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wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@HolisticMama: Unfortunately, I don't know anything about OPKs, but if they are like HPTs, different ones could have different results and being lighter today may not actually mean anything...?
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@HolisticMama: no idea.. Last two cycles I had dark OPKs right before I got AF.. Sucks
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Honestly I don't put much stock in OPKs as pregnancy predictors unless they are positive.. Because they tend to fade in and out during a cycle
persimmon / 1167 posts
I am looking for insight into your cycle here:
persimmon / 1167 posts
Also. My RE called yesterday and left a voicemail saying he wants to put me on Dexamethasone. Not sure what to think about it. Need to get more information from him.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@HolisticMama: when I was pregnant my HPT was light but my OPK was SUPER dark. I don't think you're out though. It might just be that different people have different levels. Also I was 15DPO by then. My son implanted on the later side it sea based on my implantation bleeding and start of symptoms.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Mrs tartan: AHHHH YES!!!! BFP! You are pregnant my dear!!! Oh I'm so happy for you. Have a happy and healthy 9 months filled with baby dust. I hope a bunch more of us will be joining you soon.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@bushelandapeck: have a great trip! I really do think you are gonna e a BFP. Try to just enjoy though because you need and deserve it after all you've been through.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@ShayNanigans: I'm sorry you're a roll over honey. Wishing ou February love!
persimmon / 1167 posts
So I think I'm going to try to temp next month. I'm going to buy a BBT and caulk the beeping hole! Hopefully that will allow DH to sleep through it.
I also found this neat site to adjust temps for different waking variations:
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I have been meaning to post this, but wasn't sure if anyone else would find it as flat out hilarious as I found it. After sending it to my sister (who struggled with infertility for over a year) for confirmation that it was, in fact, the funniest thing ever.... I decided to share.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Hmmmm... I tested again this morning and got this.. it's not as positive as the top 2... should we BD again?
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hmm it wouldn't hurt to go for it again today or tomorrow to cover your bases. I kind of wish we had hit O and O+1 this month. It's nice to know you hit the full range. I'd say BD ti it's negative.
persimmon / 1167 posts
I condone BDing all the time when it is enjoyable. LOL. You BD last night, @littlek?
So people say this one: "I wish I could give you some of my fertility, because I. Am. Fertile!" to me ALL the time.
bananas / 9229 posts
@HolisticMama: First, I would not suggest adjusting temps. It's never 100% accurate. Second, does the BBT you have beep constantly? Mine only does it when it gives the final temperature.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@HolisticMama: what a gross and annoying comment. Yuck. People can be so stupid.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@LindsayInNY: Oh. What brand do you have?
Good to know about adjusting temps. So what do you do when you wake up at really different times throughout your cycle?
bananas / 9229 posts
@HolisticMama: It's just the CVS brand BBT. Nothing fancy. I temp while lying on my stomach and as soon as I hear the first beep, I shove it until my pillow until it stops beeping. DH never says anything either. When I wake up at different times, I just leave my temp as is unless it's really out of whack. I wake up around the same time (within the hour) during the week. Weekends I usually wake up naturally, temp and then go back to sleep. I've never had an issue figuring out my cycle though.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@HolisticMama: Yes and it was ROUGH... my cold has moved to my head and it makes me really dizzy and achy.. I really need it to be the weekend...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@littlek: If you have the energy, it probably wouldn't hurt to BD again! But I'm in the every-other-day camp, so if you BD'd yesterday, I'd consider that good enough!
@HolisticMama: My BBT is the same - it beeps until you turn it off! So annoying! So I always get up and temp in the bathroom. I know you're not supposed to move, but I figure as long as I'm consistent about it, my temps should be okay, if slightly higher than what they would be if I hadn't moved.
cherry / 108 posts
Mrs. Tartan- so happy for you!!!!!! I hope it's a sticky beautiful bundle of joy in 9 months.
I got a neg on a wondfo this morning. Not gonna waste any money on a real test until I'm late.
