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Summer 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @chrispygal: @mrs. wagon: It's funny, I see your due dates and think "Oh, well they're so far ahead of me...in July even!...I have plenty of time left!" And then I remember that July comes right before August, and I'm in the first half of August (10th), which is only about two weeks later! Gah, so soon!

    And my BIL is absolutely convinced this baby will be a girl born at the end of July. Not that his belief is anything to go by, but all four of our nephews on DH's side came early, and all of my siblings came early (I was 18 days late), so maybe I should start to mentally prepare myself, just in case...

    Things are going okay. We had our last childbirth class on Saturday. I nearly passed out in the L&D room during the tour. I'm choosing to believe that it was the warmth of the room (the AC hadn't been on) and the claustrophobia of having the entire class (probably 12 couples?) in the room and not the overwhelming panic of "oh god I'm going to be here really soon!" that made me leave the room to hyperventilate and cry in the hallway. Or just hormones A very nice L&D nurse brought me some apple juice, and after sitting a bit I felt better, if very embarrassed.

    I found out yesterday that my SIL is expecting her fifth child in late-ish October. Five kids! I can't even imagine! She hadn't told me before because she was worried about stealing my thunder...which is funny, because I've been a little bit sad that my baby's closest cousin would be almost 6 years older than him/her. When we were hanging up I told her congrats, again, and she laughed and said "I love this baby already, but I'm more excited for yours, because it's your first!"

    Sleep is getting nearly impossible. I think I found a workable position...I haven't been waking up because my hips are hurting...but I have been waking up at least once an hour because I have to pee/baby is tugging at my ribs/heartburn/backache...

    At my last appointment Bebe was head down, so I'm assuming it's feet that are all up in my ribs. It feels like they're threading up in there, and every time Bebe moves I feel a pressure like s/he's trying to pull them free. Last night I was taking a bath, and DH was sitting in the bathroom reading to me, and Bebe was thrusting up against my lower left side and yanking on my upper right, and I'm sloshing bathwater everywhere because it was so unexpected and painful, and s/he did it like a dozen times in a row.

    So that's pretty much all that's new with me. We have an appointment on Thursday, and then on Friday evening we're leaving for Richmond to stay with my BFF for a night or two, and then heading down to the Outer Banks to spend a week with DH's family. I'm trying really hard to get excited about it.

    We come home next Sunday, and then my baby shower is on the 8th, we're hoping to spend one last weekend in a cabin on the Chesapeake Bay in MD in mid-late July (DH's aunt's cabin, but she'll be in Ireland), then my mom comes in on August 3rd. Oy.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: Yea!! How exciting! Keep us up to date on how you are feeling.. it's exciting another summer baby will be joining us soon!

  3. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Thanks! That's a great story about Wagon Jr.'s birthday! Everyone is hoping my LO comes soon...hospital a/c would be fabulous! I'm delivering at Women and Infants.

    @krsmall: Thanks a bunch! I surely will. I feel absolutely normal but who knows How are you and your little guy doing?

  4. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Hey everyone... just a little update after my 34 week appointment yesterday!! My cervix is closed but the baby has DROPPED. :O I think she's actually been dropped for a while because I've been dealing with horrible pain down there for a while! I've become a slow-moving, waddling pregnant woman

    She's still head down, so hopefully she will stay that way now that she's dropped. I get an ultrasound in 2 weeks at my 36 week appointment due to the GD, woohoo!

  5. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: oh I'm so sorry she dropped already. Actually, I'm not. I know her being super low helped my speedy labor. But it did make those last few weeks of pregnancy miserable. I feel your pain. Just try to take it easy as possible.

    Oh hey, regarding cellulite, I noticed it was gone after a week. Not sure what happened but maybe because I wasn't top heavy anymore? I still have one lump right near each knee but all of the little lines and lumps are gone! Woohoo!

    Post preggo body is interesting. Suddenly I have crazy love handles! Also, back fat. My response to all of these new developments? Walk around the house in my bra and undies. Haha. Nothing I can do about it now other than accept it, at least for 6 weeks.

