pineapple / 12566 posts
DS: my water broke spontaneously with no contractions and I thought I was going to be induced to get contractions going. Contractions started fast and furiously on their own and I had an epidural at 7 cm. Baby was born after an hour of pushing and I couldn't believe how beautiful he was.
DD: Water again broke spontaneously (and early!) with no contractions. After spending 5 hours at the hospital with no contractions I had an enema that jump started the contractions. Labor progressed so quickly that I went from 5-10 cm in 15 minutes and baby was born within 45 minutes of the first contraction!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
DD1: Labour started naturally on my due date and was a classic, by the book labour. Epidurals are the greatest thing ever. Baby born healthy and lots of skin to skin immediately thereafter.
DD2: Labour started naturally one day late with my water breaking. Fast and furious labour with a half working epidural I had to fight my midwife to allow. Baby born after a six hour labour and we were home four hours after she was born.
eggplant / 11824 posts
Healthy baby and mama following a scheduled c-section. Easy recovery for mama, newborn-LO was a beautiful baby with full head of hair and bright, curious eyes. Entirely and completely life changing experience.
nectarine / 2262 posts
Had preterm labor/short cervix/bedrest since 23w and weeks of prodromal labor but babe stayed in! Woke up 39w6d, water broke in a trickle, with HARD contractions right on top of each other. Got epidural at 6cm - contractions were coming with no break - fully dilated within about an hour later. Only pushed 20 minutes but still had huge episiotomy because baby was in distress and was coming out with his hand up by his head and I could not push him out on my own (at least not fast enough). Got to the hospital at 8:30a, baby born 1:08pm - pretty quick for first baby! I am pretty sure if I hadn't labored so fast and baby's head wasn't half out, I would have had a c-section due to his HR decels. He didn't tolerate pushing well AT ALL.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Lo1: Induced early for IUGR. Pitocin is a nasty bitch. My little boy was born small and perfect while a storm raged outside.
Lo2: Water broke as soon as I got home from my 40 week check up. Got stuck in rush hour traffic. Ambulance took me to a nearer hospital where baby boy was born in a matter of minutes.
pomelo / 5220 posts
Surprise! Only 34 + 4 but he was ready and arrived 12 hours later.... 12 days in the NICU but now he's a big huge 13 month old.
pear / 1586 posts
DD- Achieved a natural med free birth. Baby girl was born healthy eight hours after first contraction. Three hours of pushing!
DS- 38 weeks, slow leak in early, midwives said to call back at 8 the next morning. Contractions started at 11:20pm. Baby boy born healthy 6 minutes after arriving at hospital at 1:20am on Easter!
nectarine / 2987 posts
DS Labor started at 30 weeks after PPROM at 27 weeks. I had three days of frustration, one lousy nurse, no epidural, and an atypical labor. Pushing was redeeming.
DD Labor started after castor oil at 40 and change. I did four hours of light labor at home and four hours of hard labor at my birthing center. Labor was empowering.
nectarine / 2834 posts
DD1: (4 sentences!) Water broke on toilet in the middle of the night on due date and had standard textbook labor for 9 hours. At 10cm, we realized she was sunnyside up, so I turned on my side to turn her naturally. Pushed for 45 minutes and out she came.
DD2: Water broke on toilet in the middle of the night on due date (not a typo - I had 2 due date babies whose labor started the same!). I needed pitocin to start contracting, and got an epidural 3 hours later. DD2 was born 4 hours later after 5 minutes and 2 pushes!
pomegranate / 3231 posts
After fifteen hours of labor, I spent two more hours trying unsuccessfully to push. At that point, I was having pain between contractions and finally got an epidural only to find out that I still had a lip on my cervix. It took six more hours and some pitocin to deliver the baby, who was born eleven days after his due date!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I love this thread!
Dd1: Induced due to high bp at 38 weeks. Baby was delivered 4 hours after breaking of the waters, with just 3 pushes. Everyone was healthy and happy.
DD2: Induced the day after her due date. Pitocin started at 5 am, water broke naturally at 830 and she was out at 945, no time for pain meds! I was high as a kite after that!!
cherry / 234 posts
We went on a boat ride to try as induce labor 3 days after my due date. It worked, and I started having contractions at 3:00pm. 8 cm when we arrived at hospital, pushed 1.5 hours because her hands were on her face, and DD was born at 8:45pm weighing 9 lbs 8.5oz.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
#1 - Attempted a home water-birth with midwife. DS was posterior and after 30 hours of hard labor at home we went to the hospital for what was looking like a c-section. One epidural and a few hours later and 9 lb 3 oz redhaired DS was born vaginally!
