Hellobee Boards


September 2015 Moms!

  1. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @babycanuck: I'm sorry. Take care of yourself

  2. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    I called my OB on Monday morning and surprisingly they wanted to see me today. They did a urine test to confirm (it was still faint, but positive - which I expected at only 12 DPO) and took 5 vials of blood. We scheduled an US for 1/19 (I'll be 6 weeks at that point). I'll have another appointment on 1/27 with the dr... then it goes to every 4 weeks. So, I get to go a lot over the next couple of weeks!

    I am a little worried though - we found out yesterday my DD has the flu and I did a Dr. Google search of flu and pregnancy (hint - don't do that unless you want to freak out). Now I'm all worried I'm going to get it and we'll lose the pregnancy... sigh! Anyone else deal with this in other pregnancies?

    Other than that - feeling good so far. Have had a few twinges of nausea (which I keep second guessing is the flu).

    How's everyone else feeling?

  3. jenm

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Congrats on your
    5 vials of blood? The one thing I'm not looking forward to coming up is that. I hate needles.

    I'm feeling tired/sleepy. My eyelids are drooping, haha. Other than that I feel pretty good too.

    I'm anxiously awaiting my first appointment on Monday.
    I spoke with a nurse at my OB/GYN yesterday and she said they'll be able to do an ultrasound (yay!) I'm counting down the days.

  4. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Nice you got into the doctor already & you've already got some appointments lined up! 5 vials of blood is a lot though!

    @jenm: Tired and sleepy is pretty much my main "symptom" at this point too! Not sure if it's a legit symptom or not but I figured I'll go with it.

    My first visit is 1/26 and I'll be 6w6d. They're supposed to do bloodwork, an exam, and an ultrasound. Crazy! Still in denial!

  5. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: yay for an appointment already. I'm 5 weeks today according to my app but I'm starting to feel nauseous here and there too along with my favorite symptom of all time, metillic taste in my mouth. Yuck I had it with DS but don't remember it happening this early so I had DH to get me pickles since it helped last time. Also my smell is heightened and I'm getting a little food aversion but I think it's from the metillic taste making everything taste yucky. My advice on your dd and the flu is don't Google try to keep you hand clean and away from your face good luck with that I hope she gets well soon.

    @shortiecake: I'm still in disbelief too. I Think I'm more shocked now then when I got my bfp with my DS it's crazy

  6. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    Hi everyone! Very very hesitantly joining - got a squinter BFP yesterday and a not-so-squinted this AM!

    Location: Ontario, Canada

    EDD: September 17, 2015

    How far along: 3 weeks, 6 days (according to my app... Who knows, tho. I wasn't confident in my O date as it was only my 3rd cycle since AF returned!)

    First child? Nope, 2nd! DD is 16 months

    First doctor appointment: haven't phoned them yet... I will call next week!

    Any symptoms so far? Vivid dreams about being pregnant! It was actually what tipped me off to test yesterday! I had the same with DD!

    Who have you told? DH and one BFF (needed her eyes to read the squinter!!)

  7. jenm

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    @Ocean girl: Congrats! I had vivid dreams too which tipped me off. They have toned down a little but I had another last night. I dreamt we had a baby girl and I kept thinking she was my niece as a baby but everyone had to keep telling me she was mine, haha

  8. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Ocean girl: welcome I had a vivid like that when I found out I was pregnant with my ds too but I didn't this time.

  9. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    @Ocean girl: Congrats!

  10. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @jenm: vivid dreams were bad for me the first week I found out, like week 4. They have toned way down now that I'm half way into week 5

  11. mrsrugbee

    apricot / 347 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: DD & I got the flu during my 2WW with this one. Somehow I managed to conceive. Try not to stress. This flu season has been particularly brutal. There's nor much you can do about it.
    @Ocean girl: Welcome!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

    Dreams sound so nice! DD has been sleeping so poorly until yesterday, I've pretty much been a zombie for over a week. She STTN for the first time in MONTHS last night and felt like a new woman: mopped, did all the laundry, cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, went to the bank! Hopefully its the light at the end of our tunnel. I was beginning to regret #2 so soon. O.o!!