    @FutureMrsMcK: the a/c wasn't on?? Yikes! I hope it's on when you are there! Glad you were okay.

  6. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @chrispygal: I wish we had more sleepers. I also wish we had more newborn clothes! I wasn't expecting a 7lb baby. She lost weight, too so she was down to 6lb 5oz at our first per appt. I have 3 Gerber 0-3 month sleepers and they fit her perfectly. I put her in sleepers at night to keep her warm when we don't swaddle her. Maybe wait till the baby gets here to see how big and then if you need them, buy a pack or two of newborn or 0-3 sleepers?

    I would be disappointed with myself if I had spent a lot of money on newborn clothes and she never wore them. I don't think I'll put her in any of the hand me down tank top items I have in newborn. They're kinda silly since we try to keep her fully dressed at all times and wrapped in blanket sometimes.

  7. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @mediagirl: Yep. The room was empty at the time (obviously). One of the other dads flipped it on, but there were so many people there and I got crazy claustrophobic and overheated before it had a chance to do any good.

    When we're there we'll (read: *I* will have full control over the A/C.

    I had such a crap 24 or so hours. I started getting really nauseous last night with a mild headache. By the time I woke up for my first nightly pee/flip my head was throbbing, particularly while lying down. And every time I woke up I either threw up or dry-heaved. I took some Tylenol around 6 AM, but threw it back up. I was swelling pretty badly (hands and feet) all day, too...my headache from hell didn't even start to fade until around 5pm. I spent most of today curled up on the couch with my feet up, forcing water and little bits of food down my throat. Not a fun day.

    I have an appointment manana, and I'm going to bring it up. I'm really hoping nothing is wrong (Dr. Google, which I really should stay away from, tells me headaches+swelling+nausea in the 3rd trimester CAN be indicative of pre-e...we'll see what my BP and urine are like tomorrow) because we're leaving Friday evening for a week and a half at the Outer Banks (a good 9-10 or so hour drive--although we're breaking it up and spending a night with my BFF in Richmond) with all of DH's family.

    I'm still swelling some, and feel a bit...hungover, almost, but I'm feeling loads better now, so I'm hoping whatever it was is over.

  8. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: I hope you just had a bug! I hate to say it, but those are definite signs of high blood pressure. I know this, because I'm dealing with it now. It's a good thing you are going in before your trip to the doctors office. I ended up testing negative for pre-e but still have elevated blood pressure, which they monitor as well. Like I said, I hope it was just a bug and that you are feeling better!

  9. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Is it like, obvious that the baby has dropped? LOL. I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and I can't tell if it's happened yet. Apparently, I'm supposed to be peeing more and breathing easier once the baby drops, and I don't think I feel any of those changes yet?

  10. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @chrispygal: I went in this morning and thankfully my blood pressure was a very pleasing 115/69 and there was no protein in my urine, so yay! Our midwife thinks it may have been a sinus thing, which DH had suggested on the way over, because the throbbing was worse when I was lying down. As for the swelling...well, it was over 100 degrees here yesterday, and even with the AC on our apartment was still a bit warm. I'm all cleared for our trip!

    Bebe is doing well. S/he's head down where s/he will hopefully stay. I asked how she knew, and she told me that the head feels like a coconut, and then had me feel it. The heartbeat was 128.

    We had a talk about post-partum birth control. We'll likely be one and done, but we're not 100% certain, so we don't want to do anything permanent. I'm thinking either Mirena IUD or Nexplanon (the one that goes in your arm?) I can't imagine trying to keep up with taking a pill with an infant. I was a little stunned that it was already time to be having that talk, though.

    I'm also scheduled out for the rest of my pregnancy (only 5 more visits!) My last one is the day before my due date. I start weekly appointments at 37 weeks.

    I told DH I was looking forward to not having to pee in a cup on demand. He awkwardly offered to come into the bathroom with me to hold the cup. If that's not love...

