Ok bees. I'm frustrated. LO will no longer eat breakfast or lunch. We try lots of different mixtures from oatmeal and fruit to vegetables and avocado. The only thing we haven't tried is yogurt and/or cottage cheese. She will literally only eat like 3 spoonfuls and that's it. Our current routine is

Wake up 7:30
breakfast 8:00
bottle 6 oz formula 10:30
lunch 12:30 or 1:00
bottle 6 oz formula 3:30
nap supper 6:00 or 6:30
bottle 9 oz formula 9:00

She eats supper no problems at all but breakfast and lunch is just screaming in her chair. She won't even eat cheerios or snacks. OH and she has snacks inbetween mealtimes and bottles. Should I cut back on her bottles? Is she eating too much? I feel like especially with breakfast that she should be super hungry after not eating for 10-11 hours.

Oh babies. sigh.