Hellobee Boards


A Season of Miracles - December 2014 POAS

  1. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    @autumnlove: WHHHHAAAT! I'm so excited for you! Fx that everything goes smoothly for you and baby

    As for me, I'm definitely out. I was too sick and timing was never right. Maybe next month! But woohoo for all the new BFPs!

  2. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    Finally on cd21!!.. I hope I have a longer lp than 9 days, that can't be healthy

  3. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @AMommyThang: BD time!!!

    @SugarplumsMom: thank you! I'm excited, nervous and terrified for 3.
    FX for next month!

  4. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @AMommyThang: I got mine this morning too! Good Luck!!!

  5. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @sunnyfarmmama...that's awesome! Baby dust!!

  6. FairSeas

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    Ladies using the OPKs, I think I'm going to have to do them at the office (thankfully the bathroom on my hall is pretty private), so I have a couple questions:

    Do you use a cup and dip the test or...??? Do you recommend saving to compare day to day? In a baggie or something. Does it make sense to test at 11 and maybe 6pm or is 2x a day not necessary?

  7. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    I usually have a baggie with a cup to pee in and a few OPK's in their packages (wondfos). I end up saving it as I don't have time to sit in there for awhile while it changes color. Then, I just look in the baggie in my purse when I get to my desk and pitch it either at home or at my desk. When I use the Clear Blue OPK's, I tend to use those at home..

    I'm curious to see what the other ladies do!

  8. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @AMommyThang: @SunnyFarmMama: good luck ladies I got my postive yesterday. I hope we all get bfps in a week or so

  9. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    POAS Dates

    Mrs. J; abmamma; Mrs. Microscope; yerpie110; kjpugs; MissLace; mrs scrapbook; pinkcrayon; MrsADS; autumnlove

    TBD: raspberries; Crystal

    12/10: kgbee
    12/14: snickers
    12/20: imabee; travellingbee
    12/21: mrsdoo
    12/23: AprilFool; Mrs.GM
    12/24: Bea
    12/25: AMommyThang
    12/26: SunnyFarmMama
    12/29: Honeygold89
    12/30: My Only Sunshine
    12/31: EleanorRigby; yogirunner; berly; mrscobee; chaosmaven; jaguar

    Rollover to January: 2farmmoms; jennyg; ballerinabee; hilsy85; fairseas; Navy_Mommy; Willow; shellio; busylizzy111; NorthStar; sugarplumsmom

    Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee; californiadreams; mrsjd

  10. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @Honeygold89: me too!!!

  11. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @FairSeas: I can't really say for testing at work since I'm a SAHM but I use a small cup to pee in. And yes I would save them to compare day to day!

  12. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @autumnlove: duuuuuude! That's one hell of a line! Congratulations!!!!!

  13. FairSeas

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @SunnyFarmMama: thanks! I only scrolled through the thread briefly today, but I saw you were discussing still nursing/ovulation. I was looking this up yesterday and I could find much on it. LLL has a question and answer page though that makes it sound like if you are no longer night nursing ( or alternatively going 8+ during the day with no nursing) you should be ok. Interested to see how my temps look this month though!

  14. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: hey, thanks for listening to me babble about my chart!

  15. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @autumnlove: heh!! No probo!

  16. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    I use a cup too and I only test with fmu and right before I go to bed.

  17. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    So random question... Since a positive opk indicates your about to ovulate do u say that the following day is dpo 1? Or consider the next day your ovulation day and two days after positive opk as dpo 1?..

    Wow that came out confusing

  18. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @AMommyThang: I learned whenever I temped that I was actually Oing two days after a positive and had always assumed I was Oing the day after the positive....anyway I count the day after ovulation as 1 dpo.

  19. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @FairSeas: I go 12+ hours without nursing so I'm hoping that isn't a factor. I'm thinking maybe I've just been missing my window. Apparently I'm ovulating later than CD14 so FX it happens this month

  20. snickers

    cherry / 168 posts

    And im out. Got AF today.

