Hellobee Boards


October 2016 moms!

  1. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I'm jealous of you guys and your big movements! Still subdued here. Getting used to it. (Boo!)

  2. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @jaguar: Me too! Subtle movements over here. But, the baby is transverse (still) so I'm guessing that's why. We'll see if he finally decides to rotate, and if so, if the movements get stronger? They are still fun to feel though

  3. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Shantuck: She was totally invaluable to us! My labor went faster than we expected it to (7 hours start to finish) so she never even made it to our house (she met us as the hospital) and she was still some of the best money we spent. She was so supportive of both of us and has a TON of medical-related knowledge. She was really able to tell us (my husband, mostly) not to be scared at certain times, what was normal, etc, and was absolutely prepared to advocate for us if necessary. For me, it didn't come to that, but it is actually something we discussed beforehand. I would highly recommend it--but if you do want someone who can provide that level of support, definitely get an experienced doula. My doula has attended over 200 births, and I believe that plays directly into her ability to fill that role so well.

  4. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @TapDancer: Oh totally! I would love a good walloping. The only thing that gets smooshed right now is my ribcage and my bladder!

  5. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    31.5 weeks and so tired. I feel like a sloth.

  6. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    I passed my glucose test! This is the first time I have passed the one hour test. I celebrated with ice cream. 🙌

  7. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Hooray! Mine is tomorrow at 8am so I'm hoping the good glucose news continues If so, I'm getting ice cream too

  8. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Ice creammmmm. Mmmmmm.

    I told my husband that I want a cake from the Pie Kitchen (best cakes/pies/ice cream in the city in my opinion) in my postpartum room and that it was going to be all mine. Cake is my favorite.

  9. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    Trying to get caught up! Glad to hear everyone's doing well (thought tired)! FB group: I will catch up with all of you soon, too!

    @Shantuck: Late to reply about HH and Zika... We live in Savannah which is literally less than an hour away and the same environment. Whatever water isn't coastline here is marshland! Given that I do a lot of yard work (still!), my OB mentioned / cautioned about taking extra care to not expose myself to mosquito bites and advised that I use bug spray with DEET. I usually don't, even when not pregnant because I try to avoid the chemicals, but I got some Cutter's with 10% DEET (rather than the OFF which was 20%) and only use it when I'll be out for awhile in the yard. That said, I don't use it for walking the dogs in the same place... So I'm cautious but not overly so. The last I checked the CDC, the confirmed cases were all travel related--has that changed? Also my OB said the same thing as others have said here--that by the 3rd tri, Zika seems to be less of a concern even though they don't really know much about it. Still it sucks to live with the worry and fear! If I would be in your shoes, I'd probably pack my Cutter's and stay on the breezy beaches a lot. We love Burke's Beach and take our dogs there as much as we can. Hope you have a great trip!

    ETA: Okay, just updating to say that I've caught myself up on the latest Zika news and the Atlantic monthly articles, etc. I saw your poll, too. Sheesh, just when you think you can relax a little. I would probably still go to HH but I don't have the option of really avoiding at least some risk in my own daily life, so that might skew my thinking!

  10. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    My big update: this baby is breech and measuring a bit ahead but no one is moving my due date yet. I'll post an u/s pic when I have a second. Still thinking boy but daydreaming girl, if that makes any sense. Oh and I had my last child-free air travel last weekend to my parent's house for my shower. Fun and super sweet!!

    Hospital bag: I'll pack it by 36w and I have a growing list based on input from you all plus other HB posts. My priority item today is my own pillow. It's a comfort thing.

    Delivery room: I'll have my doula and DH. DH won't "get in there" because he's super squeamish and he'll pass out. I'm 100% fine if he just wants to be outside the room and pop in at the end.

    Siblings: LO's big bro and sis are the furry kind. The plan is that they will get to smell a baby item before we get home, then I'll enter the house without LO so they get that scent, then we'll bring them one-by-one for a good sniff session. My prediction is that big bro will go "Really?! Hmph. Whatevs." Big sis will say hello, fall in love and then never, ever leave the baby's side.

