Hellobee Boards


We can't compete with the grandparents

  1. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    My mom also buys my LO lots of gifts for Christmas, but doesn't go crazy with gifts the rest of the year. Since I know that she will get lots of gifts from grandma, I don't get her as much. Hopefully she doesn't assume I don't love her as much just because I only got her 5 gifts and grandma gave her a pile. I really doubt it. Love is so much deeper than material gifts for me.

    I would be pretty frustrated, not worrying that she would undermine your morals, but because she is disregarding your requests time and time again. It just seems disrespectful. But I wouldn't worry about your daughter becoming materialistic over it since you are with her the rest of the year to counteract that.


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