    In a way though maybe it is for the best, we just found out that DH has been chosen to go to the UK in a representative parliament team for the Rugby World cup next Sept.
    Seeing that we are in New Zealand, England is literally on the other side of the world to us so I guess its good that we are not due a baby in September!

    Congrats to the recent BFP's and Good Luck to the ladies still waiting to test

  21. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @snickers: but congrats to to your husband. That is pretty cool!

  22. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Suuuuuuper squinter at 10dpo. God, I hope it's not another chemical.... Can you see it? I can in person.

  23. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it!

    At 10dpo with my daughter I didn't even get a squinter! Congrats, hoping for a sticky baby for you!

  24. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @travellingbee congrats!

  25. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: thank you!

    Does flash help? Haha it's so light but I promise it's there. I've stared at soooo many BFNs but this isn't one.

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it!! Congrats!!

  27. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it too congrats and sending you all the sticky baby dust possible have a h&h 9 months

  28. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it!!! Congratulations!

  29. yerpie110

    nectarine / 2771 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it!! Congrats!

  30. Imabee

    grape / 89 posts

    I haven't been using OPKs but according to my FF chart, expected start date for AF is tomorrow. This morning I woke up with bad gas pains --at first I thought it might be cramps, but it felt more like bloat pains. I was also very flushed and dizzy and had to leave my workout early. Am I just symptom spotting here (or maybe making up symptoms where none exist :))?

  31. mrs.gm

    grape / 84 posts

    @travellingbee: congrats!!

    I tested a couple of times over the last few days and got all BFNs. I'm 13/14 dpo. No AF yet (it might come tomorrow) so I won't count myself out until it arrives. My temp jumped again this morning which makes me feel a little hopeful that I just tested too early. But since this is my first time charting, I'm not sure what's normal for me yet. I guess I'll know soon!

  32. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it!! Sending sticky thoughts your way!!!

  33. MrsDoo

    pea / 18 posts

    This board is on fire with BFPs!!

    I'm 11dpo today and I tested this morning...BFN. Stark white. Also, I had a couple of glasses of wine last night and I feel ridiculously hungover today. I was really nauseous this morning and just feel like crap.

    I feel kind of guilty that I had a few glasses... and I just feel so bad today that I'm wondering if it's just a hangover...or are my symptoms intensified because of a possible pregnancy?

    Can anyone relate?

  34. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @MrsDoo: Don't worry about drinking. I had a cocktail last night and got that BFP this morning. I think you don't share a blood supply with baby for a few week, so it's totally OK. to you!

  35. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @MrsDoo: I had a bfn the day before my bfp...fx! Hope you feel better soon.@travellingbee: ️congrats!!

  36. SunnyFarmMama

    cherry / 114 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it! Congrats!!!

  37. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @mrsdoo: Sorry about your BFN. That sucks! As some other people mentioned, maybe it will turn BFP in a day or two? They say your aren't out until AF shows! I am 6DPO today and trying to spot symptoms, as I think things were well-timed this month, but haven't spotted anything yet. It is getting me down... Someone please tell me I am being crazy and irrational?! I shouldn't be counting myself out yet by any means, but it is just hard when people say they feel things sooner. Although, I am also well aware that some people feel not a thing until like 6 weeks. Grrrr, this whole process is making me crazy! And I can relate to the drinking thing. I have times that I don't drink anything, and then I will have a few and then freak out, but I agree with posters saying that it would probably be too early to matter. I am such a worrier too - ugh!!!

  38. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @travellingbee: I see it! Wait a few days and test again! Hoping for a sticky bean!

  39. Imabee

    grape / 89 posts

    @travellingbee I do see a very faint line!

    I'm pretty new at this, I was thinking my POAS date would be the day after I'd expect AF, which I'd guess is 15 DPO. Does that sound right? Today would be 13 DPO. DH is wondering how much longer I have to wait to test.

  40. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Imabee: You should be able to tell by 13DPO. So I would take one in the morning.

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