My daughter has never once, in her entire 22 months of life, fallen asleep on her own. We co-sleep and she usually nurses to sleep. I nap with her, too. When I'm away, my husband can sometimes get her to sleep, but it takes a long time and a lot of work. I usually get her to sleep by rocking her, walking her around the room, doing squats with her in my arms (the quickest way, but ouch) or at the very least, nursing. (Although in all the activities above, she's nursing at the same time) She's getting heavy and it's very stressful and physically and mentally exhausting to work so hard to get her to sleep EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I'm not kidding that she has never just put her head down and fallen asleep. Once she's asleep, though, she's a great sleeper and sleeps through the night. Naps are about 1-2 hours. I have been hesitant to move her to her own room because our master is downstairs and her room is upstairs on the other end of the house. Of course, her adorable nursery and crib have gone to waste! I never thought I'd co-sleep, but it's now become our norm. However, I'm hoping to change this within a year. Anyone experience similar or am I alone on this? HELP!