Hellobee Boards


Spring 2013 Mamas & Toddlers

  1. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Silva: yay, sounds great! She's so tiny compared to my little giant, he'll be in 24m cloths this summer easily, even some 2T stuff...

    @QueensBee: go Pete! So glad let you get some rest. Hope he keeps it up.

    @Smurfette: so cool you get to go on a day date! Enjoy!

    @cheert16: I guess I don't like fretting over "little stuff". He'll def. not be drinking milk from a baby bottle once he goes to college so life's too short to worry over it. Totally cleaning before the cleaners come every time too. Need to get most of the stuff out of the way so cleaning is even possible

  2. silver1

    apricot / 338 posts

    @Corduroy: Glad to hear everyone is feeling better!! wow saying thank you sounds so advanced!! J is still on 1 syllable.. he has said Ma Pa once but I guess it was a fluke.
    @cheert16: Glad to hear B is feeling better.
    @Silva: Cute little peanut and Yay for great appt!
    @QueensBee: Awesome Pete is sleeping well and hope the trend continues!! I don't even remember how I did the newborn days I feel like I need my 8 hours every night or I can't function!!
    @Smurfette:@Adira: Eek I haven't brushed his teeth yet and he has 7! He resists putting my finger or looking in his mouth so Ive not tried so far.
    Also J has lately started fighting bedtime and screaming when I hold him to feed his nightime bottle. He eventually settles down but then he starts screaming more when put him in the crib. Its hard listening to it. I hope this phase passes soon.
    @cheert16: Maybe you could try putting water instead of milk in the bottle for naptimes and see how it goes? We did cold turkey with daytime bottles but I have kept nighttime bottle so far for the cuddle time.

  3. silver1

    apricot / 338 posts

    @Adira: yay for eating crackers!! We do the happy munchies and J loves it!! I tried with the Gerber little munchies first but it tastes too much like cheetos and I could finish the whole box so we switched

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Seriously what is wrong with my kid? She had a bad nap yesterday, so cat nap on the on the way home, so it was 825 before she fell asleep, and she was up at 5:30 she didn't even get 10 hours of sleep.

  5. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @Smurfette: early morning wake ups suuuuck. What a pain the nap issue has been for you I'm sorry. It sounds like the poor girl just needs more daytime sleep- I wish your daycare would step up on this issue. Maybe she could go nap in the infant room? Has that already been suggested?
    My kid is such a routine oriented baby, if we screw with either of her naps she becomes a wreck and usually wakes up more during the night.

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Ugh, that sucks. It seems like she just needs more sleep at daycare, but I don't know how to help her get it! Hopefully you guys will be able to catch up on some sleep this weekend.

  7. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Smurfette: Oh no not again. I'm so sorry it isn't getting any better. Hopefully the new school will help.

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @smurfette, i think the new daycare will help a lot. And she will probably sleep great tongiht.

  9. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @silver1: Pete is also a one syllable man right now. They can gab together!

    @cheert16: I'm a little behind on the bottle weaning as well. We still give him a bottle when he wakes up at 5am because it helps him fall back asleep in bed with us until 6pm. He is okay using sippy/straw cups during the rest of the day but sometimes they are all piled in the sink and I give him a bottle because it's the only thing clean!

    @Smurfette: Yikes, sorry that R had another day of crummy sleep. Pete only slept 35 minutes at daycare yesterday but then he slept from 6:45pm-5:30am to make up for it. Even that is not really enough sleep. What is the sleeping situation like at the new school? I hope she gets more rest today!

  10. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @Smurfette: whoa- I'm sorry, I missed that you guys are changing day cares. I think thats a good choice- I hope it helps!

    T was just pitching a fit about taking her nap (I think I kept her up too long and she got a second wind), but my husband just took her to bed with him (he's sleeping off a night shift) and I think she just fell asleep! That has never happened before! I'm so happy for him! He usually puts her down at bedtime, but he's never been able to for naps, and she would never co bed with just him, i had to be there too. Daddy snuggles! So sweet!

    We are headed to a local farm today to meet some other moms/kids, see the baby goats and have a picnic. Hooray for spring

  11. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Silva: I lovvvve seeing DH and LO snuggle in bed and usually try to sneak a pic with my iphone! So sweet that they are napping together this morning!

    And your spring farm day sounds so fun! I'm envious!