    We're leaving tomorrow night and will be gone through next Sunday. When we come back I have a physical with my GP and I'm scheduled for a T-dap vaccine. Right after that is my baby shower, and then just a waiting game until my mom gets here on August 3rd. I learned recently that my mother used to be a childbirth instructor!

    Hope every is doing well and staying cool!

  11. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: That is FANTASTIC news! Just what you wanted to hear before vacation too I'm sure. You must be relieved! Have a great trip!

  12. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    Hi everyone! I had my 33 week appointment and my baby is head down. Which doesn't really matter since I'm having a scheduled c-section. I have GD so I was concerned about the baby's weight and they said she's 4lbs 7oz right now and if she continues to grow at this rate, she'll be 7 1/2 lbs at birth. Phew! I was worried that my GD was affecting her but my OB said it wasn't at all. He even said I can "cheat" a little bit on my diet if I was feeling hungry. Yay!

    Have any of you been feeling EXTRA hungry during the 30+ weeks? I'm always so hungry now! I'm also dealing with ankle/feet swelling and GAS. Ugh.

    I'm also starting to freak out about unexpected labor for some reason! Even though I have a scheduled c-section date, I feel like this baby will come out early (my son came out 4 weeks early). And I hate surprises! Anyone else feeling freaked out about unexpected labor??

  13. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @banana: I think I'm the opposite! I want it to be unexpected because I think knowing and waiting would drive me nuttttttssssss.

  14. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. I'm excited for the next summer baby to come.

    The past week has been interesting. Brennan is doing
    great but I've been very emotional. My mom left tuesday and that was rough. Lately i've been feeling like a
    failure for not getting to full term. DH reassures
    me it's not my fault. I think it's hormones. Brennan is perfectly healthy so I'm not sure why i'm so emotional... Damn hormones...

  15. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @chrispygal: It was a huge relief. I figured it PROBABLY wasn't that, but it was great to hear that everything is good. Even if my poor hands and feet resemble latex gloves filled with water at the moment...I can't wait for this heat wave to pass...

    @banana: It's funny, my appetite took a hike sometime around Christmas, and hasn't shown back up still. I was expecting that it would return sometime in the second tri, but it never did. I have to make an effort to eat anything.

    As for planned/unexpected birth I agree with @HabesBabe: I'm already nervous enough as it is, so knowing an exact date and having to wait would make me crazy. Having an EDD is bad enough!

  16. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: it's crazy how close pregnancy/birth brings you and DH. DH and I are now closer than I ever thought.

  17. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @banana: I am definitely freaking out about unexpected birth!! My mom is coming mid next week so I'm begging Lil Miss Wagon to stay in there until at least then!! If she comes earlier, I feel like Wagon Sr. will definitely miss the birth because he'll have to be taking care of Wagon Jr.! And I'm not too much hungrier but I'm definitely craving SWEETS.... I want a hot fudge sundae EVERY SINGLE DAY. Not exactly GD friendly!!!

    As for me, I'm SO uncomfortable... so much pressure and discharge. Baby is so low and walking is becoming difficult. I have 3 weeks to go until my induction week and I want to keep her in there as long as possible, but I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore and have my body back. It's just so hard to be an effective mom when you can't move quickly! Yesterday I took a delicious nap while Wagons Jr. and Sr. were napping in the car outside, and afterwards I ran around the house cleaning and prepping everything for today (Wagon Jr.'s first day of summer program, so they need all the swim stuff) because of my burst of energy.

    @krsmall: The hormones will drive you crazy... but yeah, being parents definitely takes your relationship to the next level!!!

  18. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    W00t! Today is the start of my last week of work until my maternity leave... holllllaaaaaaaaa

  19. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HabesBabe: niiiiiice!!!!

  20. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @mrs. wagon: How are you feeling? My vag feels like it's going to open up any minute now and a baby is going to fall out-- that's how low LO feels

  21. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HabesBabe: I feel exactly the same way. I literally feel like my vag is going to fall off, it's so sore Getting up and sitting down are the worst. I've definitely become a slow-moving pregnant woman!!