#2 - Carried to 42 weeks with sweet baby girl. Opted for an induction with pitocin and 8 lbs 13 oz baby girl was born only 3.5 hours after the induction started. Easiest birth ever.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@LBee: I wrote out my birth story and it's really long so if you're super into reading them I can send it to you .
Water had high leak on due date. Baby never made it past 4 CM in 30 hours of labor. High fever, uterine infection, prolapsed cord, and thankfully a healthy baby born via c-section.
papaya / 10560 posts
LO 1: 40 weeks pregnant. 3 hour labor and delivery. Everyone happy and healthy.
LO 2: One month early. DIdn't make it to hospital, 20 minute labor/delivery. Delivered on the side of the road, healthy baby and mama--miracle.
pear / 1718 posts
Back labored at home for 28 hours before going to the hospital. Eighteen hours later, pushed for 2 more hours. Best moment of my life feeling that sweet peanut be placed on my chest.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
Lost my mucus plug and started 24 hours of early labour. After another 12 hours, we went to the hospital (I was dilated to a 7-8), where they broke my water. Epidural after 44 hours labour, baby was born in three pushes (under 20 minutes).
nectarine / 2115 posts
With high blood pressure and the possibility of induction, we jump-started labor with a prenatal massage. I labored for 10 hours and was crowning when we finally arrived at the birth center. They transferred me to the hospital (across the street) due to my blood pressure, and our daughter was born after 40 minutes of pushing, just 12 hours after my first contraction.
bananas / 9973 posts
DD - Extreme pain and vomiting going from 1cm to 8cm within 2 hours before getting an epi. Fast labor, fast transition, fast pushing. Perfect little girl worth it all!
DS - Delivered less than 4 hours from stepping foot in hospital! Perfect little peanut arrived 2.5 weeks early. Doctor said it was the cleanest delivery with just 2 pushes!
eggplant / 11716 posts
LO 1: 28 hour labor. I labored all night at home until my contractions were very close and very intense. Unfortunately I was still only 3 cm dilated, so after 5 hours and only 1 more cm dilated I begged for an epidural. 12 more hours later, a beautiful baby girl was born after only a few rounds of pushing.
LO2: I checked into the hospital at 12:25 pm and pushed baby girl 2 out at 12:56 pm. The first 10 minutes of that was spent at the check in desk giving my insurance info while trying not to push. They didnt even have time to get a room ready for me.
persimmon / 1367 posts
Induction started on my due date because a scheduled ultrasound showed low fluid. After 40 hours of no progress, the doctors decided to give up for the night and stopped pitocin and gave me a morphine shot so I could sleep, with a plan to consider a c-section in the morning. Water broke an hour later, and then came contractions without breaks in between, dilation from 1-10 centimeters in an hour, an epidural (whew!)and then tiny baby girl!
(Worst run on sentences ever!)
nectarine / 2964 posts
This is fun haha. My 3 sentence story:
Labor started at midnight and I basically listened to DH snore through the night in pain. My mom made me eat claiming I needed energy to push yet I puked everything out when I got to the hospital at 4pm. Started pushing a bit after midnight the next day and half an hour later my baby was here
apricot / 378 posts
I don't have any to add, but wanted to say I thoroughly enjoy reading each of these!!
coffee bean / 45 posts
Scheduled c section Tuesday but he was pushing to get out Sunday evening.
Tried to tell him to just wait one more day since our obgyn only gets Monday's off and we wouldn't want to intrude....
Monday morning, 5cm dilated, couldn't wait and rushed to the hospital to do a c section within an hour of calling my doc to come deliver hahaha
kiwi / 635 posts
These are awesome!!
After sending my husband to bed I labored alone throughout the night not wanting to go to the hospital too early.. Finally past 5am I woke my husband saying we should go to the hospital. While my husband was getting ready I suddenly felt like I had to push and we RUSHED to the hospital (thank God no traffic at 6am) and I pushed my son out in 5 min!
pomelo / 5093 posts
40 weeks of stressing out about another terrible induction. Beautiful, perfect water birth. Damn that hurt.
apricot / 329 posts
External cephalic version to turn stubbornly breech baby at 37w0d caused PROM and placental abruption with bleeding that almost made husband pass out.
