Hellobee Boards


Who is dealing with a dairy intolerance or MSPI?

  1. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: Triscuits have soybean oil. I have been eating rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: yay for cheese!

    @gilmoregirl: good luck today.

  2. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: I take Rainbow Light prenatals. The one-a-day kind. Soy is in everything! It's tricky. They like to sneak it in things you wouldn't expect. Watch out for Vegetable Oil, too. Most times, it's soy based. Most fast food uses Veg oil. (Except Chickfila! They use Canola.)

    Watch out for PB. Some use soy oil. I use Jif natural. I don't know if you eat mayo, but I use Hellman's canola mayo for chicken/tuna salad.

    @gilmoregirl: Good Luck! I hope you get some answers.

  3. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @gilmoregirl: good luck at your appt today!!

  4. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: yay for you!! I really hope this continues to work out for you and your LO!! Yummmmmy dairy!

  5. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @gilmoregirl: yay, today! You are in good hands!

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: hooray for cheese!!

    @Mae: I'm impressed, lady. You are doing so well!

  6. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Just got back from grocery. Found fresh soy and dairy free bread--- the possibilities are endless! Lol. Belts for dinner tonight

  7. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: Belts? I think they would be a little hard to chew.

  8. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: gr autocorrect lol BLTs

  9. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I think Wendy's doesn't use soybean oil! I checked their menu and they have an allergy print-out thing and both the spicy chicken sandwich and fries are dairy and soy free- woot! DH is going out of town this weekend so I'm on my own Friday night and I'm already expecting that to be my dinner haha.

    Also at the grocery store I really wanted something sweet and I had no time to look at a ton more labels because Fia was getting fussy so I headed over to the GF aisle and got these crunchy chocolate cookies that are gluten, dairy, and soy free. Came home and spread them with pb (both because I'd not yet had any significant source of protein yet today and also bc it seemed delicious) and wow so good. The cookies by themselves seem a bit dry and have a slight aftertaste-- but with pb? delicious.

  10. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: haha ok. I was worried that you couldn't find anything else to eat and were that desperate.

    That's awesome about the cookies! Please let us know the brand!

  11. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Good luck at your appointment! I hope this can help you get some answers. I know its frustrating when nothing seems to be working!
    @Mae: Sorry to see you on this thread, but I hope this is the answer to all your feeding difficulties! They told me last week that I should cut dairy and soy and I am still kind of struggling with it. I went to the grocery store yesterday and almost started to cry in the aisles because EVERYTHING has soy in it. But, it seems like you have a very good handle on things. I am going to try to get to a trader joes or whole foods this weekend to try to buy some more stuff.

    We have our first appointment tomorrow with the GI specialist. I am very anxious to see what he has to say. I really want to get this all figured out.
    Also, last night when I was googling about all this stuff, I found this: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tSt1VyIgb6Li5FMjMer6xZA&single=true&gid=0&output=html
    It might be helpful to some of you!

  12. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @skipra: My LO is a crap sleeper also. That is why I asked if anyone thinks MSPI and sleep are tied together. Last night I could just hear her passing gas and then of course it woke her up in hysterics. She too wakes very frequently no matter where she is sleeping. Boo. Hope your sleep is improving.

  13. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @ellewoods84: I hope it is our answer too! Good luck tomorrow with the GI guy! I'll be interested to hear how it goes. I heard this morning (but haven't updated the thread I started about all this yet) that the ped wants Fia to have an upper GI series done, so that is happening on Monday (queue stress because to do it she has to drink a bottle with barium in it-- but ummm my kid doesn't eat that's sorta the problem). And then we're also being referred to a GI specialist but I don't have the date for that appointment yet. Hopefully some time next week.

    I will say that today has gone a little better than the last two. I've gotten Fia to take all the breast milk I've been able to offer her in 3 feeds (10.75oz so far) and also set an alarm for 3am this morning to do a dream feed with formula and got 4.75 oz in her so we're up to 15.5 already for today which is amazing. Especially because she ate three times awake whereas yesterday I think she took maybe 2 oz awake all day? I wish I had more milk for her because I can tell she wants to eat a little more but she doesn't like the taste of the nutramigen. But hopefully she'll get used to it.

