So Thanksgiving weekend I had a miscarriage (my first and only pregnancy) and it was the most horrible experience of my life. I was playing a juggling act with my doctors (getting a second opinion at 8 weeks) and long and the short of it, I lost my baby at 10 weeks. I was at 6 weeks gestetional sac with fetal pole but no heartbeat. My doctor did tell me to prepare for it because it was coming and if I started clotting and bleeding heavily to go to the ER. Thanksgiving week I was bleeding light brown here and there and the Friday after thanksgiving my clots started. At first it was here and there but as the day went on it got heavier, but more like a heavier period. On Saturday It got really bad and I clotted badly, I lived on the toilet. Clots were like bigger than a quarter.The pain was so bad, it was the worst pain of my life. My husband quickly took me to the ER and by the time I got there I started having an anxiety attack to boot. I was put on a stretcher and waited to have a vaginal ultrasound. They asked me for a urine sample I told them I would try my best because I was bleeding so much. I ended up delivering the baby in the sample cup to my trauma...
My question is, I know everyone is different, but will giving birth be similar for me?
My MC experience was so bloody, clotty and traumatic, 3 months later, I'm flip flopping between trying again and just forgetting about it entirely. I'm so scared to bleed and clot like that again. WhIle I was cleaning myself up before my ultrasound at the ER, a fist size clot (not joking on size..) came out. Never had I had something so big come out. The doctors said my blood was low but it was normal given the fact that the uterus makes extra blood during pregnancy. That made me feel a bit better but I'm still scared... He also asked me if I had a history of clots and I don't. Just my period is a bit irregular and I do clot a bit when it's heavy so I'm not sure if that will play into the way my body works for pregnancy or birth...