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Who is dealing with a dairy intolerance or MSPI?

  1. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @LovelyPlum: sorry, mama! It's good to get it figured out though so DD can feel better! Hopefully that does he trick and you don't need to eliminate soy. It's in everything!

    I figured out where the accidental dairy came from that was making LO sick this week (some hummus, ugh). We Had N's 4 mo. appt yesterday and her doc wants me to stop giving her Prilosec for reflux this coming week to see if we can take her off. Hoping it's just MSPI. Im still eliminating soy but I want to try to introduce it back to see if we're in the clear since I just did it as a precaution.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

  2. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm sorry - hopefully the Zantac will help! It may take a week or so to kick in. I wish we knew the real reason LO needs Alimentum and now specifically the ready to feed version.

  3. imbali

    apricot / 347 posts

    how is everyone doing? hope all the LOs are managing well wanted to ask, what do you feed your LOs? we are struggling with solids that have no dairy or soy any sample menus to share for your day?

  4. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    LO's age? She's currently 2 yrs old (25 months).

    Milk protein, eggs, gluten. She's currently still allergic to eggs, but her reaction isn't as bad, so we're hoping she eventually grows out of it. She was also allergic to wheat (probably all gluten, but a the time wheat is all they tested for) and had a milk protein intolerance. She's no longer allergic to gluten and we're slowly getting her to eat milk products (butter).

    How do they react?
    When she was an infant, she always had a greenish tinge to her poop. Then at 6 months old, we were prompted to change her formula. All infant formulas available here (we're abroad) are labeled up to 6 months, with a new formula starting at 6 months. At first she had a minor skin irritation, had trouble sleeping, gassy, then she broke out in hives. Her whole face started puffing up and we had to take her to emergency.

    When/how did you find out?
    At around 6 months, through the slow process of elimination. It was horrible - we just started solids, so it took a lot longer than I wish it had. When we finally eliminated all solids, it was obvious it was milk -- even though her prick test for milk was negative. We tried various sensitive formulas before trying Nutramigen. That didn't work. So, I called the medical hotline, pretty much in tears, at the end of my rope, asking for advice. They wrote me up a Rx for Neocate. We were able to pick some up the very next day.

    Neocate worked immediately.

    Are you BFing?

    Words of wisdom to share?
    It will pass. When I was in the thick of it, it was hard to see pass the difficulties. I consider myself lucky that DD was already a little older when her allergies and milk protein intolerance showed up. But being allergic to egg, gluten and milk is tough. It made it impossible to just buy her anything. I had to make it all myself.

    To anyone else that's going through similar allergies and starting solids, here's what I found easiest to prepare:
    - rice and rice noodles (chopped)
    - gluten free flour savory pancakes
    It's something I experimented with that was an easy finger food. Make your favorite stew. Chop the meat and ingredients. Add gluten free flour until it's a paste. Fry into pancakes. Cut into bite-sized pieces.
    - rice flour banana pancakes Tip: if you don't use oil (on a non-stick pan) they will be fluffy. If you use oil, they will be flat and translucent.
    - baked sweet potato chips I found that using a vegetable peeler worked best
    - Mum Mums had traces of milk, although some packages didn't include it (but some did).
    - popcorn was the one snack we can all eat together (not including fresh fruits and veggies)

    The positive:
    DD loves veggies! It was pretty much all she could eat back then. I attribute her love for broccoli (and cucumber, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, corn, etc...) to her allergies early on. She's growing out of her allergies, but hopefully her love for vegetables stay

  5. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @imbali: a typical meals for my 1 year old are:

    -1 egg (I rotate scrambled, fried, and boiled) with fruit
    -oatmeal and fruit
    -1 breakfast sausage patty and fruit
    -egg muffin with peppers and onion and fruit

    -rotisserie chicken and broccoli bits
    -turkey sausage and Lima beans
    -fish (salmon or any white fish) and some vegetable
    -pasta with butternut squash sauce and meatballs

    Snack: frozen blueberries, halved grapes, blackberries, or strawberries.

