We just started the 2-3-4 nap schedule with our 7.5 month old DSon Tuesday. So far, it's been working beautifully. We went from 4, 30 min naps per day and 2-4+ nightly wakeups to 2, 1-2 hour naps and waking 1x/night. I'm shocked and knocking on all the wood I can find that this will continue. I have two questions regarding this schedule.
1. How long did you follow the schedule? How did you know it was time to adjust it?
2. If your LO is/was in daycare, were they able to stick to the schedule? Right now, his wake up times are variable, which makes his nap times variable. He's at home with a nanny for the summer, so it's easy for her to put him down at 8:32 or whatever random time is 2 hours after he woke up. I'm a little nervous for the transition back to daycare in August.