pear / 1788 posts
@travellingbee: My heart is breaking for you. I hope the IUIs are successful! Hugs.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Thank you everyone- I was just having a pity party. But I also know it could be much worse and I've put my big girl panties on and we're moving forward my hsg this morning showed clear tubes so that at least is good news!
nectarine / 2262 posts
Well, I'm going to be poas sometime in November but I don't know when. We met with the RE today even though it's only been like 7 months b/c DH's SA was so abnormal. It was really just an initial talking/consult.
Well, we both really like the RE. He is super nice and knowledgeable. I also told him about my late ovulation and super short luteal phase. He said knowing that, we DEFINITELY did the right thing to come in and he does not think we will get pg on our own. He does think we should be able to get pg with some minor interventions.
He says I will probably need Clomid + trigger shot to induce earlier ovulation, and we may want to go to IUI bc of DH's SA issues (he had one very bad SA, one kind of borderline).
Today was CD 11. They did a u/s in the office and I have 1 follicle. I am going back for follow up u/s on Mon and Wed. to see if the follicle is getting bigger. If it is, they are going to give me a hCG trigger shot on Wednesday and tell us to BD the next few days, and see what happens naturally.
If I'm not pregnant, next cycle will be Clomid + trigger + u/s monitoring. And if that doesn't work, then IUI.
The RE gave us the choice of whether to try "naturally" (w/Clomid + trigger) or move straight to IUI b/c of DH's SA issues. He says it's really borderline. We have to pay for it all so I think we will try a few cycles naturally.
I'm feeling so stressed/nervous/overwhelmed since the appointment. I'm scared about fertility meds and the trigger - hormones (even BC) usually makes me super sick (like throwing up) and I'm so scared I'm going to be so sick next wk after the trigger and I have to travel and... ahhh.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Hi all cd17 here, I got a solid smiley on cb advanced this am but cbfm still has me at high/2 bars and wondfos are faint still. (Eta I swear I'm not a poasholic, Anya: was kind enough to send me opks and I figured I should use them!!) I usually O cd18 so we'll see. It's just a weird cycle for me. Just to be safe I'm not going to test until late after my cp day from cycle2. I can't deal with the anxiety of knowing early.
So that puts my poas date at 11/18. Ds due date in 2012! We scheduled a last min wknd trip to nyc so I'm looking forward to that and hoping I can breeze through the tww.
Good luck to everyone!
pear / 1955 posts
POAS Dates
11/3: Worrywart, auggiefrog
11/4: MissLace
11/5: SunnyFarmMama
11/7: abmamma
11/8: YogiRunner, Berly
11/9: raspberries, Mrs. Microscope
11/10: Bluemasonjar
11/11: lil owl
11/12: Ashleyf21
11/13: mrsvdv, Willow
11/14: shortiecake
11/15: Jone0603
11/16: travellingbee
11/17: Mrs. J
11/18: NorthStar, mrsjyw
11/19: smocks
11/22: AMommyThang
11/24: MrsStar, EleanorRigby
11/27: MummaColston
11/29: Honeygold89
Cheerleaders: littleblessings, QBbride, Bigskygirl
@MrsADS: I'm so glad you like your RE! Good luck this month - crossing my fingers that you'll experience no side effects whatsoever from the trigger or Clomid.
@mrsjyw: Oh fun - what a good way to pass the time during the TWW!
apricot / 278 posts
Cycle Day: 28
TTC Cycle #: 13
Ovulation and POAS dates: My official POAS date is 11/4 as I am going for a beta but I think I have a BFP!!
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: In October we did clomid for the first time with monitoring along with IUI. Today I am 11DPIUI.
And just for fun... what's your favorite cold weather beverage: Hot apple cider
What do you see???!
kiwi / 631 posts
@nicole112: congrats!
I started temping again, for the second half of my cycle, and I got a pretty drastic temp drop today, at 7 or 8 DPO. So either my LP is seriously for s*** this month, or I have a potential implantation drop. Only time will tell, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@raspberries: Hope it's not too late to be a cheerleader!
@nicole112: Congratulations!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!
@travellingbee: I am so sorry. Sounds like you have a great plan.
@Ashleyf21: Wishing you tons and tons of best wishes this cycle, missy!
grape / 92 posts
@nicole112 I see it!!! Congrats!!! how many dpo are you?
@simplyfelicity you are so sweet, thank you so much!! how are you feeling? any pregnancy symptoms yet?
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Ashleyf21: Not really...just more tired than usual. I took a frer this morning at 23 dpo and the test line was so dark that the control line was a faint line. So, that's not a bad thing.
