LO is 26 months old and has had a pretty consistent bedtime routine start time of about 8pm, with sleep around 8:30-8:45pm for most of her life. Full disclosure, she's never been great at staying asleep, but falling asleep has never been much of an issue, our routines are pretty solid at home and daycare. However, for the past week or so LO hasn't been falling asleep until 9:15 or 9:30ish or later. She's not particularly grumpy, just mischievous and needs me to stay in the room with her or she freaks out. Despite the holidays, naps have been pretty consistent - usually 1 1/2 -2 hours between 1-3pm. Wake up times remain consistent too, around 6:45 or 7am.
Anyone else go through this? Suggestions? Is she napping too long? I've been pretty sick and this nightly battle is draining my small energy resources!