At LO's daycare every day they send us home with a daily report sheet. They write down feedings, diaper changes, activities, naps etc.

As most of you know M doesn't hardly nap anymore, just 20-30 minute cat naps. So yesterday when my husband picked up M the girls asked him do you notice anything different M did today? He looks at the sheet and said well it looks like she ate more than she usually does.

She said, no, she took a 2 HOUR nap!!! She proceeded to tell him how all the teachers were so happy and proud of themselves that they got her down for a 2 hour nap! haha

I love her teachers, they are pretty great. They really took a liking to her and tell my husband that they "fight" over who gets to hold her. hehe

Anyway, just thought I'll share a positive daycare story since we're always sharing bad stories!