    Also I totally cried to my husband yesterday thinking about the dairy/soy free thing bc I am such a picky eater and I already feel stretched to the max so the idea of having to figure out a new way to eat and possibly cook more made me really unhappy. I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do for real meal planning yet because I didn't want to invest the brain power in that-- but I did sort of a triage grocery trip today to get enough food to get us to the weekend using as much of the stuff I already had as possible. Things I got (to give you ideas):

    Apples and bananas (to eat with pb for snack or lunch if I'm desperate)
    fresh baked farmhouse bread (from the bakery section)- for BLTs, pbj, turkey sandwiches, and toast
    crunchy taco shells (for fajitas-- I couldn't find any tortillas that didn't have soy at the regular grocery store and I didn't want to drive to TJs for a second time in 2 days)
    Vat of salsa (to go with my TJ's blue chips bc I have a feeling that is going to be my go to salty snack)

    We're also going to have burgers one night and I'm just going to have the patty with toppings-- no cheese or bun (kind boring but oh well), and last night we had jalapeño chicken sausage from TJs that was delicious even sans bun.

    I hope you figure out stuff you like to eat soon and get less overwhelmed! it's kind of a cruel joke IMO-- like we need to eat this way to fix a serious problem with our LOs... but that problem is stressful and takes extra time and doc appts and whatnot to address so we have even less time than usual to mess around with things like special diets and extra cooking!!

  14. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Oh! And these are the cookies

  15. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @ellewoods84: Good luck tomorrow! Hope the GI specialist can help you.

    That spreadsheet is super helpful. I found it when I was googling MSPI too. MSPI mama is another great resource for recipes and food ideas.

    I found out super early (she was 2 weeks old) that she has MSPI, so I really didn't notice any symptoms other than mucousy stool. She was a bad sleeper from 3-5 months, then we did some light sleep training and it got loads better. I couldn't do anything about her naps, other than try to work on her putting herself to sleep, which took like 1.5 months of slowly transitioning her to be able to do that. It was not a fun time.

  16. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    I'm late to the game, but still dealing with MSPI somewhat.

    LO's âge? 17 months

    Sensitivities? How do they react? Dairy, Soy, Wheat, and I suspect almonds but haven't confirmed

    When/how did you find out? 3 weeks old he was displaying "classic" signs- crying, fussy, gassy, sporadic bowel movements and lots of vomiting. I eliminated dairy and within a couple of days saw significant improvement…it took about 3 more weeks to figure out that the rash he got was from soy. Wheat has only been an issue since starting solids and it took a ridiculous amount of time for me to figure it out.

    Are you BFing? If so,
    -what is the hardest thing for you to give up? Still BFing- definitely cheese was the hardest! Although since about 13 months I've been able to have a little bit of dairy here and there without major issue (before that it was immediate vomiting). Still no soy though. Although I realized when I was "testing" it out for a week or so, that *I* feel much better not eating soy…so it might be out for good.
    -good meal/snack ideas to share? I had to learn to cook everything this past year because where we lived there really weren't any options (silver lining?). One thing the kids have been loving are Indian snacks! They are made of lentil or garbanzo flour and use palm oil.

    Words of wisdom to share? See above. Also, when I started introducing dairy back into my diet- my seasonal allergies came back too. Cut it back out again and they were gone, so I've been eating much less dairy than I used to.

  17. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @Mae: try corn tortillas - I've found most don't have any soy. I prefer flour, but corn is alright for now I guess! We did Wendy's while we were traveling last week and I was pleasantly surprised at their allergen menu. So many places just have a gluten-free menu as their only allergen menu - NOT helpful (for me anyway - heh).
    For eating out, Red Robin is great. You can actually go to their website and enter your allergies and it generates a custom menu! Very cool - I wish more places did that!

    @ellewoods84: @skipra: DD is a bad sleeper, too. I think the diet may have helped a bit, but she still takes notoriously short naps and wakes multiple times a night. Yuk.

    @Baby Boy Mom: welcome! Glad you were able to introduce a bit without major issues. Isn't it crazy how much dairy affects our bodies? I really do feel better without D/S, too!

    ETA: where do you find the Indian snacks - are they pre-packaged or something you make?