  12. Somebunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    Location: CA

    EDD: Sept. 19th based on lmp

    How far along: 3 weeks 5 days

    First child? 2nd. DD is 19 months.

    First doctor appointment: Feb. 9th

    Any symptoms so far? Twinges, sensitive right nipple (So weird. The left one is fine...), tired earlier at night, hormonal moodiness.

    Who have you told? DH and my sister.

    So excited to be here! Yay!

  13. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    congrats @somebunny!

  14. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    @jenm: @Honeygold89: the whole dream tip-off blows my mind!
    I'm looking forward to all the other crazy dreams to be had this pregnancy. I had some pretty strange ones when I was pregnant with DD!!

  15. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    @Somebunny: congrats and welcome!!

  16. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @Ocean girl: @Somebunny: Congrats & welcome!!!

    @Honeygold89: hope your 1st appointment went well!

  17. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    Hi ladies! Congrats to all the new BFPs! Sorry I haven't checked in in some time. Have been so busy at work! How are all you ladies feeling? Any new symptoms lately? I still have sore breasts, and a couple other things here and there, but for the most part, I sometimes don't even feel pregnant, which is kind of freaking me out... People say that can be totally normal, so I suppose I probably shouldn't worry...

  18. mrsrugbee

    apricot / 347 posts

    @mrscobee: I find I don't feel pregnant either. I had tons of symptoms with my first 2 pregnancies - nausea, painful pinchy nipples, cramps, tiredness, constant need to go to the bathroom. This time around I've been so busy I haven't even had the time to think about it.

  19. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @mrscobee: I'm feeling pretty good. Occasional light cramps, bloat and sore breasts are my main symptoms. Now kind of waiting to see what happens next...it seems like the days are passing so slowly!

  20. Somebunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    @mrscobee: I feel normal. A little tired and I've got some bloating going on, but over all good. I don't feel pregnant yet either. I didn't with DD until the bloat got out of control and I was forced in maternity pants at 8ish weeks.

  21. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    I'm still trying to spot flu symptoms since my dd had it. I think I have sinus stuff though - super congested, sore throat and my ears are stuffy - but no fever.
    I've been super tired. But it's been hard to tell what's pregnancy related and what's me not feeling good.
    I have felt quite a few twinges in my abdomen. And I'm not going to lie - I've taken a few more pregnancy tests to see if the line gets darker

  22. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I took a weeks estimator today just to see what it said and it said 2-3 which is 4-5 weeks so on track.

    My doc appt on Thursday was just to confirm the pregnancy and she wanted me to come back next week for a US but they were all booked so I go on the 21st (I should be 7+1) and then if all goes well I go for my first prenatal appt on the 23rd. She had me to do betas Thursday and repeat them Saturday. We wind up tell my parents and his mom and sister. We made little bags and put some mints with baby hand and foot prints in them along with little plastic baby carriages and a not that said coming September 2015. My mom didn't get it at first she asked, "what's coming" but my dad was like oh no another baby and they both fell out laughing so of course my moms hoping for a girl. DH mom had the best reaction, she screamed so loud that it made LO cry and she was aw you're pregnant and she did a little dance because of the September DD since it's close to her and her twin bday which is 9/11. Other than that we aren't telling anyone else until afte 12 weeks and I pr won't announce it on social media until we find out what it is.
    As far as more symptoms I have started getting slight twinges in the lower abdominal area and a little nausea here and there but nothing major yet.

  23. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I hear you on taking more tests! I have one stick left…and I told myself I could use it on Monday! (I'll be 20DPO) After that, I have to wait until I see the midwife on 1/26 Unless maybe I buy *one* weeks estimator a little closer to the appointment…

    @Honeygold89: Exciting you have some appointments lined up! And very cool that you were able to tell your families! I hope my mom reacts how your DH's! That's really cool! At this point I'm still going to try and wait until 11-12 weeks which would be end of Feb/early March…but we'll see if I can do it. Want to figure out a cute/creative way to tell my parents because this will be their 1st grandchild.

