C slept 6:30pm-8/8:30am pretty consistently from 6 months until 12 months. Shortly after her birthday, she suddenly started sleeping in way late in the morning. She would wake up at 9/9:30 even 10/10:30. Last night, she fell asleep at 7:30 and slept until 10:30am. Shes been doing this, consistently, for almost a month now.
Because of the change, she has dropped to 1 nap. Yesterday, she napped for nearly 4 hours in the afternoon. I had to wake her up. Today, she still took a 2 hour nap, i had to wake her up today also.
I thought it was just a growth spurt at first, but its been several weeks now. She is sleeping up to 17-18 hours a day some days. Ist his normal?