My LO is 4 month 23 days old, and he's been fighting us on feeding for about 2 weeks now but nothing like this weekend. Starting yesterday he cried when I tried to nurse him the regular times, and today, he basically skipped 2 meals!
Normally we would feed him 7:30a, 10:15a, 1:15p, 3:30p, and 6:30p. He would wake once at night around 3am to feed one more time. This morning when I nursed (and he fought), he basically took 1 oz at 7:30a, SKIPPED 10:15a (I tried to nurse him but he cried and fought hysterically), and he's now napping and I am about to wake him to try to feed him again for the 1:15p feed.
He look really normal in general but I am freaked out a bit. He plays and is active and all except when I tried to feed him then he would fight and cry. I am a bit worried about my supply because now I don't know if I should pump or if I should wait 15 mins and try again...etc. I didn't want to establish a habit of pumping and feeding bottles so I am trying to avoid that.
Has this happened to you all? What did you do?