My lo is not the type to sit still. He will sit in my lap and listen to stories for maybe 30ish minutes, but when there are other things going on, forget about it. He is incredibly outgoing and wants to be involved.

We have tried to go to library storytimes many times, but every time he is so excited and wants to be up front in the action (which is against the rules). He hates sitting in my lap for things like this, and we never make it more than 5 minutes before he is screaming at the top of his lungs to get up and we have to leave.

Anybody else have this problem? Will he outgrow it? Do i need to try to force it to work so that he will learn? When i was a toddler teacher, circle time was optional and the kids could come and go as they were interested, and they were all up close to the teacher...this "watch the lady on the stage with all the really cool stuff" is just not working...but he seems to be the only kid in the room that has this problem. He is like this in the music class we go to too, but that is a more movement oriented class, so it doesnt matter as mich that he wants to stand in the middle of the circle...

Any suggestions?