    Dinner: similar to lunch, usually a protein and vegetable. Sometimes I make lentils or something like that, but LO much prefers bits of food she can pick up herself.

    My LO doesn't really like carbs so far, so puffs and breads items like toast are out if the question. I tend to make something, like pasta, and then LO will have it for lunch 3 days in a row. Or I"ll bake some salmon and sautée some broccoli and LO will have it for dinner several nights in a row. I also buy a lot of those frozen steamer vegetables (just check labels because any veg in a sauce will have dairy usually) and so far LO will eat almost any vegetable if it's cooked long enough and quite soft.

  6. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Ugh, I just had a really long post, and now it is gone...

    Anyways, here is my update: it appears that we now are adding soy to our list of intolerances The doctor wanted me to hold off on eliminating it until we worked on the reflux, so I didn't avoid it . But this weekend's Asian food and tofu burgers produced *so much* projectile vomit that I can't ignore it. I dumped my pumped milk from yesterday and am going to give her some old stuff from my freezer stash. I was still eating soy with that, but not much. It makes me sad that I was making her sick But I hope that she will start feeling better soon!

  7. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @LovelyPlum: oh I'm so sorry mama. soy is tough to avoid. Just remember when you go out that any vegetable oil contains soy. I'm lucky enough to live in a city with lots of health/natural food grocery stores. I hope you're able to find the substitute you need! Let me know if you're trying to find something d/s free and I'll try to help! Hugs

  8. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: thanks, lady How is your reintroduction going?

  9. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I haven't tried it yet! Her 6 month check up is today, so I'm going to get the go ahead from her pedi to try. It would be amaaaaazing if she has a mild reaction or no reaction at all! I'm trying not to get my hopes up! Lol.

  10. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Is it ok if I join? We are still in the process of figuring out what is going on with DS but I'm pretty sure it's MSPI

    LO's age? Will be 3 months on Friday

    Sensitivities? How do they react? Pretty sure he is sensitive to dairy and probably soy. May also have an issue with wheat. We're still in the process of figuring it out. So far he has been not wanting to nurse, sleeping poorly, slow weight gain, and green mucus, bloody poops. The symptoms have been developing over time as he used to eat, sleep, and gain great.

    When/how did you find out? At first I thought he was getting a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance because he did not want to nurse for very long and his poops were pretty green. Once I saw mucus and blood in them we went to the doctor who agreed that we should try cutting out dairy and soy, especially since his older brother had issues with them too. I am suspicious that there might also be a sensitivity to wheat because poop has been returning to normal except immediately after I've eaten pasta and bread. It did seem too immediate though so I'm not sure. I think I need to give it a little more time.

    Are you BFing? Yes
    If so,
    -what is the hardest thing for you to give up? It's still pretty new but so far I am missing yummy sweet treats the most. And the idea of going out to eat even though we rarely do anyway.
    -good meal/snack ideas to share? Still need to figure out snack ideas because I'm always hungry. Almond milk has become a staple and I buy a soy-free vegan protein powder to make smoothies so that's one thing. For meals, I make PB&J sandwiches (I make the bread in a bread machine) or some sort of sautéed veggies with beans and a grain. We haven't made it yet, but homemade cheese-free pizza is also yummy. And of course lots and lots of salads.

    Words of wisdom to share? As annoying and limited as the diet seems, it will become the new normal!

  11. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Sorry you're having to do soy, too! I was hoping you'd get to keep that in your diet! Hang in there!

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I hope you got the go-ahead from your Dr. today!

    @skipra: Welcome! Hoping that wheat isn't a problem for you, too. I know limiting the diet even more would be frustrating for me! Sounds like your first LO had MSPI, too? How old were they when you were able to reintroduce?

