We have been seriously struggling this month with fussiness and naps (as I previously wrote about in my post) and I blamed 4 month regression. I stayed home this week since my LO will be 5 months on Sunday to try and start implementing good naps. Yesterday sucked. He napped 4 mini naps 30-40 mins each. Today I read about "anticipation" when they start to wake after 45 mins and can't get to the next cycle. So at the 45 min mark like clockwork he started to stir. I usually just get him up but today I shushed/patted him back to sleep and he slept for another 40 mins!!!! I couldn't believe it. Has anyone tried this with success? Is there another method I could get my LO to nap longer?
Update on my last post: He's still waking up all night about every other hour and needing to be soothed back to sleep