Hellobee Boards


TTC after loss

  1. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @jaguar: that really really sucks. I'm so sorry the appointment didn't go the way you wanted it. Months can seem like years in the TTC process.

  2. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @jaguar: I really hate all the waiting. Maybe we'll both get lucky and get out sticky babies the next time, I hope to be ready to go in about that time as well.

    @LibbyLou: amen, sister. Months seem so long...

  3. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    4 weeks since D&C. No clue what my body is doing! No idea if I've Od or not. Gah.

  4. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @jaguar: @LibbyLou: totally agree on the months can feel like years in TTC land!

  5. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  6. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @JoJoGirl: FX things are sorting themselves. Did you think about doing OPKs or anything? I'm 3 weeks out from natural m/c and wondering if things are getting fixed or not. I want to test it out for O, but there is no point because DH and I agreed not to TTC until after my first period

    Hope everyone is doing ok. I haven't been able to stomach many pregnancy or TTC posts so I'm behind. Hard to talk about it all while in the limbo waiting to try stage.

  7. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @runnerd: I would, but I don't want to just sit and waste them all when maybe I Od already or maybe I won't for another 3 weeks, you know? Seems to make more sense to re-start all of that when I get my first period. I'm tracking temps but it's still so hard to tell where things are when I don't even have a baseline.

    And I hear you - I almost posted on the Semptember POAS thread, but I have no idea if I even will POAS this month, so why bother

  8. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @JoJoGirl: that's what I did to. Didn't use opk until I got my first period. Mine took 5weeks to come back after surgery and my usual cycle is 23days. Hopefully period will return soon and you can start tracking soon.
    @runnerd I was like that too. Had to take a break for a few weeks. No worries, we all get it on this board.

  9. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Just got back from a mini holiday. I'm sorry @jaguar: that your appointment did not go well this week. I can't remember if your DD was a FET or fresh transfer. At any rate I hope your next FET is successful.

    I tested today at 10dpo after 5 days of spotting and got a positive. I'm hopeful but terrified and am just going to take it one day at a time. The line looks decent for 10dpo. I'll call my doctor next week.

  10. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @delight: yay! Congrats!!!

  11. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @delight: Just wanted to say congrats!!! You give hope to us all

  12. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @delight: wow, great news - congrats! Mini holiday is what we all need

  13. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @JoJoGirl: I'm so sorry, it's so rough not knowing what's going on.

    @runnerd: I completely understand. It's hard to avoid all the TTC stuff, and pregnancy conversation is even worse.

    @delight: congrats! Is your dr going to give you P?

    Had my follow up appt for the D&C today. Dr said spotting could continue for up to another 4 weeks and not to worry. He is very blunt. DH likes it, but I'm still on the fence. Worth it to try him out for awhile, I guess. I'm not sure how much help he'll be.

  14. noelani

    olive / 58 posts

    @JoJoGirl: @runnerd: @LibbyLou: I also had to pull back from HB for a bit - the community and support is wonderful but all the different triggers can be hard sometimes too.

    @delight: Oh! This is such beautiful, wonderful news!I had a really tough day but your post made me smile and made me happy. I've imagined being in your shoes and I'm sure the mix of emotions is overwhelming. and

  15. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @delight: yay!! I totally understand being a bit apprehensive, but we are all wishing you the best!

  16. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @JoJoGirl: I'm pretty sure our d&cs were within a few days of each other - I decided to not start temping or monitoring with OPKs until I get my first AF. I just don't even know! I'm pretty sure I O'd last week due to some crazy cramps and pains, but even then it's tricky to know because sometimes they come a week before O. Argh! So I figured once I start the next cycle I'll at least see where things are. So I feel your pain on the not knowing.

    I'm so grateful for a new month - last few months have been pretty awful! Hope everyone is feeling more optimistic this month

  17. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @delight: Yay!! I know after a loss a loses some of its excitement, but that's still such wonderful news.

    I'm 6 dpo today and feeling anxious about testing. I have a wedding this weekend so I'll probably test Saturday just in case.

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: @Zbug: @noelani: @Nutella: @Autumnmama79: @My Only Sunshine: thanks so much ladies. I'm trying to stay calm and just have hope that lighting won't strike us twice.
    @Crystal: I have never taken P before.. I guess I can ask when I get my bloods taken to make sure it is at a good level. I've asked about spotting before and apparently it's because my cervix is friable after having a colposcopy done a few years back. I have always wondered about needing P though with my short LP.

  19. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @noelani: ummm your dentist wtf! My father is a dentist and obviously said that is so not true but thinks you should report him. What he said is so not ok!

  20. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @delight: congrats! Wishing you all the best.

  21. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @delight: just saw your good news!!! Sending positive vibes your way!! Congrats!

  22. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @delight: Wow!! Congrats!!!! Remind me how long it's been since your loss?'

