apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
Mrs. J; abmamma; Mrs. Microscope; yerpie110; kjpugs; MissLace, mrs scrapbook, pinkcrayon
TBD: jaguar; raspberries; Crystal
12/5: busylizzy111; Navy_Mommy
12/10: kgbee
12/14: snickers; shellio
12/15: Willow
12/17: MrsADS; NorthStar
12/20: imabee; travellingbee
12/21: mrsdoo
12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom; Mrs.GM
12/24: Bea
12/25: AMommyThang
12/26: SunnyFarmMama; autumnlove
12/29: Honeygold89
12/30: My Only Sunshine
12/31: EleanorRigby; yogirunner; berly; mrscobee
Rollover to January: 2farmmoms; jennyg; ballerinabee; hilsy85; fairseas; chaosmaven
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee; californiadreams; mrsjd
@pinkcrayon: Yay! Congratulations!
The pace is picking up here… Any news? Hoping all is well! @busylizzy111: @Navy_Mommy: @kgbee: @snickers: @shellio:
apricot / 315 posts
@AMommyThang: I haven't used the ones with the blinking smiley face before, but I know some on previous boards have had a number of blinking smiley faces before a solid one. It depends on how slow your surge is, which can be affected by all kinds of things. I've used the cheap dye tests from Target before with success as a backup to the digital, and you don't have to start those at a specific time like the digitals. Are you temping? That's the best way to confirm that ovulation actually happened.
cherry / 152 posts
@chaosmaven. No I haven't done temping yet. I think I'll start that next cycle. I bought a thermometer with the intention of doing it but failed to do so. I feel like my cycles have always been perfect and ever since my doctor said the words "you have pcos".. I subconsciously started showing more and more symptoms of it! Ugh.
cherry / 168 posts
I was supposed to test this morning but didnt as I was running late for work & then my sister who looks after our son arrived so I will test tomorrow with fmu if AF hasnt come by then.
I have felt all day long that AF is starting but hasnt yet and I am officially a day late. But im not getting my hopes up as the cramps im feeling are exactly what happens before AF comes.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@Chaosmaven: I'm out this month! Honestly I'm just happy to have my cycle back!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@snickers: Baby cramps and period cramps felt the same for me. I think the fact you are a day late is a good sign
cherry / 168 posts
@Navy_Mommy: Sorry you are out but great to have your cycle back! Hopefully next month is your month.
@AprilFool: Ooh maybe! Hopefully!
nectarine / 2262 posts
12 dpiui today. I am having betas drawn on Wednesday so trying not to get my hopes up too much before that, but the test looks good!
cherry / 152 posts
@Mrsads congrats!
So 3rd blinking face in a row and my other two tests are definitely negative. I'm on cycle day 20 and my cycles are usually 30 days longest being 32. I don't think I'm going to ovulate this month I'll test till Wednesday and then stop for this month.
apricot / 315 posts
@MrsADS: Congratulations!
Strangely, my CB Digital was positive today on cycle day 11? This is really strange, I don't normally ovulate this early. Not sure we've had great timing, as I wasn't really focused on BD this weekend - I've made the mistake of stopping too soon before, so I didn't want to lose momentum before actual ovulation! But the blessing is I will hopefully get a second chance in December!
clementine / 912 posts
@pinkcrayon: @mrs scrapbook: @MrsADS: Lots of congratulations! This board has certainly blown up this weekend!
Just got my amazon shipment to try out preseed this upcoming cycle. Hoping this helps us out!!!
pomelo / 5132 posts
@Chaosmaven: The positive was today? I'd make sure you BD today, tomorrow and then skip a day and one more time the following day (kind of a modified SMEP). Yay for another chance!
@MrsADS: congrats!!!!!!!!!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@AMommyThang: I get 3-5 days of blinking smileys before the solid. I think that 3 is fairly normal!
@MrsADS: @pinkcrayon: congrats!!!
Exciting few days!
cherry / 152 posts
@travellingbee....really? .. That makes me feel so much better. I'll test for a few more days!
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Whoops, my POAS date is actually the 21st. 10 DPO today and I peed on a wondfo...negative. I will test again this weekend.
clementine / 903 posts
Congrats to all the BFPs!! That is awesome! Hoping we can continue this streak of good luck!!
apricot / 261 posts
Congrats to all the positives!
for me today at (I think) 13 dpo. My temperature is down today too. So I'm pretty sure I'm a rollover.
pea / 18 posts
@AMommyThang: I regularly have 4-5 days of blinking smileys before I get a peak. This last cycle, I had 10 days of blinkers and thought I was going to lose it! But, I eventually did get a peak reading and a temp shift a couple of days later to confirm my O. Just try to be patient!!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@AMommyThang: Yep. See this thread:
pear / 1881 posts
Congrats to the this weekend! We are on a streak!
I tested yesterday at 12 DPO, but BFN. I'll wait to test again until probably Wednesday morning. I am just not sure if AF will show up or now, but am crossing my fingers for the best.
to everyone else that will be testing soon!
cherry / 168 posts
BFN this morning with FMU and a FR pregnancy test. Im so frustrated! I have previously had long irregular cycles but then the last 5 cycles I have had, have been back to 28 days!
Now I am second guessing if I actually O'd when I thought I did. Def getting a OPK for next month.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@snickers: I second that baby cramps feel exactly like AF cramps. That was actually what tipped me off that I was pregnant this month before my BFP. I was having mild cramping and wrote it off as normal, but then I remembered that I haven't had pms cramps since before my first pregnancy. 6 weeks now and still having off and on mild cramps most of the time. And it's definitely been discussed a lot on the August due date board. We're all having them.
@MrsADS: Congrats!
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
Mrs. J; abmamma; Mrs. Microscope; yerpie110; kjpugs; MissLace; mrs scrapbook; pinkcrayon; MrsADS
TBD: jaguar; raspberries; Crystal
12/5: busylizzy111
12/10: kgbee
12/14: snickers; shellio
12/17: NorthStar
12/20: imabee; travellingbee
12/21: mrsdoo; autumnlove
12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom; Mrs.GM
12/24: Bea
12/25: AMommyThang
12/26: SunnyFarmMama
12/29: Honeygold89
12/30: My Only Sunshine
12/31: EleanorRigby; yogirunner; berly; mrscobee; chaosmaven
Rollover to January: 2farmmoms; jennyg; ballerinabee; hilsy85; fairseas; Navy_Mommy; Willow
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee; californiadreams; mrsjd
@mrs. j: Yup, that's the plan. We hit Saturday too so we should be ok... I'm just glad I was using OPKs this early, I never normally O this early in the cycle. Hopefully I get a New Year surprise!
@NorthStar: FX!!!
@snickers: Hopefully its just too early!
cherry / 114 posts
Another Wondfo OPK test question...do they get gradually darker till ovulation or are they just the same till ovulation?
pear / 1614 posts
So excited to see all these BFPs! Congrats ladies! Hoping for many more!
I'm out this month - rolling over to January. Baby dust to all those who have yet to test!
pomelo / 5132 posts
@SunnyFarmMama: For some they get darker, for some they don't, I believe.
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