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Who is dealing with a dairy intolerance or MSPI?

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mae: I make steel cut oats like that sans cocoa all the time. LO & I Love it!

  2. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @meesker: We were "diagnosed" at my DD's 2 week check up. DD pooped at the pedi's office and my pedi wanted to look at it and she saw it was mucousy, so she tested it for blood and there was some, so she had me go full dairy/soy free. We went back in 2 weeks to check again because her poop was still mucousy. Tested for blood again and there wasn't any. So she said whatever I was doing was working, so we stayed d/s free. My pedi said her having mucousy poop is ok as long as there's no blood.

    It might be possible that she has another kind of allergy, like egg or gluten. Hope you get it figured out soon!

  3. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @meesker: her pedi hasn't yet tested her diapers, because I eliminated dairy before we went to see him. he nurse practitioner we saw agrees it is likely that she has a dairy intolerance but was undecided about soy. Things got worse a few days ago, so I'm now eliminating soy. I guess we will see what they say at her 4 month appointment on Monday.

    I found some interesting research on food allergies that I thought you ladies might like:


  4. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @meesker: We saw two pediatricians (his usual one and the doc who was available the day I called after I saw blood in his diaper) and just this week we saw a pediatric gastroenterologist. I'll wall you -- your experience sounds similar to mine.

  5. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @meesker: we never got an official diagnosis, but when reflux meds wernt helping her spit up issues, her ped suggested we cut dairy. I also voluntarily cut soy. We checked in with her two weeks later and things were SO much better. She told me to just keep cutting dairy and check back in with her if we notice any issues.

  6. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    I don't know if you ladies saw this, but I just found it. Great ideas here!


  7. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: everything still going well? i'm getting antsy to try dairy!!!

    anyone try goat cheese? i've read some react to it and some don't because the proteins are similar? i bought some and am going to try this weekend!!

  8. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    Well, we are definitely going to have to make an appt with her local doc. Her diapers just aren't normal and are only getting worse. Not sure what they'll suggest; the nearest pediatric GI doc is 3 hrs away. My husband thinks they'll probably have me cut wheat next, which ought to make meal planning fun. Here's hoping she isn't egg sensitive.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. A special thanks to @Gilmoregirl -- it does sound like we have similar stories. I'll keep you updated on what her doc says.

    Did anyone else have a terrible smell to their LO's diapers? It is like a super sour, maybe vinegary, abrasive smell. Not like poo and not like the yeasty sweet and sour breastmilk poo smell.

  9. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Pirouette: I think so! She had a tiny poop today and it was greenish, but she had peas last night so it's probably that. Lol.

    I've just had cheese melted on my scrambled eggs. I haven't wanted to try eating it like I did before, just in case. So I'm trying not to go nuts with it. I don't want to overwhelm DD or myself with it after not having it for so long.

    DH and I are having a day date on Sunday and going to a movie while his parents watch DD. I'm thinking of maybe getting some ice cream after! So exciting!

    I'm trying not to be like this:

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: OH YAY!!!! i'm so happy for you! and if you do have ice cream, please report back what flavor

  11. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @meesker: Sorry you are having to deal with this also! I am just newly diagnosed also. I have been cutting soy and dairy for one week now. Don't see any improvement; hoping its coming soon! But, to answer your question, yes, my LO's poopy diapers smell AWFUL. Not like how breastmilk fed babies diapers should smell. My husband told the doctor yesterday he thinks they smell like sour milk also. I don't know what I think they smell like...just bad. Ugh. Hope you guys can figure it out soon!

  12. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Pirouette: ooh, no, but that is interesting! Isn't goat's milk supposed to be better/easier to digest than cow's milk?

  13. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Yummnmnmm. Eat ice cream for us!

    @meesker: I'm so sorry. That is so frustrating. My LO's diapers do not smell, but that has to be a clue to something, you'd think.

    Is anyone else's little one super duper gassy? LO is very gassy, which makes her very uncomfy

  14. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    @Ellewoods84 I am sorry to hear that your kiddo isn't improving yet, but am comforted to know we aren't the only ones with the bad smelling diapers.

