. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @MrsRCCar: We are 100% done with kids after this little one. But to be fair, he will be my 4th.

  34. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We are done after this. We are at the limits on about every front: mental, physical, financial, size.

  35. cnidaria

    cherry / 128 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We're thinking we'll probably have a second after this, but we'll see how well it goes with one to start!

  36. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @TFrances: this is number 3 for us so we have always talked about 4 total. However we aren't 100% sure about it because of the complications that arise with my pregnancies.
    @whiskers: I can understand that.
    @cnidaria: great plan!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We are most likely done after this one. Part of me wants a third, but my husband is 1000% sure that he doesn't want more kids and he will probably get a vasectomy later this year.

  38. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @avivoca: We are going to see how we feel around this little guys first birthday.

  39. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    I really want a third but given that little lady took 14 months to be conceived (with 2 losses along the way) and I'm now 36, I'm not sure a third will be in the cards for me (though here's hoping!). I certainly don't intend to prevent after #2 arrives so we'll see how things go. I'm not sure I have it in me to do more acupuncture, fertility tracking, special diets, etc.

  40. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I'm totally done after this one, but it'll be harder to convince my husband. This is number 1 for me, number 2 for him. We both want more kids but between our finances and the troubles we had conceiving this baby, I don't have the energy to even think of another one. The only way I'd have another one is if it just happens on its own, I'm not trying again. If that makes sense. Lol

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