  12. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    Hi everyone.....we just got back from the peds office. After several office visits, medication changes for her reflux (if she even has reflux, who knows), and questioning whats up with my little miss, her doctor told me to start eliminating dairy and soy from my diet I had already semi-suspected this might be the problem, so I started eliminating all obvious dairy sources, but she still isn't having a ton of improvement (some, but not as much as I or they would like), so......
    LO's age? 14 weeks old

    Sensitivities? How do they react? I guess dairy and soy? Its a new adventure. We have an appointment with a GI specialist next week to confirm.

    When/how did you find out? Today! Around 3 weeks ago, we noticed some flecks on blood in her stool. Additionally, she does have reflux symptoms (arching back, sometimes doesn't like to eat, super congested after eating). Took her to the ped, gave a prescription for Zantac. No improvement after 1 week, so meds were switched to Nexium. Seeing some improvement in her congestion. However, took her in today because we saw some more blood specks in her stool over the weekend and her poop has been having more and more mucous.

    Are you BFing? If so,
    -what is the hardest thing for you to give up?
    -good meal/snack ideas to share?
    Yes, breastfeeding. I always said that if she ever got diagnosed with this, I would like not like to breastfeed anymore. I know this sounds super selfish and while I enjoy our breastfeeding experience thus far, I am bummed about having to eliminate all these foods. So, I am looking for good snacks and meals for me to eat since I am kind of at a loss! I don't eat red meat, sometimes I eat some chicken and fish, but I eat a ton of tofu and other vegetarian meat replacement options which are apparently full of soy. Boo.
    Words of wisdom to share? Nothing yet! But I am enjoying reading all of your words of wisdom and different snacks/foods for me to enjoy.

  13. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @ellewoods84: welcome and sorry you're dealing with this, too! Hopefully you find the issues and your LO feels better soon! We were in almost the exact same situation - around 14 weeks we suspected reflux wasn't her real issue and were seeing more mucous in her poop. I half-heatedly eliminated major dairy, but it wasn't until I went full in that I saw a change (a big one!).

    Also, i know it a seems daunting, but id encourage you to stick it out with BFing, at least for a bit! I've found easy replacements for almost everythingg I had to eliminate and they are really good (and better for me). Since you eat a soy alternatives to protein, maybe you could try more beans, quinoa, etc?

  14. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @fussygal: Thanks! I think around 9 months I was able to reintroduce yogurt but milk and cheese took a little longer. And he had an adverse reaction the first time we gave him wcm so heddidn't really start on that til after 15 months.
    @ellewoods84: sorry to hear about the diagnosis. I also do not eat meat and it was really challenging at first but you do get used to it. A couple months in last time I remember that I actually felt healthier on the diet. I can give you some recipes and tips that I picked up along the way if you're interested.

  15. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @ellewoods84: I'm so sorry, lady. But I promise, if that is the real issue, the lack of screaming will make all of this dietary nonsense so worth it! We came about this in the opposite wag-addressing dairy first, then reflux, now soy. She is completely intolerant to any dairy, even butter, but so far, soy isn't quite as bad (hoping it stays that way!) I'm now in the process of cutting out soy, and we are also upping her reflux meds to see if we can get my happy baby back. It really, really is worth it, because they are so much fun when they aren't in pain!

    One thing that helped me was to discover Earth Balance for butter. Also, since this is farmers market season, we are trying to use as many fresh fruits and veggies as possible.

    I won't lie, I miss cheese. But I keep saying that it is only temporary. And we have each other for support

  16. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @LovelyPlum: it's weird, but after a couple of months you won't even miss cheese.

    I used to say I could live on bread and cheese alone, and of course...the MSPI diet meant that it was really hard for me to find commercial breads (because I also avoided soy oil until just recently when LO turned 1) and no cheese. No, at first I really didn't know what to eat.

    But now I don't even miss it, 9.5 months later. I totally have to bring my own food everywhere, even other people's parties! Because otherwise, I get too hungry and obsessed about what's in every dish. I just bring my own stuff and happily chow down.

    Also, there's a ton of junk food out there that's MSPI friends when you feel you are missing out on something.

  17. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @skipra: hey lady! I am sorry that you are here, too. And the wheat sounds really tough. LO's symptoms are developing over time, too. It is so frustrating. I'm sorry you had to do this again with your second LO. Hopefully, you can find out what it is that is irritating him.

