So our nearly 21 month old sleep trained toddler has begun waking early... In the 5 am hour every day. It's gone on for like 8 days now and after a full week of solo parenting, I'm at my wit's end.
Here's the deal... If he was waking up happy and staying happy during the day, that's one thing. But, he's not... He's obviously exhausted. In fact, daycare says he's been falling asleep in the middle of the room and they have to wake him up because it's not nap time. Yesterday, he nearly fell asleep at the table during lunch at home. But, the worst part is the crankiness. He's suddenly become the fall apart child who loses it everytime something isn't how he wanted it. I realize some of this behavior is his age, but it really feels connected to his sleep - or lack there of.
Any suggestions for getting him to sleep in longer? I've tried pushing his bedtime a tad earlier. We've tried letting him cry or fuss until 6 am (hoping he'd go back to sleep).
For reference, he previously went to sleep at 8, sleeps until 6:30/7 and then naps from 1-3. Now, he has been going to sleep between 7:30 and 8 (depending on his mood) and waking between 5 and 6. He still is only napping for 2 hours with the exception of yesterday when he took a marathon nap.