Hellobee Boards


Summer 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you!! You and @yoursilverlining could have babies on the same day!! I'm excited you're dilated already, hopefully that means the induction will be easier than expected. I can't wait to hear all about it!

    @krsmall - I love your baby's face! So precious!!

    I had my appointment today and got my induction scheduled for next Thursday at 7:30pm. I haven't dilated at. all. Crazy! My cervix softened some - it's at 75%. That's it, though. I guess they bring you in late and "let you" try to sleep overnight before your contractions get really bad when you get induced at my hospital.

    Good luck tomorrow, ladies!!

  2. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @krsmall: @meredithNYC: CONGRATS, MAMAS!!! so exciting!

    Just had my 35 week appt yesterday and decided to go ahead and get my cervical check w/ the strep-B test. I'm currently 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, which of course to me, means nothing, and that I could have weeks and weeks to go. Of course, to my hubs, he's all excited and thinks that the baby can come any day now!

  3. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @mediagirl: there's an end in sight!!

    Gosh a lot of us had check-ups today. Also, I had another u/s and LO was sucking her thumb, so cute!

  4. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Good luck tomorrow! We'll be thinking of you!!

  5. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    So, I got some great news today. It looks like our son should bs home by Wednesday, at the latest.

  6. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: how are you feeling? I saw you post on another thread, so I thought I'd ask. You've been there since 5:30, right? What have they done so far?

  7. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @krsmall: that's wonderful news!!!

  8. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @chrispygal: thanks!!

    @krsmall: Oh, that's great news!!! I'm happy that you are both healthy!!

    @mediagirl: I had to call at 5am to see if there was room for me since inductions don't take priority but I'll be admitted at 7:30 this morning! I woke up about every 20 minutes last night and got ready at 4am...I completely lost my breakfast. I'm so nervous! The rest of that nasty mucus plug is gone now too (probably why I lost my breakfast, lol).

  9. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @krsmall: That's wonderful news!

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Aw good luck today! I hope everything goes well!

  10. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @Shimmer: thank you!!

  11. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @krsmall: That is fantastic news! Yay!

  12. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: aw, I'm sure I would have lost my breakfast, as well. At least losing your mucus plug means things are moving!! That's good news and hopefully means the induction will go quickly. Good luck!!

  13. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: omg!!! good luck and congrats early... looks like baby is ready to go just in time for the induction! Hopefully baby and drugs will work together to make for a speedy, easy delivery!!! Good luck!!!!!!

  14. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @krsmall: That's fantastic news!

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Good luck!

    I took the 3-hr GD test this AM. My body didn't like it very much...I still feel like crap, 4 hours after the last blood draw and after eating.

    But I just got the call from my midwife, and I PASSED, WOOT!

    I also had a regular prenatal visit thrown in there. Things are looking good. My blood pressure was low (102/58), but I was told that fasting was the likely culprit (although my BP tends to run low, allegedly because of my age and build). Bebe's heart rate was a steady 145 (except for the first visit when it was 173, the HB has ranged between 135-145), and I'm measuring at exactly 31 weeks, which is what I am today.

    Karen was also pleased that I'd put on 2lbs since my last visit, which officially puts me at 2lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, and about 15lbs overall.

    Happy Weekend everyone!

  15. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: yea!!! You will be a mommy soon!!!

    @FutureMrsMcK: awesome news!!!

  16. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    The induction went smoothly!! Elizabeth Loretta was born at 1:45pm...8 pounds 13 ounces and 19 inches long!
    The pitocin wasn't fun at all. But I went from 2cm dilated to 10 in 3 1/2 hours! I'll be back with my full birth story soon!

  17. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: congratulations!! Beautiful baby girl name. So happy things went well - and fast!! That's encouraging to hear! Can't wait to see a pic of your little one.

  18. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Congratulations mommy!!!

  19. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Our baby boy is home!!

  20. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Congratulations on your little girl!

    @krsmall: That is SUCH great news!

  21. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Congrats!!!

  22. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @krsmall: hooray! Home early! That is wonderful news.

  23. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mediagirl: How are you feeling? Any update?

  24. eeh

    persimmon / 1341 posts

    I'm a little late to the party but I just saw the thread. I'm due August 9. So exciting to see all the June babies arriving. I feel like the summer is flying by.

  25. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    Congrats to mediagirl!!! All these summer babies arriving--so exciting! I've been writing up my birth story but I'm more excited to read everyone else's lol

  26. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Oh my goodness, so exciting, all these new summer babies coming home!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

    How is everyone feeling?? I only got 4 hrs sleep last night because Lil Miss Wagon was on the move. I think she might have shifted, I was soooo uncomfortable all night long! Then I woke up at 5am to go to the bathroom and basically didn't fall back asleep all morning. I'm going to be a total zombie today!!