  18. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @fussygal: thanks for the welcome! I am also sorry you are dealing with this. I am definitely going to stick it out with breastfeeding. Even if I wanted to quit breastfeeding, my daughter will not take a bottle of breast milk, so I know she definitely wouldn't take a bottle of formula! I am glad you saw such big change in your LO though! That is awesome. At least it is worth it! Did you have to eliminate dairy and soy? And when did you start to notice a difference?
    @skipra: thanks! and yes, I would love some of the recipes and tips you found along the way. It just seems very overwhelming. Like...for dinner I had a salad, but everything else in my house had soy or milk in it. So, I am still kind of hungry until I can get to the store! So any recipes would be appreciated!
    @LovelyPlum: Thank you and I am sorry you are dealing with this also! And I know that it will all be worth it if my daughter starts feeling better. And when she starts feeling better, I know my whole family will start feeling better. I am anxious to see the GI doctor next week so he can give us a better idea of what we are dealing with. Her reflux still seems to be a major issue, but maybe it is not reflux at all! Who knows. But, thanks for your support! We can all hopefully get through this and it will be easier together.
    @Anagram: Sooo...what is the MSPI friendly junk food you speak of? I am a total snacker and love food thats bad for you (in moderation!), so....fill me in!

  19. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @ellewoods84: Well, it all depends on if you are eating soy oil, soy lecithin, or avoiding it completely.

    If you are avoiding completely, Trader Joes will be your junk food mecca. Their cinnamon rolls and crescent rolls (in a can, in the refrigerated section) are totally dairy and soy free. So are their Speculoos cookies, their "give peas a chance" snacks, and Kettle corn are all totally dairy and soy free. Fritos are fried in corn oil so those are dairy and soy free, and some tortilla chip brands are dairy and soy free too.

    Enjoy Life crunchy cookies are delicious and dairy and soy free, as are Pamela's brand of cookies. For ice cream you can get So Delicious brand of coconut ice cream, plus several brands of popsicles (just read labels).

    And most chewy/sweet/tart candies are fine---they are just high fructose corn syrup and straight up sugar, mostly--like skittles, gummy bears, etc.

    Kosher foods will be your new best friends (look for the dairy free symbol). Trader Joe's has an amazing chocolate babka that is to die for and dairy/soy free. You can also get dairy free chocolate chips in trader joe's and even my regular grocery store carries them under the store name---they have soy lecithin though.

    I already wrote earlier in the thread about Papa John's and Wendy's, if you are dying for fast food.

    If you find your LO can tolerate soy oil and/or soy lecithin, then the world of what you can eat opens dramatically. Oreos and most commercially made bready have soy oil or lecithin but no dairy.

  20. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @fussygal: Thanks! I did get the go ahead and she recommended yogurt and if that's OK, cheese, then just go for the ice cream. She said she thinks about 50%of babies are ok with dairy after 6 months, then like 80% at a year and 99% at 5 years.

    So I went to the grocery store and got yogurt! I'm going to try it on Saturday because I introduced coconut oil to my DD's puree and need to wait in between. I'm so looking forward to it! I'm also kind of curious as to his it will affect me as well. My friend unfortunately still needs to be semi dairy free because hey body reacts negatively to it.

  21. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @Anagram: Wow, thanks soo much for all that information! Awesome. Well, I don't really know yet if I will be eating soy oil, soy lethicin, or avoiding it completely. We went to the ped today and she just kind of was like...so, try not eating dairy and soy and lets see if that helps, oh and make an appointment with a GI specialist. So, I didn't really get a lot of information on it yet and I am hoping when we go next week, the GI doc can guide me better on what I can and cannot eat. It seems like you are a wealth of information on this subject!

  22. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Anagram: i didn't know about all that stuff at trader joes! Thank you for all of those recs! Immaculate brand cinnamon rolls are ok too. Where do you find the enjoy life cookies? My grocery only has the chocolate chips but they are always sold out.