  12. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @QueensBee: i heard her waking up, so i went in to grab her...he looked at me with this big sleepy grin and said "she was asleep on my chest....it was awesome" and then rolled over and fell asleep!

  13. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Silva: Awwww so sweet.

    @QueensBee: I never manage to take good photos of them snuggling but it always makes my heart swell when they sleep next to each other.

  14. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    Oh and we now have our hospital appointment for the liver check-up: 05/13
    Since he's otherwise perfectly fine and happy I'm not too worried that's 2.5 weeks until then.

  15. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Silva: that is so sweet!! Have fun today!
    @Pumuckl: glad you have an appointment and feeling better about it.

    We just left the tour of the new place. We really liked it. Totally different environment. She will be in a classroom with 7 other kids(max) and they have the same teachers till 2.5 when they move to preschool. They will move up rooms, so one with a bathroom, different toys, etc, but same classmates and teachers. The kids are all Jan-Apr bday's. They said everyone takes 2 hours every day. If they wake up they have quiet time and read a book but aren't allowed to get up and play. Daily schedule isn't too different then what she is on now. So I think we are going to move her. They don't have a spot till June 1st but we have to give 30 days notice where she is at. The new place is open 715:615 so work has agreed to let me work 8-430 instead of 730-430. Hopefully we can get R to start sleeping in later, that would be a bonus!

    DH is getting his suit altered, bored waiting, but then to Ikea and to lunch for our day date. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

  16. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Silva: So cute!

    @Pumuckl: So happy you made the appointment and are feeling positive about it!

    @Smurfette: The new daycare sounds great! The class size is so small and it's awesome that they are all so close in age. Enjoy your lunch date!!!

  17. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    I'm so behind!

    Isaac has pink eye, oh joy. I'm guessing getting drops in his eyes is not going to be fun. Hopefully his eyes clear up by Monday so he can go to daycare and I don't have to miss more work.

    I'll be back later to catch up.

  18. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    8-430 is great! So nice work is accommodating and that you like the place so much!

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Glad you had a good tour and are switching soon! Hopefully R will get better sleep at this new place!! And being close to home, hopefully even if she doesn't get a good nap in, she won't be able to fall asleep on the ride home so it won't interfere with bedtime. And that's awesome that you're able to work 8:00 to 4:30 - I'm jealous! Are you going to have to work through lunch or anything because of that change?

    @ALV91711: Xander had pink-eye! It's not too bad. I think his cleared up over the weekend. I think after the first 24 hours of drops, it seemed like it was clear, but we continued with the drops for two more days to make sure it was all good. We always gave him drops while he was laying down for a diaper change. And I think Hubs used to blow into his face to get him to open his eyes and then do the drops, haha. Good luck! Hopefully you guys don't catch it!

    @Pumuckl: Glad to hear you have an appointment! Bummer it's so far out though!

    So the daycare ladies think Xander's done with his two naps. He's been refusing to go down for his afternoon nap for a while now. I'm not sure what to do because his morning nap is usually only 1.5 hours, TOPS. Should I maybe have them hold off his morning nap to be later in the day so that even if it's still only 1.5 hours, he'll wake up later and not be so fussy in the evening? What time do your babies nap if they are on one nap?

  20. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Silva: Aw that is adorable!

    @Smurfette: That place sounds like it will be a good fit!! Enjoy your day date

  21. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I will just take 30 mins. I don't need an hour I just sit at my desk anyway. Nap time is 1130 at day care. It is 1130/1200 at home on the weekends if she takes ones she is still going back and forth.
    @ALV91711: Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon!

    Y'all I think R is outgrowing her 12 months shirts. Her belly is ridiculous. Pants are so low cause it is so big so her belly peaks out of her shirts. I bough SO many for summer and now I don't think she is going to get to wear them. I bought a ton of sets at the consignment for day care so I don't know if I can find tops to match the bottoms.

  22. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Haha e has belly shirts and is easily in 18m t shirts

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Maybe I should try asking the daycare to push back his nap then... lately he's been going down between 9:30 and 10:30 and then wakes up between 11:00 and noon, so by 5:30, he's exhausted and fights dinner! Maybe I'll ask them to keep him up until 11:00 for his first nap and see what happens.

