Hellobee Boards


A Cornucopia of BFPs - November 2014 POAS!

  1. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @Mrs. J: Those are some great lines, Congrats!!!

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @auggiefrog: congrats!!!!

  3. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @Mrs. J: @Mrs. J: congrats!! (If this baby sticks we're two under two too )

    So, ob confirmed with a blood test that I'm still pregnant, but I'm also still (on and of) bleeding... for 6 days now... the ob wanted to speak to me in person, so I have to go there this afternoon... Wish me luck!! I'm so scared somethings wrong with the baby, but on the other hand I pray I won't have to go to the hospital or won't be put on bed rest because sunday is my birthday and we have a big party planed. I have already cooked a.lot. and still have to prepare a.lot. too... I know I'm crazy to worry about things like that... (But it distracts me from worrying about my baby)

    @auggiefrog: congrats!!

  4. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @lil owl: praying for you!

  5. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @auggiefrog: ahhh congrats!! I see it! Ok I'm about to POAS. Technically it will be SMU since I peed around 4am but it's been long enough

    BFN...didn't expect to be this sad. Only reason I'm not crying is because I'm only 10dpo so hopefully it will be positive on Sunday or Monday morning

  6. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @SunnyFarmMama: I tested yesterday at 10 DPO after a five hour hold and I got nothing. FX in the days to come!

  7. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @lil owl: I'm sorry you have to go through this, but FX the bleeding stops and you get a healthy baby out of this.

    @SunnyFarmMama: @lil owl: @Mrs. J: thanks ladies. I showed DH after he finally woke up and after lots of tilting and light changes he finally saw it. But he's reserving his excitement until the line gets darker. And that's okay, I kind of am as well. It's good to know everything I've been feeling over the last few days wasn't just in my head or just PMS.

  8. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Mrs. J: Yay! Congratulations!

  9. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @auggiefrog: I think I see it! Congratulations!
    @lil owl: Fingers crossed for a great appointment!

  10. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @auggiefrog: i see it! Fingers crossed for darker lines this weekend! Yippee!

  11. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Mrs. J: @auggiefrog: congratulations! Happy and healthy 9 months!!!

    @lil owl: I hope your appointment goes well!

  12. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Mrs. J: Congrats! Beautiful lines

  13. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @auggiefrog: I see it! Looking forward to seeing a darker result in a few days!

  14. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @lil owl: Good luck today!

  15. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    Well, ob said that I am further along than I thought, at least 5-6 weeks... and that I'm miscarrying...
    I am pretty sure I'm only 4 weeks tops... so she said I could also miscarry a ectopic twin pregnancy... whatever... my hcg is still very high... and I'm still bleeding... if it won't stop I need a d&c... great early birthday gift

  16. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @lil owl: oh no honey I'm so sorry...

  17. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @lil owl: I'm so sorry.

  18. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @Mrs. J: @auggiefrog: congrats!!! What s great thanksgiving gift!

    @lil owl: hmmm, did your OB just do one beta?! How can they tell you how far along you are and that you're miscarrying from just one beta?! Honestly I wouldn't jump to that conclusion yet! If your #s are on the lower side it's probably because you're not 5-6 weeks like they said but more like 4! Can you get a repeat beta? That's the only way of knowing what's going on. Hugs to you and sending you tons of sticky thoughts!

  19. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @lil owl: I am so sorry

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lil owl: oh no! I hope the OB is wrong!!

  21. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @lil owl: I am so sorry you are going through this. Did you determine ovulation? I agree with others that your OB might not have all the information necessary to make that determination. Hoping and wishing for the best!

  22. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Mrs. J: @auggiefrog: congrats!

  23. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Mrs. J: Congrats mama!!
    @auggiefrog: I definitely see it! Congrats!!

    @lil owl: I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope they are wrong

  24. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @lil owl: sorry to hear

  25. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @raspberries: you can take me off the list I dec that I'll wait to test if af doesn't show on the first. Having a week full of positive opks might have thrown me off.

  26. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    POAS Dates

    angelachase, nicole112, NurseDMB, mrsvdv, MrstypeA, Bluemasonjar, smocks, Jone0603, MrsStar, EleanorRigby, getjazzy, Torchwood, Mrs. J, auggiefrog!