    @Nutella: Yeah, I think I need to let go of the hope that I just get pregnant again before my first AF.

  23. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @JoJoGirl: thanks so much. We lost our girl in December at 22w. This was cycle 6 ttc. We got pregnant a week after spreading her ashes this month so maybe we just needed that closure.

    Thanks all for the support. I pray more of you join me soon.

  24. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @delight: Beautiful.

  25. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @delight: agree - that is beautiful! @JoJoGirl: oh no, didn't mean to make you lose hope - you never know what could happen!

  26. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Nutella: Oh gosh no - it's totally unrealistic of me anyway.

  27. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    Hey ladies. I posted about this, but I'm assuming you all would be most likely to know if my ovulation questions relate to regulating after a loss or what could be going on. I'm going to copy my post here in case any of you had a similar experience. Thanks

    I usually don't O until cd17-19, but I noticed some EWCM on cd11 (monday) and decided to start using my clear blue opk tests. Tuesday morning it was negative. Yesterday morning it was flashing smiley. I then tested again yesterday afternoon (I know you usually only test in the morning with cb but read it's ok to test twice if you've gotten flashing smiley). Anyway, it was solid smiley?! This was weird bc I usually get at least two days of flashing smiley before solid. I used an Internet cheapie this afternoon, and the test line looks darker than the control?? My EWCM seems to be going away though.

    Anyone have any insight? My d&c was the end of June. This would be easier to interpret if I was temping, I know, but I'm trying not to make myself too crazy.

  28. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    You guys, I had a positive test today at 11 dpo! I posted a picture in the September POAS boards. It's a pretty solid line so I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. Two CPs in the past and one blighted ovum. My doctor told me I can call for blood tests as soon as I get a positive test so I'll probably call tomorrow.

    Extremely cautiously optimistic. The line is darker than my CPs ever got, but of course with a blighted ovum I had nice dark lines so I know nothing's for sure. Because of my history, my OB will do an early ultrasound if I stay pregnant.

    Past losses really take the naive excitement out of positive tests! It's more of "Ok, I had a positive test. Let's just see what happens."

  29. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Zbug: how was your last cycle? Has it been back to normal yet? It could be your body is still regulating.

    @My Only Sunshine: congrats! When was your last loss?

    I noticed some EWCM yesterday, but am confused because I'm still spotting. I hope my body is close to getting back to normal, it's been over 3 weeks since my D&C.

  30. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @Crystal: you could definitely be right. My first cycle was weird and not sure I even ovulated. Second cycle I ovulated cd19 but only had a 8-9 day lp. Looks like i must have (hopefully) ovulated around cd14 this time. Out timing wasn't great bc I was expecting a few more days until O but we will see. Are you trying right away?

    @My Only Sunshine: congrats!!!!!! Best wishes. Keep us updated.

  31. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @Zbug: sorry no advice - but imagine post-mc that anything is possible! I'm still waiting for my first AF following mine 5 weeks ago.

    @My Only Sunshine: congratulations!! I bet it's weird...but still exciting! Try and keep your mind nice & chilled! How early is the ultrasound? Happy for you!

  32. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: oh my gosh, congrats!!

  33. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    Just a vent...it's now over 5 weeks post-d&e and no period in sight!!

    I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but what sort of time has everyone waited for the return of AF?

    Just want to get back into the rhythm of things

  34. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Nutella: I'm also 5 weeks out today with no AF. But according to my temps, I Od on Friday, so she should be here in about a week.

  35. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    Thanks for the congrats, ladies. HCG level at 12 dpo was 64, which my crazy internet research tells me is a pretty solid number. Now just waiting until Thursday to see if it doubles!

    So jealous of people who can just see that second line pop up and think, "Hooray, I'm having a baby!"

  36. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @Nutella: Oh man, it's so frustrating! My period came back a little over 5 weeks after my D&C.

  37. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: awesome that you are happy with your numbers! Congrats!! I hear you on the additional worry we as a group have. I have friends announcing at 6,7,8weeks and I want to be like what if something happens?!! But of course it never does to those friends. Lucky ducks and they don't even know it.

  38. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: congrats on great numbers! Hope you get to continue getting more positive encouragement in the coming weeks

    @LibbyLou: I hear you on the friends announcing early thing too. Some have said 'oh it's so different with second pregnancy, you're just way more chilled and relaxed'...& im like um, no I think that's the exact opposite for me! And I feel so jealous that they could be so carefree! But starting to feel more excited about ttc again so that's good I guess.

  39. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @JoJoGirl: oh that's good to know - thanks. I might dust off the bbt thermometer as I kind of want to know wth is going on!!

  40. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Nutella: Well... according to my temps I'm 6dpo now! Hopefully things are finally starting to normalize. I should be seeing AF in the next week or so.

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