I have already PM'd a couple people to get their advice, but after Mrs. Chocolate's blog post, I am going to be brave and put it out here. I just hope/ask that no one judges me.

My goal was always to just BF for 6 months or less. R will be 6 months on Wednesday, tears, she is growing up too fast!

I am ready to wean. I just am not sure what is the best way for me to go about it. She currently gets bottles at day care and this past weekend, I skipped one nursing session both days and she had a bottle. She drank one bottle from me, so that isn't a concern.

I was thinking that starting this weekend, we would replace one nursing session with a bottle again. Then next week, cute back to 2 pumping sessions at work. Etc......till the only session would the night one and then stop that.

Or is is better to just quit cold turkey? I am just worried that is going to be super painful and clogged ducts. Should I take some medicine to dry me up?

I am going to talk to her pediatrician about it on Friday at her 6 month appointment.

Any other advice?