Hellobee Boards


Spring 2013 Mamas & Toddlers

  1. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    We are having tons of sleep issues too. He's back to not falling asleep without us in the room and waking and not going back down. He's slept in our bed the second half of the night for the past few nights. When does all this crappy sleep regression stuff end?!

  2. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @travellingbee: I am wondering if this is the 18 month regression early?

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Oh no! There's an 18 month regression???

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: of course. Why wouldn't there be?

  5. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Smurfette: yeah pretty sure. He's gotten them all a little early.

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: haha, of course!

  7. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Adira: hi! So I'm totally late to this thread (I had all due date boards blocked) but I want to join.! My LO 2 is almost 16 months!

  8. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @autumnlove: Welcome!!! It's always so nice to have other active members join us!! Are you dealing with the fun of teething too?

  9. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Adira: Monday was rough but she did ok for the rest of the week. She woke up last night (Friday) about 45 mins after I put her down and cried a lot. I gave her meds but she spit it out so I wasn't sure if she actually swallowed any...we snuggled for 20ish mins until she feel asleep! Teething sucks!

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @autumnlove: Ugh, that's rough. I'm nervous about tonight because I feel like multiple times this past week, Xander's woken up screaming. Hope tonight ends up being okay for all of us!

  11. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Adira: H has very similar eyes to X. Sometimes they're green sometimes they're grey. I love them!

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @AprilFool: What color are you and your DH's eyes? I definitely love Xander's eyes, just wasn't expecting them to be this color! Mine are brown (as are my ENTIRE family) and Hubs' eyes are green/hazel!

  13. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Adira: DH are brown and mine are blue! So I really wasn't expecting a green.

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @AprilFool: That's crazy! I really thought brown was super dominant, so I would've thought we both would have brown-eyed babes!

  15. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Adira: Eyes are funny things! A friend and her DH have brown eyes and their LO has blue! I guess you just never know

  16. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Smurfette: I do not like these sleep regressions! Why oh why.

    @travellingbee: It is the worst when they don't want to go back to sleep.

    @autumnlove: Welcome, hope you have a decent nights sleep tonight.

    @Adira: I always thought brown was dominant too.

  17. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    I'm always so out of it on this thread!

    J has all his molars mostly through, but the last one gave him such trouble a few weeks ago that I thought he had an ear infection and took him to the ped.

    @Adira: DH has brown eyes, I have green, and J has blue! Both grandmas have blue eyes, so they are pretty thrilled about it - and I love his baby blues too, hope that they don't change. But we were definitely surprised!

  18. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Y'all I think 18 months is my favorite age so far. I keep saying that about every new phase, but I'm seriously loving this age. She has suddenly become a true toddler. She is becoming her own little person, and it is so fun to watch. It's like something clicked about a week before she turned 18m. She is learning so much every day and she is trying lots of new words. I was nervous about her not really trying new words, but she is waking up every day more and more excited to start talking.

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Ugh, Xander is sick. Just threw up all over me and is down for this THIRD nap today!

  20. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @photojane: I am loving seeing R change everyday. We had so much fun with her this weekend. Even with only hour naps. I can't wait for the language explosion though.
    @Adira: hope he feels better!

    R slept till 7 this morning. It was awesome! Esp. cause it was my morning to get up with her.

  21. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Smurfette: I don't think we're at the language explosion yet. She's definitely repeating more and trying words she hasn't before, but she's not talking independently yet. Like she won't ask for juice she will just point to the fridge or bring me her cup. I will say, "juice" and she will say "juice" and then I'll ask "can you say please?" and she will say "peeeeas!" But a month ago she wouldn't even try to say juice, so I think we're moving in the right direction. Up until now she hasn't been very verbal either!

  22. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @photojane: I can't wait for please!!

