Hellobee Boards


September 2017 moms!

  1. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: welcome.. and 4! wow, I'm slightly terrified of two..

  2. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    Hi! Sorry I'm so bad at signing in on here, so great to catch up on how everyone is though.

    @Banana330: omg that little unicorn shop is new to me and I am so in love... about to buy way too much from there!!

    I've been buying bits and pieces lately. Most of DS's stuff can be reused but I didn't have nearly enough newborn stuff for him so I am stocking up on zip-up all-in-ones this time. And things like burp cloths, hooded towels and we need a new car seat. I spent way too much researching baby stuff last time but it's paid off because most of what we got has really stood the test of time and is still in great condition.

    I have been in so much pain these last few days - my cervix (I think? something down there at least) is SO sore. I went into the hospital yesterday as the pain was so bad and they did a speculum exam and confirmed that my cervix is closed so no worry with pre-term labour but they couldn't really explain the pain. They said that maybe the baby is kicking my cervix.. I don't know though because the pain is constant not just now and then.... unless she has kicked it so much it's bruised or something! I don't know... does anyone else have this?

  3. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Dr appt yesterday and all went well. He went over the sono with me and everything looked good. He mentioned that my placenta was very low lying as it appeared on the sono but will do another sono at 30 weeks to see if it has moved. Also the kidney ureters looked small but they can grow as well. Not worried about it and will see how things are in 10 more weeks.

    I am worried about my weight though! I weight almost as much now at 20 weeks as I did at 36 weeks from my last pregnancy. Hoping when I'm off this summer I can get some walking in and light weight work.

  4. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lulu22: I get pain between my legs but it's spd related, more when i'm getting up or moving.

    @matador84: Glad your ultrasound went well. Hopefully things move/grow by 30 weeks. I wouldn't worry too much about weight, I had a big jump around 20ish weeks but it's levelled off now.

    I hit viability tomorrow which is exciting! I'm definitely bigger this time around but still not really obviously pregnant more just wide and lumpy. We've had a taste of summer here and i'm already slowing down in the heat.

  5. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @lulu22: that sounds so uncomfortable i'm sorry! Hopefully it is a short phase. I bet it's something about how the baby is or was laying. I remember last time at 26 weeks my daughter got wedged in a weird position for a few days pressing on my bladder almost constantly and I was SO uncomfortable I was terrified of how i'd make it another 14 weeks. But it only lasted 2 or 3 days and then it changed and I wasn't that uncomfortable the whole rest of my pregnancy!

    my main weird/annoying thing right now is I've been getting really intense leg/foot cramps. Apparently this is a thing. People have suggested more water and more banana and magnesium supplements. I drank a bunch and ate 1.5 bananas today, going to ask my doc about the magnesium at my next appt, to at least know if it's a viable option if this keeps up.

    @Banana330: congrats on viability! I was SO pumped for it last time. I feel sort of weirdly ambivalent this time... but maybe just because I've been so busy and I feel like this pregnancy is flying by! Also I'm really scared of nicu stuff so I kind of have 34 weeks in my head as a "safe place." I dunno, I'm weird lol.

    So I guess my big news is I'm switching doctors. I've mentioned before I think, I've been really unhappy with my OB. I switched to him when I got pregnant bc several of my friends have delivered with him and had a good opinion of him, but he just did not work out for me. He seemed really scared of c-section moms and I felt really pressured to have a repeat c-section. Plus I felt like a lot of his advice was very overly cautious and it made me feel like he's just not a confident doctor, which scares me. So! I switched. My first appointment with the new guy is Monday and I'm really nervous about meeting him and just hoping that I like him and feel comfortable with him! Even if I end up with a repeat c-section, I just want to feel like my doctor is really experienced and confident, and not scared. So that's the hope/goal for this guy.

  6. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @Banana330: yay for viability! I look forward to that as well!

    @Mae: Hope the appt at your new doc went well. I think feeling comfortable with them is so important, so I'm glad you are finding someone who makes you feel better!

    Just chugging along here. Feeling lots of movements which is so comforting to me! I was able to schedule my c-section for 9/18, which feels so crazy to have a date! Hope everyone had a good weekend and is doing well!!

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Mamag511: i'm feeling so much movement too, it's crazy! I actually felt her with my hand yesterday, so I think DH will be able to feel her soon (mostly it's just the luck of hand being in the right place at the right time-- she's like whack-a-mole in unpredictability haha).