  22. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    How is everyone feeling??

    I thought I'd post because the past 2 days have been really different for me. My normally voracious appetite is almost gone, I've been having cramping / BH contractions BELOW my belly (they've all been at the TOP of my belly so far), and today for the first time all pregnancy I've been having period-like cramping. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, so it's probably all just braxton hicks action, but it's a little scary to think that the baby could come any day now. She's SO low, it hurts so bad to get up from sitting and to sit down from standing up. I'm pretty miserable and I can't believe I still have to work through this but I just can't start my maternity leave just yet. Ugh.

  23. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    I thought I was going into labor last night because I've had no contractions so far (just cramping that literally lasts a second). I had a "real" contraction around 11:30p that lasted about a minute (my books say real contractions start in the lower back and move to the lower abdomen, while BHs are only in the lower abdomen? who knows), and I had a whole course of action in my head.

    Wait for 2nd contraction
    Slip out for a bowl of late night pho
    Get home and try to rest, but not let hubby know until I was starting to feel really bad

    Too bad none of that happened because I obviously wasn't in labor and I fell asleep. LOL.

    My 39 week appt is today! Hubs wants me to get a cervical check (I only had one at 36 weeks and don't want any more since they don't really tell you anything) because he is sooooo anxious for the baby to come. I'm getting antsy, too, but I don't want s/he to come if it's not time yet.

  24. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HabesBabe: OMG! I love your plan of slipping out for a bowl of pho!!! Please definitely do that when you do go into labor... I did not eat before labor and SO regretted it the entire time. People tell you not to eat because you'll throw up more, but I threw up and dryheaved... I would have felt better if something came out, trust me!! And I definitely could have used the energy.

    Sounds like a good BH contraction!! You're getting ready!!! Please post again after your appointment, so excited to hear about your check

  25. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Sorry you've been not feeling well. I can totally relate! Not only are we due date twins, but we are symptom twins too. I have been having some SERIOUS contractions that have been pretty painful. Enough to stop me and steal my breath. Hope you feel better soon!

    Today is actually my last day of work. They are pulling me out due to borderline high blood pressure. I actually spent Monday night and all day/evening yesterday in the hospital for monitoring. LO was sluggish during her non-stress test on Monday so they sent me in. I had no idea they would admit me, but they did and ran another 24 hour urine test and blood work for pre-e. Luckily, I am still negative but where I am borderline with the high blood pressure, they are not taking any chances. LO is still breech and tomorrow we will be scheduling her c-section. I'm assuming at this point it will still be for 39 weeks but I am going to ask if the pressure changes anything. I am happy to be going out of work as I am finding it really to be too much. I can't believe how close I am to the end and am starting to get a little nervous. Granted watching hours of A Baby Story in the hospital probably didn't help with that. lol! Hope everyone is feeling well!

  26. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @chrispygal: I totally forgot (or didn't know) we were due date twins!! Sorry to hear about the high blood pressure, but glad to hear that it's your last day of work. Get some rest and prepare for that baby!! I'll be scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks if Lil Miss Wagon's not here by then, so maybe our LOs will have the same birthday too

    And NO BABY STORY!!! bad bad bad!!!

  27. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @mrs.wagon: I remember feeling like that with my son! It felt like somebody beat up my vag with a bat! With this pregnancy, I haven't felt that achy feeling yet but I'm sure I will soon since I'm 34 weeks. UGH. Not looking forward to that! I don't think she's dropped yet but once she does, I'll be waddling around all day I'm sure.

    @habesbabe: Yay team green! So curious to see what you're having!!!

  28. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I'm going through the exact same thing. Yesterday at work I was getting so much cramping and I guess BH contractions that I had to leave early and get a cab home. I had no appetite all day and just had a smoothie for dinner. Then I got awful heartburn. I didn't go to work today because of the cramping. It feels like someone's stabbing me below the belly! They lasts for 3-5 seconds. I read that BH contractions aren't supposed to be painful, so should I worry about these?