  24. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @shortiecake: yeah I'm excited and so ready for the ultrasound I hope this week fly by. Have you looked on Pinterest they have great ideas for everything!

  25. Runnergirl

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    Hi ladies!

    I'm so excited to join after a year of TTC. Hope I get to stay!

    Location: michigan

    EDD: 9/15/15

    How far along: 4 weeks 5 days

    First child? Yes!

    First doctor appointment: jan 30th

    Any symptoms so far? Just a strong sense of smell but nothing else!

    Who have you told? dH and our best friends

  26. Somebunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    @Runnergirl: yay!! Congratulations! And welcome!

  27. diedraechin

    pea / 6 posts

    Ah! My first post! I've been lurking around the boards for a while since my DH and I were debating to start trying.... and then yesterday I got two lines on a test!

    Location: Boston, MA

    EDD: Around Sept 20th, I think

    How far along: about 4 weeks

    First child? Yep!

    First doctor appointment: I set up a consultation for Wednesday, we just had to switch insurance companies *fingers crossed*

    Any symptoms so far? tender breasts unlike anything I've encountered before, and some twinges yesterday while we were shopping.

    Who have you told? My best friend and my sister. We're holding off telling the in-laws until we have some real comfirmation.

  28. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    @Runnergirl: @diedraechin: congratulations!

  29. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @diedraechin: @Runnergirl: Congrats!!!

  30. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @Honeygold89: I love Pinterest! So many cute ideas!

    @Runnergirl: welcome and congrats, due date twin!

    @diedraechin: yay! Congrats!

  31. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Runnergirl: welcome and congrats again @diedraechin: congratulations and welcome!

  32. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    Hi everybody! Congrats to all the September mamas - I'm excited to join the board and hopefully I'll stick around!

    Location: Chicago

    EDD: 9/15 according to O date

    How far along: 4w5d

    First child? Yup!

    First doctor appointment: Feb 9th, although I may be switching OBs - my current gyn is affiliated with a hospital that's super inconvenient to where I live

    Any symptoms so far? Sore breasts and some pinchy/pully feelings in my abdomen

    Who have you told? Just my husband, but I'm visiting my best friend in two weeks and I doubt I'll be able to keep it in since she knows we've been TTC (and the jig will be up when I'm not drinking)

  33. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    @elljay: Congrats!

  34. Somebunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    @diedraechin: @elljay: Congrats! Welcome!

  35. diedraechin

    pea / 6 posts

    @elljay: Congrats!

  36. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @elljay: CONGRATS!!!

    Anyone else starting to feel the waves of nausea? I'm 5 weeks today and it really started hitting this weekend. Any time I go too long without food and BAM - I feel sick. I need to go to the store and stock up on snacks to keep everywhere. That's the only thing that got me through with LO#1.

    I will say though - I am actually grateful to be feeling a little nauseous (it's mild right now - just feels like I got off a roller coaster)... after all this time TTC, it feels good to have some pregnancy symptoms. I guess that's one positive to IF - you feel so excited to have symptoms even if they aren't so fun.

  37. shortiecake

    grape / 94 posts

    @elljay: Welcome and congrats! Another due date twin! Yay!

    @CarrieLouWho: I'm a day behind you (4w6d) and so far haven't felt much in the way of nausea. I wonder what tomorrow will bring! I did use my last FRER just to make sure I'm still in business (20dpo today)…and it was a relief to see a pretty dark line! I'm curious when I'll start noticing the tell-tale signs of pregnancy...

  38. diedraechin

    pea / 6 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: No nausea, but my sense of smell has spent the day changing. Everything is smelling sharper or stronger than it has in the past.

  39. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    Called and have my first doctors appt for Jan 30th! We leave for a week in Mexico with DD and my ILs the next day - here's hoping for an uneventful trip!

    Ladies, I can't stop peeing on sticks! DH supported my habit by picking up an FRER on his way home from work on Sunday! I didn't trust the 6 BFPs I had gotten on WondFos!

    @elljay: congrats and welcome!!

  40. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    Also, DH confessed last night that he is hoping for twins!

    Ummm, what?

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