We're still tossing around the idea of buying our first home. I've found an AMAZING opportunity to buy a home that strattles our city line & the town next to it. It needs far less work than the last place we were considering! The driveway & street are within the city lines, but because the lot goes so far back & the house is so far from the street, it's over the town line! So we'd pay lower taxes on that portion & our kids would be able to go to school in the town rather than the city. Schools in town are much better, but less diverse and our children could easily be the only minorities in their class which I would not be happy about. And you can't walk to anything! Well, you could walk to a JCC, but we aren't members and it's too much $$ for us to join, we belong to a health club elsewhere.

The idea of not being able to walk to anything (we own 2 cars & both drive to work, but we often walk to dinner, or the grocery store, or the park, etc) and our kids being in such a homogenous environment is making me panicky thinking about it! Is that just part of living in the 'burbs? Do you get over it? How long did it take you to adjust to a suburban lifestyle? Are better schools, more house, lower taxes, and more privacy worth it? This is such a hard choice for me!