    Met with new doc today and I really like him! Yay! He seemed really competent and experienced and I think he has a really reasonable approach to VBACs. He's much more willing to let me try than my last doc was, although I'm leaning more and more towards RCS anyways. I don't need to decide until like 38 weeks though, so we'll see. He was way more reasonable about the pelvic rest and eczema issues too. And he gave me some stretches I should do for my legs to help prevent cramps. I still can't believe how far into this we are! 22 weeks this week, crazy!

  8. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @dolphin: Congrats on your boy and a good scan!

    @Mamag511: We're not doing a double stroller; DD doesn't really use one any more (she'll be 4 in August).

    @matador84: congrats on a great scan!

    @matador84: welcome!! wow, number four

    @lulu22: I have pain down there sometimes, but nothing truly constant. More of an ache/annoyance that goes away after a day or two. I hope it's gone away for you!

    @Banana330: I just had to go and look up when the viability milestone is...so much more not into researching everything this pregnancy XD. I reach mine tomorrow.

    @Mae: my toes have been cramping a lot the last few months. Once it did it the day I sprained my ankle, and that was NOT fun! On that front, I can now walk normally and my back has finally stopped painfully aching. So glad you like this new doctor more!

  9. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Anyone else feel like they're just not big enough to be this far along? Second pregnancy (well, technically third, but the middle one didn't get bump worthy) and I still feel like I don't really look pregnant. A few people have even commented on it to me when I tell them I'm pregnant. I tend to worry the further I get between appointments.

    In other news, we closed on our house! and moved! now I have boxes everywhere and am spending obscene amounts of money on stuff XD. But I really, really love the house. The neighborhood is amazing, and the neighbors were introducing themselves the first day. The backyard is like a dream. squee!

  10. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I feel you. I had a conversation with a coworker today, and said I can't wait to go on mat leave... she said WHAT?! she didn't know.. all I could think was does she just think i'm fat!

    Yay on the house move. Thats great you have wonderful neighbours. I feel you on buy everything! we're in the process of making a "big boy" room for my daughter and been wardrobe, bed, mattress shopping etc.

  11. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    This is my lumpy bump...

  12. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Banana330: Maybe she was afraid to say something? But yeah, I think it's just not screaming "PREGGO!" yet. I just ate too many donuts or something XD.

    We just got another dresser for baby, and need to go shopping for E's big girl mattress. Ugh.

  13. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @strawberrybee: I worry constantly that I'm too big for where I'm at and several pregnancy weigh calculators online say that I'm a few pounds overweight I keep telling myself not to worry too much about it and as long as baby is healthy and doctor isn't concerned that I shouldn't worry so much either. Trying to relax and not worry too much about my body... I can't believe the amount of pressure that is out there to have a super fit pregnancy and quick recovery and return to prebaby weight.

  14. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @StrawberryBee: your bump looks cute!

    @Mrs. K: unless you're going way overboard on treats and snacks I think most people gain what the gain. I have friend who for both pregnancies gained 40-50lbs but ate very differently for each one. I wouldn't stress over it at all, but I get how it can cause worry.

  15. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    How is everyone feeling? Anyone want to share bump pics? I haven't been taking any but feel I should soon.

    25 weeks today and exhaustion is at an all time high. I'm struggling to get out of bed. I'm going to talk to my midwife about an iron check next week cause I don't remember feeling this tired last time.

  16. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    I am 24 weeks today and I am at my GD test I drank the drink and I've been sitting here waiting for the blood draw. Luckily it's almost been an hour. I'll get the results Monday.

    I can still hide my bump under sweaters but in any other shirt I look VERY pregnant. But I've also had a questionable bump since 12 weeks

  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @YouGotMe: Good luck with your GD test!

  18. annem1990

    apricot / 444 posts

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  19. annem1990

    apricot / 444 posts

    @Banana330: I'm sorry you're feeling so exhausted. Hopefully it'll ease up soon!
    I'll start with a bump pic I'm 5'0" and 23+3 for reference.

  20. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs. K: I never returned to pre baby weight 😅. Breastfeeding apparently told my body to store #allthecalories. But I was overweight to begin with. I've heard that your body will gain what it needs to to have a healthy pregnancy, and there's no one right answer.

    @Banana330: thanks! Pretty sure I've been pushing it with the move. I know I shouldn't, but It's hard not to. Mostly I've been really achey. Hope your exhaustion dissipates soon!

    @YouGotMe: good luck with your test!

    @annem1990: now that's a bump pic!