Stubborn mama still hoping for a vaginal birth tried to labor for a few hours despite bleeding from abruption, but when things turned worse we flew into the OR for a C-section.
Beautiful, healthy baby greeted with love and tears of joy a few weeks early, and mama recovered quickly, wondering why she had been so adamant to try to avoid a C-section in the first place.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Induced at 42 weeks and labored in the tub without any pain meds. Pushed for 40 minutes and baby shot out like a cork. Passed out when going to the bathroom after delivery and wasn't allowed to stand up alone until I was discharged.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Bumping this thread for more stories!
DS: Scheduled induction at 39+1 (at 3-1/2 cm dilated), 8 am pitocin, 10:30 dr. broke water, 11:45 epidural, 2:30 beautiful baby boy born after 3 contractions/sets of pushes.
DH and I were in tears as DS got perfect Apgar scores and immediately started breastfeeding.
After my mom/dad/sister came in to meet him we finally decided on naming him Ethan.
DD due in 3 weeks!
clementine / 777 posts
Induced at 39 weeks for gestational thromocytopenia and received first cytotec dose at 1 am, second at 6 am, water broke at 6:55 am on its own at 0 cm. Got epidural around 9:00 a.m and was 10 cm and ready to push at 9:30 a.m. Baby girl born at 10:30 am.
honeydew / 7504 posts
27 hours of labor with 3 hours of pushing. Epidural fell out before pushing even started. Baby born after vacuum-assist, not breathing, revived within a minute.
About 7 hours of labor with 4 minutes of pushing. Went from 5-10cm in 20 minutes! Doctor wasn't quite ready for my first push!
pomegranate / 3375 posts
Spontaneous labor started at 39w+4d. Everything was super-fast and intense. Delivered a healthy baby girl at home, after a 6 hour labor and 15 minutes of pushing.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
1. Induction due to LGA at 39w starting with cervical ripening. Water broke naturally and labor progressed with minimal interventions. Thankfully I had an epidural because she was sunny side up and I pushed for 3 hours before she came out!
2. Induction with pitocin that didn't start until OB broke my water. Very quickly progressed; Once epidural was placed and I rested for an hour, I was crowning. He came out with just a few pushes!
3. Induction that again did not respond to cervical ripening or pitocin so they broke my water at 2cm. Very quickly went into transition before an epidural could be placed. Born without pain meds with lots of pain, the largest of my babies at 10lbs!
pomelo / 5791 posts
DS1 - Scheduled csection due to my detached retinas. No complications. Healthy, giant baby.
DS2 - Prodromal labor for 2 weeks led to actual labor. Didn't make it to that scheduled csection this time, though the csec itself was uncomplicated. Despite barfing once in recovery, DS was born healthy a few days early.
DD1 - Here's hoping for a repeat of DS1's birth story, with a girl in the end
kiwi / 698 posts
Midwife did a stretch and sweep at 39+6, sporadic contractions (4-6 minutes apart) started later that night and lasted 28 hours. Water broke after 28 hours of early labour, and two hours later went to the hospital for an epidural at 5cm. DD was born 3 hours after epidural, and 40 minutes of pushing.
Expecting DD2 in 2 weeks!
squash / 13199 posts
DD: Low fluid past her due date, which led to failed induction and c-section. Scary but ended well
DS: Scheduled family centered C-section. No surprises this time. Bigger baby than expected!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Six days past due and no signs of growing baby or body ready for birth doctors recommend cesarean. After much soul searching in the middle of the night scheduled a cesarean for a few hours later. Healthy, but smaller than expected, baby boy emerged marking his debut with loud cries!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
DS1: Spontaneous water breakage with no contractions. I had a 36 hour failed induction that turned to an emergency C-section. DS was a screaming angry baby from the moment he was born and he went to NICU for jaundice.
DS2: Scheduled C-section with a perfect on-time delivery. Baby was content and sweet with a great latch. We were discharged 48 hours later.
persimmon / 1445 posts
My baby was nine days overdue when I was induced. I changed my mind about natural birth halfway through. Baby girl was 9 lbs 6 oz and perfect!
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