    So, I need to vent, because I am annoyed and frustrated. I called her doc to get an appt for next week. When I told them it was because of small amounts of blood in her stool, they wouldn't make me an appt and referred me to an urgent care or ER, even though my husband is a freaking ER doc and I told them so. So now they are telling me to go to the ER, my husband is telling me she doesn't need to go to the ER at this point and his partners will just have us see her doc next week, and her doc won't make an appt for next week because the nurse thinks it is an emergency. Rawr.

  15. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @meesker: UGH. That would make my blood boil too.

  16. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @LovelyPlum: so the rash. Generally it showed up as little granules on his cheeks, then it would appear on his chest and work its way down. It looks like the type of rash that could be from almost anything, but I recognized it because my first LO was allergic to eggs and it had the same presentation.

    Later on, like after 6 months, he would also get eczema which is obviously easier to recognize.

    I wanted to add that yes I needed to eliminate soy lecithin and soybean oil.

  17. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Question: So you guys avoid soybean oil right? Even though it isn't soy protein? The nutrition statement for wendy's says they use soybean oil but the FDA does not consider it an allergen bc there is no protein. Also I just looked it up and Nutramagen uses soy oil in it! So I mean-- she is getting it directly anyways right? It says that because oil is not protein it is not an allergen... I just want to know if I can eat some fries. lol

  18. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I think so...I thought I'd try goat cheese before trying dairy outright! And yes, N has been gassy, but for her I think it's from solids.

    @Mae: I think it depends on your lo! My lo has no issue with it

  19. ellewoods84

    kiwi / 728 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yes, yes, and yes. The gas this little girl is unbelievable. I hate it for her x100000. She has a hard time settling because of it and all night long I can just hear her passing gas. Sometimes it wakes her up, sometimes not, but most of the time it does. It sucks. The gas drops DO NOT WORK. Nothing works. Can you tell I am getting discouraged?

  20. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Pirouette: if I wasn't supplementing I'd prob avoid it just to see. But since it is in her formula anyways I can't imagine my having some would make a difference.

  21. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: I avoided Soybean oil as well. I know that I had Carl's Jr once (they have a pretty good allergen menu) and I got a burger that was ok, but I totally forgot about the fries and she had green poop for almost 2 weeks. I looked the fries up and they were fried in soy oil.

  22. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Mae: I found out the hard way after eating costco bagels for a week that soybean oil is a no go for us. It was super frustrating because they weren't labeled properly. Anyway even though technically there is no protein the reaction in my LO is an intolerance not a true allergy but I have read a ton on this subject and it comes down to either a) our bodies haven't evolved to process soy the way it is used these days I.e. In everything. Or b) almost all soy products are GMO. Either way this change in our food system is only from the last 20 or so years so we are the first generation to be having babies...

  23. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: oh no This sounds suspiciously like ours... Not going to panic, but man is that frustrating.

    Interesting about the oil. I don't know what I am going to do. Thus far, I am avoiding the oil, but not lecithin. We will see, I guess.

  24. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Mae: just want to send you some You sound frustrated. You are doing a good job, Mama.

  25. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @meesker: big time thumbs down.

  26. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Mae: If it helps - I have a peanut allergy and would never eat peanut oil, no matter how many times Chik-Fil-A claims it's safe. Bad reactions have happened.

  27. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Well I ate the Wendy's so hopefully nothing awful happens lol. If I was making enough milk for her I might not have. But when she got 10oz of formula today that lists soybean oil as an ingredient it was hard for me to see the point.

  28. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Frustrating weekend over here. It turns out that a few things that I had bought that were dairy free, I assumed were also soy free. NOT. She has been spitting and green pooping for three days, and I am exhausted. I am also frustrated. I feel horribly guilty, like I am making her sick, and also tons of pressure, because it feels like I need to cook everything now. Don't get me wrong-I love, love to cook. But cooking because I want to and cooking because I have to are totally different things. I just cant help but feel that she is happy and smiling and thriving in spite of me, not in part because of me

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @LovelyPlum: i'm sorry, that's so hard Freaking EVERYTHING has soy in it. I hate it. I was in the grocery store yesterday just reading box after box trying to find something to eat and I got these horrible quinoa cookies in the gluten free aisle that tasted bad and gave me such a stomach ache. bah

  30. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    Chiming in randomly, our nutritionist told me to download an app called Scanavert. You make a profile and enter your diet. Then you can scan the bar codes of foods. It'll say if it's safe or not. If not, it'll say why and give alternative options. It's been a life saver.