  21. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Hi all! I'm suddenly feeling particularly huge lol. Also baby girl is SO active which is wonderful but also a bit uncomfortable at times! She's been playing soccer with my bladder all day and I"m not a fan haha. Here I am at 22+2.

  22. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @annem1990: @Mae: Looking great ladies! Jealous of those bumps...

  23. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    22 weeks with baby 3

  24. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    Everyones bump shots look great! Exciting! I definitely have gotten bigger this past week. People can finally tell I am pregnant I think. I have been away visiting my sister and her new baby, which was a great crash course into babycare 101 for me. Plus working a lot this past week. Ugh.

    Has anyone gotten Braxton Hicks yet? I am only 23 weeks and it makes me nervous to get them. Only a few these past few nights, at night. I plan on calling the nurses line tomorrow just to ask when should I start to worry about "too many". They go away when I get up and walk around, but wow did they take me by surprise!

  25. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Bibliolove: I've had them for weeks! these ones are different than last time but they really don't worry about them unless they are super frequent and regular. I had tons my last pregnancy and my midwife told me my uterus might be a bit irritable.

  26. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    @Banana330: @strawberrybee: I PASSED!

    I am shocked since I've had to redo every other test. I at least expected that I'd need to do the two hour test. I now will have a very uneventful month.

    My OB also had my anatomy scan results and they were perfect.

  27. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @YouGotMe: YAY!!!!!!!!

  28. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @YouGotMe: that's great news!

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @YouGotMe: congrats!!!

  30. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @strawberrybee @banana330: thanks for the encouragement ladies I am learning to embrace the changes!! I will post my bump pic soon!

    How do you know if you're having Braxton hicks?

  31. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mrs. K: your belly gets hard. Sometimes it feels like a tightening, ive been getting them where it tightens my chest too and takes my breath away for a second. They tend to improve with rest/water and show up when I'm walking or shifting positions al ot.

  32. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @Banana330: ok, thanks! The nurse just said to keep an eye on them, go in with more than 4 in an hour. Maybe I wasn't drinking enough water.

    I feel like every preg complaint ends with water and rest.

  33. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @YouGotMe: yay for passing!!!

    @Bibliolove: @Banana330: I've had a bunch of Braxton hicks too. I remember having them last time around, but not until the very end. I was planning to bring it up at my next appointment, but reassuring to see that I'm not alone.

  34. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    Everyone's baby bumps look adorable!!!

  35. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Banana330: oh good to know! Haven't had that yet but sounds nerve wrecking...

  36. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @YouGotMe: yay for passing your GD test!

    @Bibliolove: I've been getting Braxton Hicks and can tell when I've overdone it when I start to feel them, but they aren't regular or frequent enough for me to be concerned. I also had them during my first pregnancy.

    We went to the zoo this past week and it was hot and humid. My fingers started to swell and I couldn't take my engagement and wedding rings off. I ordered some silicone bands to wear until I have the baby. It's going to be a long, hot summer!!

    I only have 2 more school days before I'm off for the summer and I am soooo ready!

    I also have a regular checkup today with my ob. I am pretty sure my GD test will be scheduled for my next appt in 4 weeks.

  37. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    Also everyone's bumps look super cute!!

    Here I am at 23w3d. For reference I'm 5'7" and have a short torso.

  38. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @YouGotMe: yay for passing!

    I have to take my glucose test on Monday. I took one already at 20? weeks and passed so it is just because it is the normal time. They had me take it early because my last guy was 9lbs.

    This is 26w5d. I am 5'7. Oddly enough my SIL's mum asked if I was sure it was just one because she didn't recall me being this big this early the other times. Followed it by saying must be because it is #4 and they are all close So maybe the bump is large?

  39. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Boopers: you look great!

    @cheesetomywhine: I've heard you look bigger with each subsequent one.. I definitely feel bigger this time!

    I have my GD test tomorrow morning! I've moved to bi-weekly appointments starting next appointment (which feels soo fast) and my midwives are going to chat to the OB about doing a skin to skin c-section and scheduling a consult! I think the best news is I have some vacation to use before the baby so I'll only be working 4days/week in june and 3days/week in July! The commute is already getting a bit tough at times, so I can only imagine how i'll feel in the heat of the summer on crowded transit.

  40. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    HOw many weeks is everyone?
    My next appt isn't until 6/14, but this pregnancy is flying by. My dr had me skip the GD test with my 2nd pregnancy since it was so close to my 1st, so I'm wondering if he'll have me do it this time or not.
    I can't even believe how close and how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Dreading hot weather here though in the 3rd tri is the worst!

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