    Coming home outfit: Not sure yet. I'll probably ask DH to pick out a few options among our recent finds.

    Breast pump (insurance): I'll ask for a script at my next appointment so at least I'll get the order in this month. I'm not sure when they can actually give it to me. My insurance changed (for the better) today so I'm still learning. I'm going to get the Freestyle for ease of portability, etc. It sounds like it works great for working moms and worth the extra cost above the PISA.

    Baby sleep: Next to my side of the bed for the early months, then crib in the room over. I'm not sure what baby will sleep in yet. I'm not into RnPs for sleep. Not sure if we'll go all out with the Halo Bassinest or get something less spendy and more multi-use like the Graco Travel Lite Playard.

    Diapers: I literally did at least 10 hours of research on this months ago and finally accepted that disposables will work best for our fam.

    Maternity/Newborn photos: I'm not really into mat photos tbh, and I like the idea of newborn photos, but we just got a new camera so we will probably DIY and then get a family session closer to the holidays.

  11. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    Hi ladies!! I'm starting to get antsy waiting for baby boy, so I'm coming out of hibernation. I hope you don't mind me joining back in! There's no way I can catch up with everything I missed while I was away, but I'm going to try my best to keep up from here. Hope everyone's been doing well!!

  12. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @KrzyRiver: hey, lady! Nice to have you back! Hope everything has been going well for you and your little boy!

  13. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    Well, DH will be gone from Aug. 27 - Sept. 16th on a big work trip. This little one better stay in until his due date. I've got other things to deal with in the meantime.

  14. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Jag update for you guys:

    Had my usual OB appt today (29+3) and unfortunately things have gone haywire. Scan showed healthy baby but a short cervix. It's gone from 3mm, long & closed ... To 0.7cm and completely open and funnelled.

    OB immediately shipped me off to have a formal scan which showed the same - nice average baby with good size and blood flow, but full fluid/membrane funneling and short cervix.

    I'm in hospital now and having CTG monitoring, steroids, antibiotics & contraction stopping drugs - and it's just a matter of waiting and resting and seeing what happens. Any signs of labour or waters going/full contractions, I have to be transferred to Westmead Public which has a big NICU unit.

    OB wants me here for 18 days until we hit 32 weeks & if holding, I'll go to home bed rest. Looks like getting to 36 weeks (which is when Georgia arrived spontaneously) will be the dream.

    Lucky she's cute, huh?

  15. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @jaguar: Oh so cute! But whoa, sorry to hear this unexpected hodpitalization! I'm glad they are taking precautions and that little girl is doing well. Who keeps eyes on G while you're there? Thnking of you!

  16. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Amorini: hubby is going to have to take the time off work. It's a bit of a logistical nightmare. I miss my girl already. 😩

  17. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jaguar: Can you guys put her in school full time while you are on bedrest? Is there any way that family can help out? I'm sorry this is happening, but I hope it does the trick and baby girl stays put!

  18. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @jaguar: How stressful! Glad they caught it early before things progressed more than that!

  19. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @jaguar: I posted on your other thread! So sorry for the news of bed rest, but I am glad they saw it early! Hopefully you will be home soon!!!!!

    She is beautiful I am a sure the u/s didn't even do her justice!

  20. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @TFrances: Fingers crossed!!!!

    @Amorini: Sorry baby is breech! I am actually having an u/s tomorrtomorrowse I measured 35 weeks today and I am 30 weeks....I did the same with DD so he isn't too worried just wants to make sure all is good!!!

  21. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @KrzyRiver: Welcome back!

    @Amorini: My husband is also super squeamish, but he was fine standing by my head the whole time. The only issue he has was when he watched them place my epi. I wasn't in pain during delivery because of the epi, though, so I think it was easier for him.

  22. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @avivoca: no vacancies unfortunately! Hubby will make it work! x

    @whiskers: My OB is basically amazing.

    @FaithFertility: 18 days and counting!

    Another pic of the wee one. ❤

  23. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @jaguar: I am praying they do 3D tomorrow!