    TBD: lil owl

    11/27: MummaColston
    11/30: SunnyFarmMama

    Rollovers: Worrywart, YogiRunner, Mrs. Microscope, Berly, JennyG, abmamma, 2farmmoms, raspberries, Ashleyf21, Willow, ballerinabee, shortiecake, MissLace, MrsADS, mrsjyw, NorthStar, travellingbee, AMommyThang

    Cheerleaders: QBbride, Bigskygirl, simplyfelicity

    @auggiefrog: Congrats!! Hope your line is even darker today!

    @Mrs J: Yay!!

    @Honeygold89: You got it!

  27. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @simplyfelicity: @mrsvdv: @MrsStar: @QBbride: @Honeygold89: @getjazzy: Thanks girls!

    I used another FRER and the line was a little darker today, but still very light. I'll feel a lot better once that little line is nice and dark. I also used a Wondfo, and it didn't show up. My AF is due tomorrow, so I can't wait to get this weekend over!

    And I have a question. I don't have an OBGYN. I was just planning on making an appointment at my GP for blood tests to confirm, then get any recommendations that I need. Does this seam right?

  28. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @auggiefrog: For my LO, I saw my GP until about 20-25 weeks before she transferred me to my OB so that seems totally reasonable!

  29. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @raspberries: thanks

  30. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    So, my # went up today, they'll test again Monday. But my ob is convinced that it's a miscarriage... she wants me to have a d&c...

  31. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @lil owl: I wouldn't get a d&c with numbers rising. Numbers rising is a good thing isn't it?

  32. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @littleblessings: I thought so. But my ob insists. This is so confusing and I don't know who to trust...

  33. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @lil owl: have they done an ultrasound?

  34. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @littleblessings: yes. but couldn't find anything. I would only have been 11 dpo (according to what I think) but the ob thinks 5-6 weeks...

  35. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @lil owl: is it possible that you are over working yourself which is causing the bleeding? When I got pregnant with DS I worked full time and carried DD around and that caused me to bleed. They put me on restrictions. I'd ask for another ultrasound before making any big decisions. Before getting a D&C I would have to see that the baby isn't growing and that there is no heartbeat.

  36. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @littleblessings: tthat's what I think. I found out that the bleeding stops when I sit or lay down and starts when I carry DS or something. But my ob is 100% convinced I'm miscarrying...

  37. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @lil owl: demand an ultrasound. Then you can see what's going on. That's the only thing I can think of. With DS I was convinced I was miscarrying when I started bleeding and I went up to the ER. They took betas and gave me an ultrasound. I had just been over doing it. Could you take things a lot easier and see if you can make the bleeding stop?

  38. EleanorRigby

    olive / 66 posts

    Not good news. Hcg fell to 23 today. It’s a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). They’ll do more bloodwork next week to make sure the level has gone to zero. The good news is they said it won’t affect us trying again soon and likely it won’t happen again. As long as hcg is zero next week then we can try in Dec. No more charting for me, we’ll just have sex every 2/3 days (that obviously worked for us this month!) we are both trying to remind each other that this means that I DO ovulate and his boys CAN swim and that’s a good sign at least.

    The cyst is a hemorrhagic cyst, which is related to ovulation and the reason I’ve been having excruciating abdominal pain is that it’s leaking small amounts of blood into the abdominal cavity. Not enough to cause concern for the Dr just enough to hurt a lot. She said that it should be gone in 6-8weeks so they’ll do another ultrasound to check for that but that doesn’t mean we have to wait for that to try. I think the Tamiflu is helping but it’s like the damn perfect storm over here with the miscarriage, H1N1 flu and cyst. I give the ED docs major props for finding all three problems and not just stopping at one.

    We are sad but we’ve been through hard things before and we are a strong team. I don’t want pity, I just want this damn cyst and flu to go away so we can try again soon. DH is the best, it’s been a terrible week and the worst Thanksgiving ever but he is by my side and we will get through this together. This is all really hard, but he is my best friend and I can’t imagine getting through it with anyone else.

    I'll roll call for Dec in a couple weeks.

  39. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @lil owl: Do you know what the hcg # were? Do you know if they're doubling?

  40. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @EleanorRigby: i'm sorry for your loss, but so glad your doctor is helping. Good luck for December

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