  18. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: Be careful of lunchmeat. I had a friend that ate some and her LO got sick and the lunch meat had casein in it! Ugh. I hate all the hidden dairy and soy in stuff. I definitely have become more aware of ingredients in things now!

    Enjoy life is a great brand! I wish my grocery store carried more of it. All they have is the chocolate chips and they are almost always out of them.

    And that's fantastic about Fia eating! I hope that trend continues!

    It's really hard to deal with all this baby stress, then add changing your diet completely on top of it. I know how you feel completely. I even started to not like breastfeeding because I felt "forced" into it because we can't afford the expensive special formula. I tried the nutramagin when she was 8 weeks old and it made her super gassy, so I gave up on it. Big hugs to you. If you want, I can give you breakfast/lunch/dinner ideas of what I eat if you need help thinking of things.

  19. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: Welcome! I hope you find this helpful for you and your LO!

  20. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @fussygal: Tostitos brand chips are d/s free! I eat them all the time, so good with salsa and guac.

    ETA: Jason's Deli also has a really great allergy search thing on their website.

  21. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I get the Columbus brand lunch meats from TJs and no soy listed on the label-- yay! I think I'm at a slight advantage with the soy thing bc we generally do 95% of our shopping at TJs so a lot of our stuff is at least somewhat less processed than it would be otherwise (like our pb is just peanuts and salt, etc). But even there every single item of frozen food I had from there had soy in it!

  22. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: Awesome! I wish our TJ's was closer. It's about a 30 min drive and that's a no-go with my car seat hating DD. We shop at Sprout's and our local grocery store HEB. Sprouts is great and has really good meat/produce I buy bread and tortillas there.

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Ours is only like 15 so its our usual stop except for when I want to be really fast like today and hit up Giant Eagle. What bread do you buy there? I always get the organic white but I looked and it has soy in it

  24. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: I buy Rudi's (all the kinds are ok) and I just discovered that Sprout's brand bread is ok and I got Honey Oat. I get the Sprouts brand flour tortillas. They are the only kind I've found that are d/s free.

  25. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @fussygal: I get them at an Indian grocer, but I just found out that they actually have many locations. Our favorite brand is SWAD. This is the store http://www.patelbros.com

  26. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: @Mae: Do you guys have Dave's Killer Bread (it might just be regional here in the pacific northwest)? Their bread is D/S free and super yummy!

  27. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: thanks! Now that we are back in the US I'm going to check out all these recommendations!

  28. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @fussygal: I had to look up the bread and we do have it in my city, but not at the store near me unfortunately.

  29. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    This appointment cannot come soon enough. We have been up 4 times since 11 (it's 640 am) and everytime she's been up she has passed gas at least 5 times and she is just screaming. Ugh. I feel bad that she doesn't feel good, but I also am so freaking tired. We haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep in the past month. And that is always broken up by at least 2 wake ups. This gas has got to go. I have been eliminating for 1 week now abd it definitely doesn't seem any better, it actually seems worse!!! Sorry for my rant.

  30. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Mae: those look awesome! Newman's Own brand of Oreos/sandwich cookies are D/S free and awesome. I was psyched to see them!

    @ellewoods84: oh honey, that sounds awful Good luck today. I hope you can get some answers today!

    @Baby Boy Mom: welcome! Can you talk to me about the rash? I've noticed LO getting one lately...

    @gilmoregirl: how'd it go?

    I think we need to get better about soy. LO had green poop yesterday, and I didn't have any dairy. It was discouraging. I thought I was doing well, but apparently some soy is sneaking in, or we have a bigger issue

  31. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Do you all avoid soy lecithin? That should be ok, right?

  32. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    One other thing: it doesn't help with soy, but if you only need to avoid only dairy, check out kosher food! If it os kosher and has meat in it, it can't have dairy in it. I'm not Jewish but live in a place with a lot of kosher options. It helps! Or, it did when I was just no dairy.

  33. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I was really wary about the soy lecithin, so I just made a rule to avoid it just in case.

    Definitely going to look for the Newman's own cookies!