    Xander's got the belly shirt look going too, especially after dinner, haha. His belly is so big! I put him in a two piece pjs tonight and he just kept lifting his shirt and patty his belly like some old man. It was so funny!

  24. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Adira: I'm really hoping we don't get it. The doctor said his eyes should be cleared up by Monday, but we are supposed to give the drops for a week. As for one nap, at daycare naptime is 11:30. He sleeps anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. At home we've been trying to follow daycares schedule, but sometimes he is ready for his nap just a bit earlier. I would try for 11 and see how that goes. Better he be cranky before his nap for them then cranky at home for you!

    @Smurfette: Glad you found a new daycare, I hope that it will work out. It will be nice to have here closer to home so she doesn't have to be in the car so much. That is awesome that work is letting you change your hours to accommodate. Hope you had a great day date.

    @Pumuckl: Glad you have an appointment set up, 2.5 weeks will come fast.

    @silver1: I really hope that his screaming at bedtime phase is short, that is not a fun one. Is he teething and that could be bugging him?

    @QueensBee: Glad to hear he is doing lots of babbling. I'm jealous that you get the summer off, that is going to be fun.

    @Silva: Baby and daddy snuggles melt my heart. Glad she had a nap with him.

    I became an auntie on Easter Sunday! I'm so excited to have a precious little niece and for Isaac to have a cousin. It is just too bad we live far away. We are hopefully going to get to go see them in June.

    I'm so over daycare sickness. Isaac has pretty much been sick for a month now with one thing or another. The worst is this cough he has that won't go away and wakes him up. The last couple nights he has had a long wake up because of it, though luckily the wake up was not too late at night.

  25. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ALV91711: Congratulations on your new niece!! That's so exciting!!

    And I hear you about daycare sickness!! When Xander started, it seemed like we had something new every week! And it lasts for MONTHS! And he started in the summer, so you wouldn't think it would've been that bad! But now, almost a year later, it's definitely better!!! But it does take a while to build the immune systems up!

  26. silver1

    apricot / 338 posts

    @Adira: If LO stays awake until 9:30am then it ends up being 1 nap from 1.5 to 2 hours. If he woke up early for the day then he does 2 naps about 1.5 hr in am, and 1 hr in afternoon.
    @ALV91711: Congratulations on becoming auntie!! Sorry tohear about daycare sickness hope he builds up immunity soon.
    He is teething and I give him tablets at bedtime but don't think that could be reason. He just doesn't want to go to sleep and miss all the fun! He is happy playing if I put him on the floor. I have tried putting him to bed early, waiting until he is tired but no go.

  27. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    Folks with LO's who are older than mine....
    We live in a small space, and I'm a bit picky about toys, so we don't have very many. Between now and Christmas (when we are getting her a kitchen), it seems like she would benefit from a doll and a set of blocks.
    We've decided to get her this doll: http://www.novanatural.com/sweet-baby-doll.html
    and these blocks: http://amzn.com/B00008W72D

    obviously both are expensive toys. which do you think we should prioritize first? Have your kids started doing imaginative play with dolls yet? She has started hugging/kissing her stuffed animals, but doesn't rock them or anything yet (although she seems intrigued when I do it). She does like to play with her stacking cups / ring stacking toy- so I was thinking maybe the blocks first? But she does already have some toys that function similarly to blocks.

    Any other "must have" basic toys for the toddler years? What are your kids playing with the most these days?

  28. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Silva: Xander doesn't have any dolls yet, but he has stuffed animals, but he doesn't do much with them. He LOVES everything to do with blocks though and blocks are such a great toy for them to practice their fine motor skills. I vote blocks!

  29. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Silva: R has one baby doll and will sometimes hug it. But she isn't into stuffed animals at all. She plays with her blocks some. I really don't now what she likes it seems to me she likes to walk around holding something.

  30. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Silva: Blocks for sure. H is not interested in dolls or stuffed today at all!! This is what she plays with the most http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Cruise-and-Groove-Ballapalooza/dp/B007J3FAJ2/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1398545891&sr=1-1&keywords=cruise+and+groove+ballapalooza but probably not what you are looking for We bought her a water table yesterday so will set that up today.

    @ALV91711: Congrats on your niece!

    @Adira: We have just moved to one nap too. Depending on the day she needs to go back down about 10:00 but 11:00 would be better. She gets a bit crabby at 5:30 too. I need to slowly start shifting it back.