  23. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @ellewoods84: we're doing soy and dairy, although I'm not 100% sure she needs to avoid soy yet - I'm too afraid to try it though. We noticed a difference within a week and it got even better from there!

    @Anagram: I had no idea about the speculoos cookies - dangerous information!

  24. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @ellewoods84: I still have to go through some of my old recipes that I used to make a lot so I'll add more as I find them. One thing that was a huge discovery for me was to avoid beans at dinner! I had to eat more of them but if I ate them at dinner, I was up all night with a gassy baby. To incorporate them with breakfast we made breakfast burritos with tons of veggies (sweet potatoes are my favorite in them) and black beans.
    I also made smoothies with protein powder. I've only tried the unflavored and it tastes like dirt if you don't mix in enough yummy fruits. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CLD74WQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    And it sounds disgusting, but I was desperate the other morning so I made oatmeal with peanut butter and banana and it actually wasn't too bad.
    Quinoa and black bean veggie burgers are yummy, Just check the ingredients on the bread crumbs because a lot of them contain milk. I like these for lunch over a salad. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/quinoa-black-bean-burgers/detail.aspx
    For dinner I ate a lot of pasta. I'm sure you've seen it, but the yellow box of Barilla has extra protein because it's made with bean and pea flours.
    If you are into baking, you can usually substitute almond milk (or whatever kind you prefer) for regular and coconut oil for butter. I even managed to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving that was dairy free! This is the pie crust recipe. http://bakingbites.com/2012/11/coconut-oil-pie-crust/
    I haven't tried these recipes yet but they look yummy
    I think I used to get dairy/soy free bread at Trader Joe's but it can be hard to find in regular grocery stores unless it's super expensive. We don't get to TJ's often though so I've made it in the bread machine. I made this one most recently and really liked it. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/honey-of-an-oatmeal-bread/detail.aspx
    Also brewer's yeast is supposedly good for breastfeeding and it has protein so you can add that to baked goods too! I'm sure lactation cookies can easily be adapted to dairy free, if they are not already.
    ETA: I've also had success adding cooked red lentils to baked goods and pancakes. No recipes, you just have to experiment. I think it worked best if the recipe calls for oats - I partially substituted them.

  25. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Anagram: Thanks for all the TJ's info! I will definitely be making a trip there today!!! I actually prefer their unsweetened, unflavored almond milk too. Not sure if you've tried it.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Good luck with the yogurt! That was the first thing I was able to reintroduce with my older DS. For some reason cheese was always the worst for him, so that had to wait until the end for me... but I was able to have ice cream soon after the yogurt was ok.

    And while I was on my recipe search, I found this that might be a nice summer treat for everyone! http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-vegan-ice-cream-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-204755?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+apartmenttherapy%2Fthekitchn+%28TK+Channel%3A+Main%29

  26. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @imbali: she is only 7.5 months old, but lots and lots of chicken, fish and fruit and veggies! we haven't really introduced any processed foods yet, but she eats chicken or fish and veggies with some fruit with every meal.

    @SugarplumsMom: i totally want to try those pancakes!

    @skipra: sounds like almost exactly how my LO's symptoms presented themselves. did your older LO grow out of it?

    @ellewoods84: i know what you mean about the BFing, but i actually took the opposite stance - i'm BFing longer than i had intended BECAUSE of the MSPI! i just want to be able to avoid the hypoallergenic formulas. i can't eat gluten, so my diet is pretty limited, but it's not as hard as i expected it would be.

    @fussygal: we're not sure if she can handle soy either but i'm also too scared to try it! i'm dying for edamame whenever we eat sushi but don't want to chance it (especially since i don't just eat a few, haha)

  27. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: can't wait to hear how it goes with the yogurt! did you just buy plain full fat yogurt? and are you going to mix it with anything? I think we're gonna try it somewhat soon too!

