We had an exhausting weekend. Family in town all weekend and LO napping poorly and short spurts. Yesterday around 7:45PM I fed her and put her down and she was out. I was so relieved so I went to bed (I also got little sleep this weekend). I was sooo excited to get some sleep, but then 30 minutes later she wakes up in a panic, shrieking. This is not normal for her. Occasionally she'll wake and just need her paci to fall back asleep. The shrieking has really only happened after her 2 month shots because she seemed in pain.

So, after 20 minutes of holding her, shushing her, DH gave her to me to see if she was hungry. She wanted nothing to do with nursing. Still shrieking. She calms down for 2 minutes, she shrieks for 5. Cycle continues. This is all while holding her, unswaddling her, checking her diaper, taking her temp, the whole shebang. We gave her a small dose of tylenol, because maybe it could be teething? She ended up falling asleep at 10:20 because I unswaddled her and was spooning her, in bed. I basically just stroked her head as she cried and she finally fell asleep. It was SO sad. Around 10:30, I put her in her crib and prayed she'd sleep until at least 4 or 5. Nope, up at 12:30, but this time just to eat, no shrieking.

Thoughts? Could it literally be that she was just overtired? Or do we think teething? Anything I didn't check that you would have? It feels so terrible to not know what is exactly wrong and not be able to sooth your own child