  27. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Congrats!

    How exciting to see all the Early Summer babies making their debuts!

    @mrs. wagon: So sorry you had a rough night! I hope you can sneak a nap in today!

    I'm really tired/achy. I've graduated to two pee breaks a night (I guess I was spoiled with only one), and getting comfortable before bed is a 10 minute process. My energy has taken a nosedive and I need to lay down several times a day from being short of breath/heart racing. I feel bigger every day and I'm having a ton of BH contractions! (Does anyone else get nauseated with them?) The boys are much stronger now and their kicks make me wince sometimes. I will be pregnant for no longer than 10 weeks more now, which is terrifying and welcome at the same time! I'm starting to get very uncomfortable. /whining

  28. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    How's everyone doing? It's been quiet around these parts!

    Just got back from our ultrasound today! Baby A is weighing in at a whopping 2lbs 10 oz and Baby B is 2lbs 11 oz! I managed to get them to put on almost a pound a piece since last month!

    Baby A is still head down, which is good but Baby B (little spaz!) is breech now. At first, I was like "there's no way - I've been getting kicked up at my ribs by Baby B" - and then we were given a photo of him still breech but with his leg/foot up over his head! So I'm still getting kicked by Mommy's Little Gymnast over here! I'm hoping this doesn't hinder my plans for a vaginal delivery... hopefully if Baby A stays head down, that's all I'll need!

    No cervical changes, despite all the crazy BH contractions I've been having! Yay! They're still stuck in there for a while!

  29. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Shimmer: I'm glad your ultrasound went well! I forgot, when is your adjusted due date?

    Sorry I've been so MIA, having a newborn is exhausting. Between changing diapers, feedings, pumping (I pump because he can only be breastfeed 2 times a day until he gets a little bigger), cleaning the pump, etc, my day flies by.

    Very exciting news though, we went to the doctor yesterday and Brennan is up to 4lbs 12.5 ozs. As a reference, his birth weight was 4lbs 8 ozs and he was 4lbs 7 ozs when we left the hospital on Sunday. So he's doing great! And the good news is we don't need to supplement him with formula, the breast milk is working for him. He's also doing great with his milestones which is great considering he's a preemie. He loves to grab on to his pacifier and hold it or hold my hand when I give him his bottle. He's sooo cute! (I'm not biased at all )

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

  30. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    Hi ladies! I'm such a sporadic poster to HB - I really need to move over here full time but I haven't quite cut the cord to WB yet. Anyway, just checking in to see how everyone has been doing. Congrats to all the new mommas! It's so exciting that summer babies are starting to arrive now!

    I'm currently 39w 3d and don't feel as though this baby is going to come any time soon. I'm way too comfortable right now to believe that a baby could be arriving at any moment, but fingers crossed it's not too much longer until our LO arrives! We don't get any internal checks here, and my appts are still fortnightly anyway, so I have no idea if any effacement or dilation has started occurring but if I had to guess, I'd say no.

    Anyway, I'll keep checking in to see how all the other summer mommas are doing. Does it seem crazy that July is almost here - especially to the July moms!?!?

  31. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @krsmall: I am so happy he is home and doing so well!!

    @Shimmer: I know how I feel with one, and I can't imagine how it must feel with two. You are doing a truly amazing thing!

    I have been feeling just ok. I am 34.5 weeks and have been having a lot of nausea again. Bleck. I'm so filled with fluid and congested and kind of miserable. lol. Our little girl is breech and if she doesn't turn in two weeks we are scheduling a c-section. I'm ok with that. I've had friends who've had both and I know that they each have their pros and cons. As long as she's healthy, I'll be happy. Our ultrasound pic showed chubby cheeks and lots of hair. It was really, really cute! I'm guessing I'll have 4 weeks left of work so I am really focusing on getting things settled there and have spent most of this weekend washing items and trying to get our nursery pieced together. We are close, but not quite there. I need DH to do a few things and don't want to nag him (even though he needs it).

  32. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @krsmall: I hear ya on the exhaustion. Ugh. We're not having the best night over here. I think it gets better.

    Well, I have some good news: the full-leg, down to the knee cellulite is gone! Must have had something to do with weight distribution. Woohoo, my legs are mine again! I'm feeling good about my body pp, as well. I don't have a scale but I do have a mirror. The belly is shrinking every day and my undies are fitting again! Haha.

    How are all the mid-end of June and July Mom's holding up?

  33. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @Shimmer: omg so crazy to hear about updates about both babies A and B!!! you're such a trooper. And I hear ya on those BH contractions-- I get them daily, they suck!! I swear my belly is as hard as a rock and nothing helps!!

    @krsmall: yayyyy for developments and gaining weight!!! before you know it he will be HUGE and it will be so hard to remember that he was such a tiny preemie...

