Ok. My first son was such a disaster sleeper that we hired a sleep doula (that's another story) and had to do real sleep training. It was the worst, but it worked. Fast forward 2 years, and now our 2nd son is 10-months old. We did things better with him, and followed the annoying advice to put him down sleepy but awake. Lo and behold, he falls asleep on his own! But, he wakes up in the night 1-2 times. The times vary a lot, but he's almost always hungry. He eats and eats and then goes back to sleep (none of the rocking, singing, shushing, bouncing that we did with son #1). My question is:

Did anyone have a baby (10m+) that started sleeping through the night on their own? Am I going to have to nightwean sleep train? I don't want to but I also want to sleep through the night eventually. TIA!