I'm stressing. This has been the cycle from hell. This is my 5th cycle trying, and it's been so weird. Crazy temps, no CM, 4 days of spotting (dark spotting - not red), and I'm now on my 3rd day of positive OPKs. I don't know what is going on with my body! I've had 4 previous cycles that were all great...this is my first time ever spotting mid cycle, and my first time having 3 positive tests. I normally have two days of positive. And they aren't 'hm, I wonder if this is positive?' They are BLARINGLY positive. At first I thought the spotting was from some over zealous BDing (lol, sorry) but 4 days of it?? Not likely.
Any ideas or suggestions on what's happening with me? I just feel like crying. This cycle has been such a disaster, and I feel like its a total wash now. I am so bummed!