  31. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @Adira: blocks it is! Thanks

    @Smurfette: yeah, t just likes to put the metal rings from canning jars onto things....her toes, my toes, etc, and carry them around.

    @AprilFool: that looks fun! I think we are going to get a small baby pool for water play this summer!

  32. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Adira: I can't wait for that immunity to be built and in us too. DH and I keep getting sick.

    @silver1: Teething tablets work good we have found. Some nights finding that right time to get them into bed is hard. Hopefully this is a short phase and he goes to bed good again.

    @Silva: Those blocks look awesome and will be great for many years of play.

    @AprilFool: That looks like a fun toy.

    The drops for his eyes sure have worked good, only two days and they are almost all cleared up. Good thing, I don't need to miss another day of work this week.

  33. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Silva: How old is she? Sadie's 14 months and loves her baby dolls. She definitely plays with her babies more than anything else. She got a new soft one (similar to the one you posted) for Easter & absolutely adores it. She gives it a paci, rocks it, kisses it, takes it clothes off/puts them back on, gives it a bottle... etc. It's so sweet to watch. She plays with her blocks too, but much prefers the baby.

  34. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @photojane: she is one year old! I know we will want to get her both in the next several months as imaginative play and building play start to develop, just not sure which to do first!

    @ALV91711: because we have zero storage space I try really, really hard to only buy toys I can imagine her playing with now and 2 years from now. Helps keep clutter down!

  35. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Silva: One thing I love about her babies is that we can take them with us. She plays with them in the car (you should hear her talking to them in the back seat - cutest thing ever!) & we've even taken her new baby with us into the grocery store. Sadie's never been terribly into her blocks. She'll build a "tower" and knock it down, but then she's bored with them. So, I think it really depends on the kid!

  36. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @silva, E wants nothing to do with dolls, LOL. She picks them up, then throws them down. She likes blocks and stacking toys, obsessively so. We have a block set like the one you linked to (imagination discovery brand?) and E likes them a lot but so far just likes to bang them together and knock down what DH and I build. Or add to it...we can point to something and she will set it down nicely on top of what we are building her. She loves stacking rings (i got her a nice rainbow wooden set from Land of Nod. Pricey but she likes the wood one and not the plastic one....). Also likes shape sorters and these weird little plastic blocks that have all sorts of weird things inside them. They're an old toy; got it at a garage sale. Daycare has it, too. Also, weirdly enough...plastic easter eggs. loves to bang them together, open them up, etc. And lately, a squishy foam ball. Plays "catch" with us and likes to throw it and bounce it around and then chase after it. If i think of more, i'll let you know, but my kid's really into the traditional learning type toys, not really the other stuff.

    eta: i shot a wedding today and was gone from 930-930. I miss my baby!

  37. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Silva: B doesn't care about his stuffed animals and this is why we haven't gotten him a doll yet. He LOVES his blocks though. Stacking and organizing are his favorite right now.

    @blackbird: hope E gave you some extra snuggles!

    @ALV91711: congrats on the brand new niece! Sorry to hear about the eyes. We've had to do eyedrops a lot of times. B's nasolacrimal duct is constricted and we've agreed with the pedi to wait till B's 13m old to see whether it clears up naturally and then otherwise pursue surgery... we've luckily found some homeopathic ways to treat his eyes when they start getting watery so we can usually now skip the antibiotic drops.

    @Adira: when B is on a one nap schedule his day looks something like this:
    7-8am wakeup
    11:30/12:30am/pm lunch
    12-1pm down for nap
    12/1-2/2:30pm nap (sometimes for 1.5h sometimes up to 2.5h)
    6:30pm bedtime (or 7pm bedtime if its a daycare day)

    @Smurfette: the new school sounds awesome. From what you posted it sounds like a really good match!

    Oh I totally forgot to tell you guys but B has decided to crawl. He was all for a big audience, easter sunday when my parents, grand-ma and siblings were there he suddenly started crawling instead of army crawling. His steps are also getting better and better everyday so maybe I'll not have to carry him around for ever

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Pumuckl: Yay real crawling!!!!

  39. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @blackbird: long day. I hope you got lots of time today!!
    @Pumuckl: yay!!

  40. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I think we are calling it official- T is walking! She still prefers to crawl, but a couple times today she stood up and walked to get somewhere!

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