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @photojane: @Smurfette: Ahhh! I can't wait for the language explosion!!! Xander has definitely been saying more lately (most recently he's tried to say "soccer" (sa-ka) and "outside" (out-ti)), but he still doesn't often repeat us when we say words.

  24. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @photojane: It is so much fun to see them become little people.

    @Adira: Hopefully he is feeling better, poor guy. Today was a two nap day here but I don't know why.

    @Smurfette: It is so nice when they sleep in on your morning to get up. I love that.

    @photojane: I can't wait for please.

    Today Isaac kept trying to bite me when we were playing. I don't know what he was up to with that. It was like he was trying to bite my clothing but got my skin too. He wasn't very happy when I told him no. I really hope he doesn't try to bite anyone else.

  25. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    I also can't wait for the language explosion to come! Yes, this age is a lot of fun - so neat watching them learn new things all the time. J is constantly imitating us now, and so good at finding ways to communicate his needs across and directing me to what he wants even if he doesn't fully have the words yet.

    @autumnlove: Yay, good to see you here!!

  26. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Adira: I hope he feels better!

    @Mrs. High Heels:

  27. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Adira: Hope Xander is doing better?

    @autumnlove: Welcome, glad to have you!

    @Mrs. High Heels: Same here, B's gotten really good at pointing or shaking/nodding his head whenever we don't understand what he wants (which seems to totally irritate him).

    @travellingbee: @Smurfette: @Adira: Oh no on the sleep regression. B is only 16.5m! I can't be that early right. So does that mean we have to go through all of this again in a mere couple of months? Please tell me no... We had another crap night in this house. I miss my 7-7 effortless sleeper!

  28. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    Good morning, everyone!

    Sleep has actually been pretty decent over here the past few nights. We've been putting him to bed at 8pm and he's waking up around 6am. I haven't put the bumpers in the crib yet with the hope that maybe I can return them and keep my $85 if he doesn't really need it! However, I anticipate a few weeks of rough sleep ahead of us as I transition back to work.

    Some of my favorite developments from the week are: Pete tries to jump now. He can't actually get both feet off the ground yet but I love watching him try! He's been doing high fives for a while but now he also does "knuckles." So first we say, "high five!" and he gives a big high five. Then we say "knuckles!" and he makes a little fist and gives us a fist bump. He thinks this is the most fun game ever!

  29. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: $85 for bumpers? Seriously???? Fist bumps! R loves to give high 5's.

  30. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Silva: How's week 3 of the transition back to work? Has T started to act more settled into daycare? Also, as per your recommendation, I bought a set of scarves off amazon because I wanted to add something new and versatile to our toy rotation. He totally loves them! Great suggestion!

    @photojane: I am totally loving this age too! They are learning so much each day and it's so incredible to see their personalities come out!

    @Adira: Oh no! How is he feeling today? Was he able to go to daycare or still sick?

    @ALV91711: I hope he forgets about the biting and it doesn't become a thing. Pete has tried biting my shirt playfully a few times but luckily it just passes if I put him down and it never escalates into real bites.

    @Mrs. High Heels: Same! Pete uses a combo of words, signs, and grunts to get his messages across. It's so amazing how they figure out how to communicate so effectively!

    @autumnlove: Welcome to the due date board! I'm not that active on the rest of the HB boards because I find it hard to keep up, but I post regularly here. I have a 17 month old son, Pete! I hope those teeth come through soon and you both get your sleep back.

    Also, I've been reading Janet Lansbury's book (which is really just a series of blog posts) called "Elevating Child Care," and it's been really helpful with diaper changes, of all things! Our diaper changes were disastrous. Lots of screaming, flailing, and wrestling. I dreaded them. The author suggesting slow down, give Pete a little more time if he's playing to be ready for a diaper change, to talk him through it, to be gentle and slow with my hands, and to involve him in the change. Our diaper changes do take a bit longer now but they are much more pleasant for everyone involved! Of course, DH thinks I'm crazy for putting all this time into a diaper change but it's actually working for us!