Anyway, looking forward to rooting you on! (You know what I mean. )
@mrsvdv: Best wishes to you this month! I hope your "time off" was restful.
apricot / 431 posts
Well, I don't know what's going on with my cycle anymore! I had a positive opk on Mon and FF confirmed O that day. We had good timing so I've been pretty hopeful. Then yesterday I noticed EWCM, even more than at the beginning of the week. When I noticed it again today, I took an OPK again and it showed another smiley! @MissLace: weird how it happened with both of us! I have no idea what this means but we'll BD today and tomorrow just in case! I just hope we didn't miss it somehow and it worries me that I seemingly can't rely on the digtal opk's either!
apricot / 431 posts
@simplyfelicity: thank you! It's great to hear that things are going well with you and your little bean!
grape / 86 posts
My cycle seems like it is lasting forever. Last month I got a positive OPK on CD 23, so I was hoping that would happen this time. But this morning I still had a flashy smiley face. Hoping it happens by Monday. I hate having long cycles. I swear some people go through 2 in the time I have 1.
kiwi / 643 posts
I'm joining!
Cycle Day: 22
TTC Cycle #: 1 - last cycle was first month off BCP and we weren't really trying and completely missed fertile window. So now this our first cycle actually trying.
Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulated on 10/29? I'm not temping but my positive OPK was morning of 10/28 and I had cramping the next day. I plan on POAS on 11/8
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: We just used OPKs and tried to BD every other day around fertile window. If my O date is correct, we BD on O-1, O-3, and O-4, so not sure if it was enough to catch the egg this cycle, but we'll see!
Chart link: No chart. I don't temp - I work part time night shift so my sleep is all over the place.
GL ladies!
pomelo / 5132 posts
@mrsjyw: yay! We will POAS around the same time! Maybe we two Nov mamas will get some BFPs in November.
apricot / 311 posts
@mrsvdv: right! its so bizarre.
So I'm 6dpo today and started spotting. not gonna lie, i definitely had a meltdown and started bawling my eyes out earlier. Every cycle i either start spotting on 7 or 9dpo and convince myself its implantation bleeding and its always my period because of a super short LP. but i O'd 5 days earlier so i was REALLY hoping for at least a 10 day LP, but this is just ridiculous if it got even shorter. please please please send prayers/good vibes that this could actually be implantation this time. fingers crossed!
apricot / 431 posts
@MissLace: sticky thoughts coming your way!! Try not to worry, it could just as likely be implantation bleeding!
grape / 92 posts
@simplyfelicity that's a great sign! The more bold the line the better! I can't even imagine the happiness you are feeling, and u deserve it! Hopefully I can join you soon thanks for cheering me on!
kiwi / 643 posts
@MissLace: FX that it's just implantation bleeding!
Ugh, I'm about 3dpo and this week is just dragging. I feel like the first half of the 2ww is worse because any "symptom" I have, I know is just from progesterone and ovulating. At least at last half of the 2ww I can symptom spot!
cherry / 114 posts
I have absolutely no POAS itches right now. I think it's because I'm fairly confident that we missed my fertile window by a couple days. I'm just ready for AF to show up this week so we can really start TTC
kiwi / 631 posts
Well, I started spotting. Even though I feel like AF is about to drop I have a little hope. The spotting looked a little different than my normal pre-AF spotting. If it is AF, I had a 9 day LP this month, which is just depressing.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@angelachase: congrats!! I like to lurk on this board and have been rooting for you!
@nicole112: November is off to a great start! Congrats to you too!
kiwi / 631 posts
AF showed up. On to cycle 6. I should be able to test again on the 30th though.
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
New here. I wasn't going to post until I actually got pregnant but this waiting game is harder than I thought! I found these boards through a friend who has a 3 month old and have been lurking for a week or so. Here's my info:
Cycle Day: 23
TTC Cycle: #1
Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulated either the 24th or the 25th, POAS 11/8 or 11/9 (I'd like to wait until AF is due if I can hold out that long).
Baby: #1
Plan: Well, since we are both women we have to plan a little harder. We are using a known donor and did two home (actually hotel) inseminations using fresh semen on the 24th and 25th of last month. Plan to use same donor again next cycle if this one doesn't take.
This wait is going SO SLOWLY!! I have been quietly symptom spotting and not seeing much, although I have felt mild cramps on and off ever since insem. Not normal for me but VERY mild so hard to take them seriously. Otherwise I feel pretty normal I think, although I'm not sure what normal is since I've never paid this close attention to my body! Just trying to get through the days without being too nuts. Luckily we have a big farm project on our property this weekend so I should be able to pass the time until I work again on Wednesday without too much trouble.
pear / 1548 posts
@2farmmoms: good luck! My friends just got a positive using a known donor doing home imseminations! They needed some medical intervention, but we're successful twice (first was a mc) with at home inseminations!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@2farmmoms: welcome! A friend of a friend had two kiddos through at-home insemination, both times it worked the first cycle! Fingers crossed for you guys!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
So cd19 and still no pos opk and no peak on monitor. I'm kind of just winging it this cycle now so you can take me off the list. Not sure when my poas date will be if I even O at all.
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