My LO is 9 weeks old, and continues to sleep for about 2-3 hours at a time, day and night. We don't really have a nighttime routine and I'm so confused about how to start one, because right now our schedule is so variable - we just nurse when he's hungry and he sleeps when he is sleepy.
I could do a bedtime routine at 6pm or 8pm or 10pm or anytime in between, but the thing is, he's just going to sleep 2 or maybe 3 hours whenever we do that routine, just like any other time. It's not really "bedtime," you know what I mean? Will he eventually start sleeping longer, or should I wait to start the bedtime routine when he does begin to sleep longer? Since all his naps are about the same length, should I just pick what time I want for his routine and "bedtime" to start?
I feel like there's something really obvious that I'm not doing right. I'm feeling so discouraged, especially because everyone keeps asking if he's sleeping through the night yet. Thanks in advance!