  29. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @marley: whoever says bh contractions aren't supposed to hurt can kiss my butt!! I had many days of painful bh before I went into labor with wagon jr. Just time them if you start to get concerned, and keep an eye out for mucus plug and bloody show (although I never got either with wagon jr.!).

  30. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Thanks for the info! I wonder if these are gas pains. Although they aren't accompanied by other symptoms like stomach upset. I'm only 33 weeks and so not ready for real contractions!!

  31. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @marley: Oh my BH contractions hurt too! Not like a sharp pain or anything like that. But more like a super uncomfortable tight feeling on my belly!

  32. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    Hi ladies! Just popping in to see how all the summer ladies are doing! It sounds as though some of you are getting quite close - very exciting!

    So we have another summer baby to add to our list - Emily Vivian made her appearance last Thursday (21st of June - her due date!) weighing 7 lbs 6 oz and measuring 21.5 inches! It was a textbook labour and delivery and overall, the whole experience was very positive. I can't say enough good things about an epidural though - best. invention. EVER! Our little girl is perfect - and such a surprise! We were Team Green but were sure we were having a boy so to find out it was a little girl was mind blowing! The amount of love we feel for her is indescribable but it is the most wonderful feeling.

    Anyway, just wanted to pop in and wish those of you with upcoming due dates lots of luck and happy, healthy deliveries! I can't wait to see who has the next baby!

  33. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @Ree723: OMG congrats! What a beautiful name!!! And what a fun surprise to find that you had a baby girl! Yes, I agree. The epidural is the best invention everssssss!

  34. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @Ree723: congratulations!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her name, how beautiful!!!!! Hurrah for another summer baby and yes, hurrah for epidurals Be sure to post your complete birth story!!! YAYYYY!!!

  35. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @Ree723: Oh congratulations!!! And welcome to team pink! Glad it was a good delivery!

    Today held another visit to the hospital for me with another high blood pressure reading at the doctor's office. They sent me home since it did get under control but the high readings, with two "severe" levels this past week was enough for them to decide to schedule me for a c-section next Thursday at 37 weeks rather than 39 weeks (she's breech). This means that by this time next week I will be a mumma! I can't believe it! The ultrasound today showed her measuring at 8lbs 9oz already, so this is going to be one chubby baby if they are right!

  36. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    Anyone having menstrual-like cramping? I get mild menstrual-like cramps a few times a day and I'm wondering if this is normal or not?? =\

  37. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @banana: Yes, I get those frequently and were told they are normal contractions. Not all BH contractions have a tightening of the belly. I've had some pretty severe ones too!

  38. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @chrispygal: Yikes! So scary! I'm 34.5 weeks so I'm hoping these cramps don't mean I go into full on labor soon!!! I want this baby girl to bake in here as long as possible! I can't believe you will be a mama next week!! So exciting! My son was delivered a 36 weeks via csection because he was breech too. The recovery wasn't bad at all for me! Hope it's smooth sailing for you too! Keep us updated!

  39. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @Ree723: Eeeek congrats! What a beautiful name!

    Had my OB appt yesterday and still declined a check, so who knows where I'm at. I had a snack attack (when I don't eat, I get lightheaded and SUPER SWEATY), so the nurses gave me a cup of almonds, which I finished in about 5 minutes. Then my jaw hurt from chewing so much. Then I went to CVS to pick up some iron pills and bought some Pringles and mini Nutter Butters-- which I popped open in the store. LOL.

    Heartrate was 145 and I told my OB about the contractions I just started having. Hopefully that means the baby is coming soon! She's going on vacation the night of July 6 (my due date!) and isn't coming back until July 18. UGH.

  40. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @habesbabe: Wow! You're almost there!! So exciting!!!! Maybe you'll have a 4th of July baby! So cool!

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