    @Ree723: hurrah welcome to the thread! and YES it is crazy that July is almost here. I can't believe it's more than halfway thru June. My new due date is July 19th (they won't let me go any later due to my gestational diabetes) so I'm starting to freak out a bit. We've set up the baby's stuff in our room, washed all the clothes and bedding, and mostly packed our hospital bag... I do need to purchase a few last things and install the infant carseat! ack!!!

    @chrispygal: hope your girl turns for you soon!! And hope you are feeling ok... I saw your other thread about the swelling and nausea, I hope you get seen soon and everything is ok.

    @mediagirl: omg, YAY!!! I am PRAYING mine will disappear as quickly as yours did... that seems like something of a miracle!!!!!

    As for me, I'm holding up ok... lots of physical exhaustion and I can't do much anymore, but I'm at work and feeling ok. My weight is staying steady, which is great, and I haven't had any spikes in blood sugar, which is also great! However, I really feel like this baby girl wants to bust out Alien-style because she is pressing her feet against the top of my belly so badly every single day. So painful, especially during BH contractions!!! Oh my.

    Heartburn is back in full force, as is peeing several times a night. And it's so painful to get up or turn at night. Still lots of pressure down there. She's probably still head down. I hope she stays that way! It's painful but is a good sign for delivery.

    Praying lil miss wagon stays in there as long as possible..!! I'm not ready for her yet!! Will I ever be???

  34. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @mrs. wagon: "Praying lil miss wagon stays in there as long as possible..!! I'm not ready for her yet!! Will I ever be??? ;)" I absolutely understand what you mean here!! lol

  35. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @chrispygal: hehe. when is your due date again?? sounds like we are super close!! The latest they'll let me go is July 19th.

  36. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @chrispygal: oh gosh, I read your thread this morning--I hope all the swelling goes down and you start to feel better!

    I keep following this thread even though I already have had my LO!

    @mrs. wagon: Just think, as soon as she's here all of that heartburn/pressure/pain will be long gone!! I feel like a new person after giving birth (even though your a second timer too) I forgot how nice it is to be normal! I can't believe I spent 18 months of my life pregnant, lol

    So far, pp has been fine--I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I still look probably 14 weeks pregnant. I feel fantastic though (despite some breastfeeding problems but they're worked out now). Also, I realized I bought WAY too many nb summer clothes, not enough pants and no sleep n' plays! What was I doing the whole 4 months after I found out the gender?!

    I hope all of you ladies are doing well and enjoying the last bit of pregnancy!!

  37. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @mrs. wagon: We are close! It's not until July 25th so I have 5 weeks left. I look and feel like I'm at 40 weeks though. lol. I have 2 sisters and there are 4 babies between them. All 4 babies were at least 2 weeks early and I have always had a feeling that I'd go early. If I do have pre-e, they will take her in 2 weeks - right after July 4th. If I don't have pre-e then the latest I'll go is 39 weeks based on my elevated blood pressure and the fact that she is breech. It's getting really, really close!!! I'm excited but nervous too!

    @HeatherlovesKenny: I'd love to hear more about what kind of clothing you think is right for a newborn. I've struggled with this. We've been given a lot of summer clothes in the 0-3 month range and I got some of the side snap onsies. I have a bunch of the gowns and probably a couple of sleep and play sets. What are you finding that you use the most? There might still be time for a last minute shopping trip. haha.

  38. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: omg I'm so excited to get my body back!! Especially after @mediagirl reported that her cellulite went away already... I'm SO excited to get my thighs back. I really hope they come back. I miss them.

    @chrispygal: my original due date was 7/26!! So we're VERY close!! They're going to induce me a week early if I don't go into labor by then because of my GD, so my new due date is 7/19. Or whatever day of the week that week my OB is delivering! So unless we go early naturally, looks like we're going to be right around the same schedule... I'm expecting to see you on HB during late night feedings!!!!

  39. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    Hi ladies- I love reading everyone's updates! I hope everyone contiunues to do well...especially the bees who have already met their LO's!

    I'm due tomorrow but I don't think he/she is quite ready to make an appearance. I'm not uncomfortable so I don't mind. I'm just ready to find out if LO is a him/her! I'm not looking forward to the heat wave that is supposed to hit though...but alas that is why they created air conditioning.

  40. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: oh my!! tomorrow!!! haha your comment about the heat wave reminds me that Wagon Jr. was born on the coldest day of the year. It was totally frigid out and our visitors would tell us how their faces and the insides of their noses were frozen walking into the building. We were warm and toasty in our hospital room! Had no idea of the cold snap Boston was having at the time. Maybe you will have the same experience, but with the heat wave and a/c

    Where are you delivering??

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