  31. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @LovelyPlum: ugh, i'm sorry. Soy is the worst. I hate how it's in everything. I get what you're saying about cooking too. It's how I felt about breastfeeding. I wanted to breastfeed, but then started resenting it because I was forced to.

    Once I got down the foods that were ok for me to eat,I just bought those and ate the same things over and over. I literally make tacos 2-3 times a week, pasta, salmon. Granola or eggs with sausage for breakfast. Amy's dairy free burritos for lunch. Veggies with hummus. Pb&j. Not very creative, but it worked. Hope it gets better for you soon.

  32. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @ladybee: Oh that's awesome - thanks! I'll definitely have to download ASAP!

    @LovelyPlum: So sorry, mama! You're trying hard and accidents happen Hope little one is feeling better soon! I totally understand about the cooking as a want vs. a need - it's so frustrating when you're zapped of energy to HAVE to cook yourself a meal. I've had PB&J more than I'd care to admit the past few weeks!

  33. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: @LovelyPlum: @anagram:

    tagging a few of you ladies who seem to be pretty used to this lifestyle!

    Can you suggest fast food type food that might be safe(ish)? We haven't had time to shop and my husband needs to pick up dinner on the way home. I am avoiding all dairy and all soy except soybean oil. From what I've googled around it seems there are some decent options at wendy's, chipotle, and jimmy johns. We don't eat at cfa for political reasons. Is there anywhere else that is semi-soy-free-friendly?

  34. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: Jason's Deli has a great online menu resource, but I'm not sure if that's considered fast food. I never went to Wendy's or Jimmy Johns. I pretty much stuck to CFA and Chipotle since I knew for sure that they were safe. I know we have a few local burger places that use alternative oils for frying their fries in. I think 5 guys is ok. I think Mellow Mushroom is a national chain. Not sure if there's one by you. There's not many fast food places that are soy free, unfortunately. I've gone to Chili's for take out. I get their Memphis dry rub ribs with plain broccoli. I'll try to think of more.

    ETA: Carl's Jr has a good allergy menu. But they do fry in veg oil that contains soy.

  35. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: http://www.godairyfree.org/eating-out/fast-food-dairy-free-listings

    This list doesn't include soy, but maybe you could cross reference?

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: thanks. yea soy seems to be the hard thing. esp bc i'm not a meat/veg person at all. so i mostly want carby stuff which all has soy!

  37. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: I know! So frustrating. I was looking at ice cream to test out last night and they all had soy lecithin. I got one with it because I just got fed up.

    Carl's Jr's has some buns that are d/s free. It tasted SO GOOD to have a real fast food burger on a bun instead of lettuce wrap.

  38. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Mae: Papa John's pizza, no cheese (you can do no cheese on just half), with any meat topping EXCEPT chicken (which has soy in it, gross) and regular sauce.

    Their crust, sauce, most meats, and veg are all dairy and soy free. Only national chain that is. I hated Papa John's before MSPI and now I really look forward to ordering the occasional pizza.

    The only other one I know of it Wendy's chili, baked potato, and their junior burgers (only the junior burgers have the dairy/soy free buns because they don't use bun oil) with no cheese and no mayo. I would get a chili and a junior bacon cheeseburger, hold the cheese and mayo.

  39. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Mae: I also had good luck with falafel places, but maybe it's just my town. I called out of desperation and they told me they use canola oil for everything. And the falafel and hummus are totally dairy free. I go to middle eastern falafel places generally, but an isreali falafel place is probably even more safe as far as dairy goes.

  40. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Anagram: lol i live in ohio. No falafel here I don't think

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