  28. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Pirouette: I actually don't know. I was dreaming about what kind of yogurt to get (because I want to make it count if she still has a problem with dairy. Might as well enjoy it for the 2 days I get to eat it! Haha). My friend recommended this brand Noosa. It's Aussie style yogurt. Whatever that means. I just hope it's yummy! Haha.

  29. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: if yogurt doesn't work out----there's always coconut and almond yogurts if you are craving it. So Delicious brand even has a greek style coconut yogurt now. I don't like the aftertaste of the almond yogurt, but the coconut yogurt tastes like regular yogurt--and Trader Joe's has vanilla and blueberry

  30. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Anagram: I've tried the coconut and almond yogurts and the texture is just too gummy/weird for me. I'm not a fan.

  31. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: haha i've been dreaming about going to a wine bar and devouring a massive cheese plate enjoy it!!

  32. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @skipra: hey, thanks so much for all those recipes! Can't wait to give some of them a try.
    @Pirouette: yeah, I am going to continue to BF. I kind of gave myself a goal of 3 months at first and we made it. So I extended it to 6 months. But looks like I will be pushing that since I don't think formula will work in our case (bottle refusal). But I am glad it's working out for you, even if it's hard!

  33. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    Anyone have a really good cake recipe that is safe? Im majorly craving baked goods!

  34. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @fussygal: this is one that the dairy free sites recommended: http://m.allrecipes.com/recipe/7475/crazy-cake

    Not sure what to use for frosting though. Target has a premade frosting that's next to the gluten free cakes. I got a box of King Arthur gluten free chocolate cake that didn't have d/s in it. And used the vanilla frosting I found. It turned out pretty good!

    Also if you have a Costco or whole foods, they carry Hail Merry desserts which are super yum! I'm obsessed with their lemon tarts.

  35. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @fussygal: try a red velvet cake! Real red velvet doesn't use butter- it uses oil! My friend made me one for my birthday with chocolate frosting, but you can also do whipped coconut milk!

  36. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    So I haven't joined yet because I don't know what we're dealing with. And it is super frustrating. But I am eating dairy free. Anyway.

    I made a vegan birthday cake a few days ago that came out really well.

    I used this for the cake (doubled and made in two 8-inch layers instead; took more like 45 mins to cook):

    And this for the icing (should have doubled it):

    You can also make whipped cream out of a can of coconut milk and it's really good. I use Goya coconut milk because it doesn't have stabilizers in it and it's the cheapest brand I've found.

    (Also highly recommend Oh She Glows in general. I've been relying on her recipes pretty heavily because I'm finding vegan stuff to be easier to adapt and suit my eating habits)

  37. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Ladies, you need this in your life!

  38. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    So I had yogurt yesterday at lunchtime and just now and so far, I don't think I've seen any difference. The only thing that happened was last night she woke up crying after her first sleep cycle and couldn't settle herself. She used to do this almost every night until we let her CIO a week or 2 ago and she hasn't since. So I'm not sure if it was the yogurt or just coincidence that she woke up. I guess we'll see today what happens, but I'm hopeful!

  39. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @LovelyPlum: That looks pretty tasty! Where did you find that?
    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Hopefully just a coincidence! It would be awesome if it worked out for you!

    Question: Do you find that your LO is generally not the best sleeper? Do you think it has to do with the MSPI? My daughter's sleep really sucks. I don't worry too much about naps because I think that is a developmental thing, but her night time sleep is awful. Frequent wake ups, trouble getting back to sleep, etc.

  40. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: have you had the dark chocolate peanut butter cups? i'm obsessed! (dairy free, but may contain soy, not sure).

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: yay, i so hope it works out for you!! how old is she now? My lo is almost 8 months and has been waking during the night and needing a little help settling herself at times, but i think it's teething for her because as long as she has something to chomp on she's good.

    @ellewoods84: we discovered my LO's dairy issues during the 4 month regression, so kinda tough to say but before i eliminated dairy, she would wake up uncomfortable trying to poop a lot. other than that, once i eliminated dairy, it hasn't impacted her sleep. Teething, development and starting solids have though!

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