  24. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @jaguar: oh wow, so sorry to hear! But it sounds like you and baby are in great hands. So glad they caught this early and are on top of it. Hang in there!

  25. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @jaguar Sorry to hear you're dealing with this. FX baby stays put!

    @Amorini: Yep, we've been doing good! A couple more hospital visits here and there, but mostly for precaution.

  26. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @jaguar: Thinking of you!!!!! Keep us updated.

  27. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @jaguar: Wow! She's going to keep you worrying throughout your whole pregnancy, isn't she?! Glad to hear you are being monitored closely but sorry you are stuck in the hospital and away from your daughter and husband. Sending good thoughts and vibes your way!

  28. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Amorini: Thanks! We're actually flying through Savannah and I'm leaning towards going... I can always cancel last minute if things get crazy. It sounds like most people think it is going to take a long time to work its way up towards your area and fortunately most girls in this group are nearing the end of pregnancy. I think I'm holding up the rear with my 11/5 date (formerly 10/31) and Chicago isn't really in the line of fire.

  29. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    My appointment was uneventful, other than the midwife having to catch a baby. I ended up seeing a nurse practitioner on the OB side and she was nice, but I really am glad I normally see the midwives. Everything is so scientific and medical over there. The midwives spend more time with me.

    Anyway, glucose was good, BP was fabulous, I've gained a pound and a half, which puts me up to 175 (started around 163) and hopefully I don't go over my max weight from my last pregnancy (179).

  30. mand4

    olive / 62 posts

    @jaguar: Wowzerz, mama! Sounds like you're in great care. Hoping that all goes smoothly and things settle down

  31. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    I'm in pity party mode. I took my glucose screening over 2 weeks ago and didn't hear anything back. I checked with my doctor today at my appointment when she didn't mention my results and she said it came back negative but she would go get my numbers for me. Turns out that my number was 141 and now I have to do the 3 hour. The only good news is that my mom is coming into town this weekend, so I won't have to drag any kids with me when I go do it.

  32. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: Ugh! This is the second person I've heard of this happening to. I'm sorry, but at least your mom will be here so you don't have to take the kids with you.

  33. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: Thanks, she gave me a few options like redoing the 1-hr or doing daily readings, but I just want to get it over with.

  34. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @avivoca: Uneventful is always good! Glad to hear things are going smoothly!

    @whiskers: Wow, that sucks. Like these dumb glucose tests aren't stressful enough. FX for a good result!

  35. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @KrzyRiver: Me too! This kid moves a lot, so it's good to know that she's healthy. Also, glad to see you back on the boards!

  36. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: I totally understand, that's why I refused the 3-hour and have just been monitoring my blood sugar for the last 11 weeks. I felt like absolute crap the last time I took the 3-hour and had to take an entire sick day (which is like gold now that I have a kid who gets sick).

  37. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: I was just sitting her thinking how unhealthy it is for them to give the test the way they do. Fasting + 3 hours with only that drink = ick. I mostly just don't want to deal with insurance for getting the monitor for self monitoring.

  38. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: Do you have Kroger near you? Target will have them too, but I'm using the store brand monitor/strips this time and not dealing with the hassle. My insurance makes you get maintenance medications through CVS, which is a) horribly inconvenient for me and b) hella expensive if you happen to lose a bottle of strips (ahem). So I have a Kroger monitor which was $12.99 and every 22 days or so, I spend $22.99 on 100 test strips.

    But yes, it's not very healthy I don't think. Plus they won't let you drink water, which has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of glucose in your system (per my husband's endocrinologist).

  39. KrzyRiver

    apricot / 276 posts

    @avivoca: Mine too! It still feels weird, but it's so reassuring. Glad to be back, I missed you guys!

    @whiskers: I never occurred to me how bad that is. My doctor gets mad if I don't eat or drink a little something at least every 2 hours.

    You know, now I think about it, my doc never called me about my results either. I got the number in my patient portal, but there was no reference like my test results usually have. So I have no idea if the number is good or bad....

  40. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @KrzyRiver: different doctors have different cutoffs. My doctor's is 135 and I got 141. 140 is what the information about the screening online says.

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