  31. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: I wanted ones that match his nursery theme and also available on amazon prime so they could arrive quickly. So silly, I know! What was I thinking?

  32. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    B added to new words this weekend!! Dad, Yellow and bubble!!

    Umm- can we do easy words B? Still have our apt next week with the speech therapist- but hoping he is starting to actually get a few more words!

  33. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ALV91711: @autumnlove: @Pumuckl: @QueensBee: Thanks ladies!

    Last night was pretty rough. He woke up every 1-2 hours just SCREAMING, but he'd scream for maybe 20 seconds and then settle down again and fall back asleep. And then he stayed in bed until almost 11:00 this morning!!! I had just called the pediatrician to make sure I shouldn't just go wake him when he woke up. I gave him a bunch of applesauce and toast and he seemed in a pretty good mood once he had eaten. We played and he seemed mostly normal besides a runny noise/cough, and now he's been napping for 2 hours... hopefully he wakes up soon so it doesn't totally mess with bedtime!

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Hopefully he will be back to himself by tomorrow!

  35. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @QueensBee: I do something similar with diaper changes! I always prep him ahead of time, and tell him as I hold him, "Ok it's time for a diaper change! Your diaper is yucky. Let's change that diaper!" and I just keep repeating myself. He usually understands and doesn't really have a problem when I plop him down on the changing table. He just knows. I just give him a small toy to play with while I change his diaper and the whole process is pretty smooth. He always throws a fit when DH goes to change his diaper though - now that I think about it, it's probably because DH doesn't talk through the process as he does it - I should probably tell him to do that.

    @cheert16: Yay for his new words!!! 3 new words in one weekend is a lot!

    @Adira: AWw I hope Xander is all better by tomorrow! Sounds like he's already on the mend.

  36. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @QueensBee: thanks for checking in, I'm glad he is into the scarves! They are so versatile! Thea is doing well at daycare but sleep is still mostly a disaster.

  37. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @cheert16: Three new words over the weekend is great! And haha yes those are even tricky ones! I think colors are consideed pretty advanced for this age!

    @Adira: Oh my! Sounds like he was feeling quite crummy. I hope all the sleep he got today helped fight the virus. And that you all get more sleep tonight!

    @Mrs. High Heels: I'm not the only one! It's a little crazy how much this small tweak has changed our diaper change experience. I will admit I lost my patience with all the talking once or twice today, and just rushed through it. It was a disaster of course!

    @Silva: I'm happy to hear she's doing well! I hope the sleep improves soon in your house. So hard to function at work with choppy toddler sleep!

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: I hope you're able to return the bumpers! And first bumps sounds awesome!! I need to teach Xander that!!

    @cheert16: Yellow and Bubble are pretty impressive! I'm claiming that Xander can say "lawn mower", but he's really just saying "la-na", but he points to the lawn mower when he says it so... I think that's what he's saying...?

    @QueensBee: @Mrs. High Heels: I do similar with the diaper changes. Usually in the morning, Xander wants to play in his crib for a little bit, so I play with him for a good 10 minutes before I'm like "Okay, it's time for your diaper change and then we can keep playing!" That usually works better than just trying to change him immediately!

    Xander seems to be doing much better! He was actually in a pretty good most of the day yesterday after sleeping in all morning and he even went to bed just fine. I heard him wake up once coughing/crying, but that was it. He slept the rest of the night fine. And I could hear him babbling to himself this morning when I left, so I think he's mostly all better!

  39. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: glad he is feeling better
    @Silva: I am sorry sleep isn't going so well.

    The 3 last canine's are all broken through!!! Cue, angels singing. At least the hard part is over.

    I can see the light at the end of the teething tunnel. But I am already scared for the 2 yr molars.

  40. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Woohoo!!!!! Does that mean she's got all her teeth in besides the 2nd year molars??? Hope that means you all finally get a break for at least a few months!!!

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