  34. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @ellewoods84: Good luck today. My appointment yesterday was an ordeal, but it was really helpful. I hope you guys get some relief soon. FWIW, it took a while for me to see any change at all from eliminating the proteins, and it got worse before it got better. It's been hugely frustrating.

    Thanks, all, for your good thoughts yesterday. Our appointment went well and I feel much better about the whole situation. We've got a plan in place to avoid milk/soy for now, reintroduce the proteins gradually, and monitor the baby's blood counts to be sure everything's going ok. B was a total champ about everything yesterday, including a blood draw after missing two naps, and I was so proud. He handled it better than me, for sure.

    It was also a good dose of perspective for me. This has been scary and frustrating for me, and I don't apologize for feeling anxious about it, BUT my baby was visibly healthier than every other child we saw in and out of the office yesterday. So although I am of course worried about MY baby, I know that he's growing and hitting milestones and doing ok. It was a good reminder that we are fortunate.

  35. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @LovelyPlum: We spoke to an allergist yesterday who said it SHOULD be fine...but of course for some babies it is not. I'm undecided about what I'm going to do there. Maybe just eat it. Because I have mocha almonds with soy lecithin and I want them.

  36. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm the same as @abbydabbydoodlebug: - I just avoid it to be safe!

  37. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @gilmoregirl: I am glad you guys got some answers at your appointment yesterday. So good that B took it like a champ. I hope he only starts to feel better from here on!

    We had our appointment today with the GI specialist. No blood in the stool from this morning, so I guess that is good. But, he still thinks her acid reflux is bothering her, so he increased the dose of that. Also, told me to stay on the dairy and soy free diet and see if that helps. We have to go back in 8 weeks. Also, we have to send a poop diaper 1x a week to check for blood. He also recommended giving her Gaviscon at night to help with the gas? Anyone have any experience with this? The only thing that has me worried is that at her last dr. appointment with her ped. 2 weeks ago, she weighed 13 lbs, 7 oz. Today, she weighed 13 lbs. 14 oz. That is only 7 oz in 2 weeks. when she had previously been gaining around 1 oz. a day. So of course I am worried about that. I am hoping it is just a variation because she was weighed on 2 different scales? The dr. did not seem concerned, but told us to keep an eye on it. So, all in all it went pretty good, but I am still worried.

  38. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    Age: D is 11 weeks old

    Sensitivities and reactions: I am almost positive she is dairy sensitive, but suspect she may be sensitive to something else too (other than soy). In her first month, she was gassy and fussy and visibly uncomfortable pooping. Also, many greenish and mucousy diapers. I eliminated dairy as an experiment and she improved, although diapers remained greenish and mucuousy on occasion. Reintroduced dairy and her diapers started having small amounts of blood. Cut dairy totally and also soy and blood went away temporarily. Now have small amounts of blood and/or mucousy poos at least once a day. Fewer green poops though. Also, within the last couple of days, her poo has started smelling terrible. She also gets the hiccups after most meals and has started spitting up frequently, but is a happy and comfortable spitter. She's really a happy baby and I wonder often if I am reading too much into her poo, but how can I not worry about blood in her poo?

    We have no formal diagnosis. I mentioned the dairy issue at her 2 month appt, which happened to fall in between recurring dairy and the reappearance of blood, so I thought things were resolved. We probably have to have things checked out now that the problem has returned and it has been weeks since I've had dairy.

    Hardest thing to cut: milk and butter as ingredients. Cheese and ice cream have been surprisingly easy.

    For those of you who do have a diagnosis, what was involved? Did you see a regular GI or a pediatric GI or just your primary care doc? Did anyone's doc say the stool blood wasn't anything to worry about if your baby is happy? I am just trying to figure out our next step.

  39. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @meesker: we haven't been officially diagnosed yet-- still in the elimination diet phase. but fingers crossed you figure it out soon!

    So, surprisingly yummy breakfast combo:

    1/2 cup oatmeal
    2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
    *microwave 2 min then add*
    brown sugar (didn't measure-- probably a tablespoon or so)
    cocoa powder (maybe a tspn)
    big scoop pb (maybe 2 tbpsn)

    stir together and super tasty.

  40. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Modern Oats brand is d/s free! Well, this particular one has soy lecithin, but the others don't! I will let you know how it tastes

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