nectarine / 2460 posts
I had been having contractions all night but at a regular dr appt in the morning they told me I wasn't in labor so I went to work, where real labor started 2 hours later. After checking in they broke my water to speed things along and that's when I decided I needed an epidural. After 12 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing, baby boy was born just after midnight on his due date!
nectarine / 2243 posts
I'm taking creative license with a haiku:
Baby late, induced.
Watched final Seinfeld, then pushed.
Finally, a girl.
watermelon / 14467 posts
Baby 2:
11 days overdue. One tired mama schedules a BPP, only to go into labor two hours later. After 22 hours, they broke my water and 15 minutes later she was out.
pomelo / 5509 posts
I was 39+4 and had my first real contraction at 6:30 pm. Labored at home for 12 hours and got to the hospital in the early morning at 6 cm and 90% effaced. Labored for another 6.5 hours and pushed for 1.5 hours to achieve a super painful natural birth!
persimmon / 1129 posts
@Littlebit7: Love your haiku!
My first: Baby girl flipped frank breach at 38.5 weeks and immediately got wedged in my pelvis. Surprise scheduled c-section at 39 weeks! Our baby-friendly hospital made the whole process really lovely and I got to hold her right away.
My second: No regrets on having a second planned c-section. He was healthy and wonderful and super puffy from all the fluids I received in pre-op. I had an allergic reaction to anesthesia that made my nose itch so badly it made me cry!
clementine / 828 posts
DS1: Water broke in the middle of the night, and contractions started. Got epidural at 6 cm despite only moderate pain, which slowed labor, but pitocin got things going again. After two hours of pushing and an episiotomy, 12 hours after water broke, DS1 was born.
DS2: Induced for large size, starting with pitocin. After breaking water, contractions got painful, and got epidural at 8 cm, which again slowed labor. Eight hours after starting pitocin, and after 30 minutes of pushing, DS2 was born and immediately put on my chest.
pear / 1728 posts
My water broke spontaneously at 38+5 and contractions were painful and 2-3 minutes apart immediately. We went to the hospital where I got my epidural placed when I was 7cm about an hour after arriving. Started pushing about 1.5 hours later and she was born in 10 minutes!
pomelo / 5220 posts
Water broke in the middle of the night at 34w + 4d. 14 hours later, a not that tiny little guy was here. 12 days later, we were home.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Weds 4 pm checked in for induction and cervidil inserted. 1 cm dilated Thurs morning, walk, walk, walk, walk, still 1 cm dilated Thurs night. Friday morning epidural placed at 6 am, foley bulbs inserted, 10 cm by 6 pm but baby had to drop, flip from side to side for a few hours and then pushed for 1.5 hrs, DD born 920 pm.
persimmon / 1420 posts
A Rhyming Haiku
A week overdue
Sixteen hours of labor
Baby one and two
clementine / 911 posts
I was induced unexpectedly at 39 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. We tried every induction method possible, and I had 3 failed epidurals in the meantime. Three days later, a 9 lb healthy baby girl was born via c-section.
cherry / 143 posts
I was induced at 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia and everything went really smoothly (as well as quickly) .The birth was so quick that my husband thought I was just doing some "practice pushes" (whatever those might be) and took a few minutes to check his email as the baby was practically crowning, which I still tease him about. Our son was just over 7lbs.
honeydew / 7463 posts
Induced at 37 weeks due to cholestasis. 48 hours, 2+ hours of pushing with no progress and a fever meant c-section. All's well that ends well.
persimmon / 1111 posts
Water broke at 1. Fast and furious labor until baby gets stuck. 2 hours later, healthy baby and a ripped cervix.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Baby 1: Ultrasound at 39 weeks revealed surprise breech baby! Surgery was terrifying but my anasthesiologist was training to climb Everest. I cried when they put him on my chest.
Baby 2: despite weeks on lying with my feet in the air, another c section for breech. Spent more time worrying about B at home than incoming baby. He had a full head of hair.
nectarine / 2047 posts
I was 39 weeks exactly when we finished his nursery and my water broke 1 hour later. We arrived at the hospital 5 hours later and I labored med free for 4 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours. He was born with the sun shining.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
DS2: At 40 weeks, I had a scheduled, elective induction that went seemlessly since I was already dilated and effaced. However, my epidural failed on one side at the end and then he wouldn't come out during pushing.Seconds from a c-section, after one final round of pushing and a small episiotomy, he came out and we discovered the problem was his super short cord!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I was induced at 40+2. I had a very smooth labor and delivery. Twelve hours later after 40 minutes of pushing DD was in my arms.
apricot / 356 posts
5 days before due date, I woke up and I had a "leak". We went to the hospital and walked around alot. At 7 in the evening contractions started, at midnight started pushing, and a 3:25 he had arrived ! I was very tired and was happy with how it went !
persimmon / 1095 posts
Was scheduled for an induction but water broke the night before without any contractions. Nauseous and shakes during labor until I received the sweet sweet epidural. Baby stuck on pubic bone so I pushed for 1 hour 40 mins despite doctor saying she'd be out in 20 mins!
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