I am wondering about what phrases other bees find unacceptable in their homes...
I have an almost three year old who is super funny, expressive, and talkative. I was at a friends house yesterday and my son showed me a funny toy and without thinking, I said “what the heck?!” and my son laughed and mirrored me by saying “what the heck is this!”.
I didn’t think anything of it, but I caught my friend side-eyeing me to her husband to call out the clearly unacceptable language between my toddler and I. Like this was another instance of my questionable language and a “see what I mean?” kind of glance. Not a big deal, a little awkward but certainly didn’t ruin the day.
I can’t stop thinking about it, though. My husband has asked me not to say “heck” in the past but I forget sometimes and thought he was being silly but apparently he’s not the only one who feels that way.
What do you think? My toddler also says “crap” which is my fault, and “holy moly”. And “oh my gosh”. He also said “oh my shit!” because he heard me say “shit” when I cut my finger, but at least I know that one is off limits! He’s only said that once, though.
I’m feeling super embarrassed like I have this trashy mouth that I never thought was a big deal and I’m raising my son to have terrible manners..