As odd as it seems, I cannot wait until my period so I can start temping. I just bought the book Taking Charge of your fertility-- and so excited to try its techniques next month. I cannot believe how much information is packed in the book-- love it! I'm kind of new to this thing and was kinda wishing I read this years ago. It would have saved me months of hormonal craziness on the pill.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Lady Hibiscus: Oh yay!! That book is awesome!!! I just lent it to one of my friends who wants to start trying. Although with any luck, now that you've bought the book and are gearing up to start charting, you'll get a BFP instead!!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@Lady Hibiscus: I love that book too! What DPO are you? @MrsMccarthy: thanks lady I will be sure to update as soon as I get up the courage to test.
persimmon / 1167 posts
I really love how supportive all you women are. I know I haven't been here very long, but your support and encouragement is really an awesome part of my life. I look forward to logging on everyday and chatting with you. I hope you are having a good Friday.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@holisticmama: OPKs seems to be tricky little buggers...I guess I'll get better at understanding them in the next few months. GL!
@mrs.tartan...looks positive to me! Congrats!!!
@mrs.mccarthy: as I'm slowly thinking I'm allowed to open the TWW door today, I'd love to hear more about your implantation symptoms? I had really crampy/painful mittelschmerz at the beginning of the week, and it was the first time I'd ever noticed pain like that around O. It's gone now. Did you feel anything down there when you implanted? Or just other early PG symptoms?
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Lady Hibiscus: The TTC "bible" . I borrowed mine from the library the day after hubs said, "let's do this!" I feel like it needs a second read-through so I can absorb even more info. It's so complicated! I'm pretty much convinced the odds of me conceiving this first cycle are almost 0, so I have even more stuff I want to try from it next month. We'll see!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@HolisticMama: I hear you, girlfriend! I can't imagine having to go through this TTC (or NTNP in my case, *cough*yeah right*cough*) alone! So thankful to have this wonderful group to go through it with me!!
cherry / 108 posts
Haha- @ Adria- luckily, Amazon has an amazing return policy- that would be a good problem to have. Although, I got my bbt yesterday and it doesn't light up in the dark. Anyone have one they recommend?
@bushelandapeck- I'm not entirely sure. I was just kind BD'ing willy nilly based on how horny i was. Probably not the best strategy. If I was forced to guess I would say 13 dpo. That's based on a roundabout ovulation date.
@holisticmama- I couldn't agree more!!!! I really look forward to this board every morning.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: well in my case I didn't feel anything until 11 DPO. That's when I had very sore nipples. Not boobs mind you but specifically the nipples were super super sore. I didn't have any cramping though that I can think of and I only noticed I had some pink when I wiped. I thought my AF was arriving early because of travel. I went to buy pads but didn't end up needing them. I hope this is your BFP cycle!!!
6DPO over here and it's such a joke! I hate this waiting ARRGH!!!
@Lady Hibiscus: so sorry about BFN. You aren't out till your out though. I hope it's late implantation as with my son.
pear / 1846 posts
@HolisticMama: urgh sucks about the test, I was really hopeful for you but still time.
As for the temp changer, I actually find that those things over adjust my temps, mine are pretty constant. I did an experiment once.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@ShayNanigans: sorry. I'm really hoping February is full of BFPs for us all
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Mrs tartan: Congratulations! That is SO positive! A line definitely doesn't always show as soon as the pee hits it. That's why it says to wait a couple minutes! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
cherry / 173 posts
@Crystal: *hug* I know its super scary... I'm a worrier at heart, I worry about everything... somebody told me one time not to stress about things that are beyond your control. It doesn't always work obviously, but I try really hard to follow that because its easier on my little soul. That being said, I'm going to have to repeat that to myself hourly once I am pregnant.
cherry / 173 posts
@Mrs tartan: Oo! My fingers and toes are crossed that your digital confirms that this is a positive! How exciting! This is what I got with LO. I had to take a digital in a public restroom on my way to Portland to confirm, I think this is a great sign!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I imagine that was ovulation cramping (or maybe 'gearing up to ovulate' cramps??) - I don't believe implantation happens until 7-12 dpo. I'm in the TWW too - the days are just dragging!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsMccarthy: I'm with you girlfriend - I'm at 5 DPO (woohoo, FF STILL thinks I ovulated on the 19th and hasn't taken my crosshairs away!!!) and I'm going insane!!!
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